
Same old day, walking down in the busy hallway. Witnessing how each student does before class starts. Some were hanging out with their circles, others were just walking while couples... we all know what they do.

"Good morning to the coldest friend of mine!" Zylant approached coming out of their classroom. Having band-aids on his face and of course, his signature annoying smile.

Voltaire stares at him with emotionless eyes. He's still tired of all the action that he did to save Jelena.

"Dude, what happened to your face? You look like Frankenstein's son."

"Hehe, just stupidity." Zylant hysterically laughed while gesturing a 'peace' sign. Voltaire isn't buying his excuses so he decided to interrogate his friend more after putting his stuff down.

"Zy, I know you're stupid but that level of stupidity? Dude, stop lying. Even the dumbest person on Earth can't manage to gain such injuries, " Voltaire squints his eyes and intently stared at his best friend. Zylant swallowed hard in nervousness, guess one of his nightmares might happen now.

Revealing the truth to his best friend.

"Gah! I need to think of ways! Voltaire is good at these kinds of games! What do I do now? huhu" Zylant thought.

"Zy..." Voltaire called in authority.

"Dude... I'm doing training for swimming because I'll be joining the event!" Zylant lied which made Voltaire confused.

"Don't you have training for next year's Olympics?"

"Nah! This will serve as training since I'm losing it little by little..." Zylant's voice suddenly sounds down which bothered Voltaire.

He knew that his best friend is a delightful and chatty type, however, Zylant never opens up about his struggles. He prefers keeping it all to himself.

"How is having bruises possible when you're a pro to swimming? C'mon bro, come up with better excuses!"

"Pro? Me? Swimming? Ha! you wish!" Zylant thought before letting out a hearty laugh.

"Heh! O-oh, hi Jelena!" Zylant turned his gaze to the approaching lady. She was startled at the sudden call but she managed to smile warmly.

"Zylant! Good morning to you also and—" Jelena's warm smile dwindled upon seeing the dude beside him having a smirk plastered on his face. The pounds of her heart doubled and her hands turned sweaty. She immediately gazes away and flips her hair, putting the bag in her seat.

"Well, the morning sure looks good today Zylant. Am I wrong?" Voltaire commented before sitting beside Jelena's seat.

"Why are you sitting here?" The girl asked as she blocked the seat with her hand preventing Voltaire to have his sit.

"Because this is my place. Do I have to explain myself further?" Voltaire lazily replied.

"I don't care about your explanation but I'm saving this seat for my friend."

"Save? I got here FIRST!"

"And so?"

Voltaire gasped as he controls his irritation. The girl sure has this ability to give him a longer temper thus, she's also the one draining it.

Voltaire squints his eyes before replying, "It means I'm more privileged since the rule here is first come, first serve."

Jelena stands her ground and puts her bag on the sit. She's persistent in giving her best friend Aki the place since she has so many stories to tell him.

"Who cares about privileges and rules? Just be a gentleman and give me the seat you stupid moron."

"Moron? Stu-stupid? Hey lady, watch your mouth. I'm really having enough of you." Voltaire threatened but Jelena just shrugged and gave him a smug look.

"Did I hit a button on this smol crybaby? huhu don't cry little one." Jelena mocked. Voltaire shot her his lethal glare and it's obvious that with a little more push, smoke will come out of his nose. His reaction made Jelena laughed out loud while holding her belly.

"Ahm, guys?" Zylant called the bickering two.

"Yes, sweet Zy?" Jelena responds.

"Is it me or the atmosphere right now is really bizarre? I sense strange sensations wafting in the air." Zylant added which made the other two gazed at each other. Confusion is written all over their faces.

"And what are those so-called sensations and bizarreness?" Voltaire lazily reacted.

Zylant deeply inhaled as if he's sniffing something. "I smell... I smell... I smell—"

"You smell what?!" Jelena impatiently asked.

"LOVE." Zylant grinned at the two and this makes both of them muffled.

Jelena acted hurling in disgust at his terms while Voltaire clears his throat and grabs the chance to steal the seat.

"Dude, that's a lame joke," Voltaire commented which made Zylant laugh. His best friend noticed his rare expression of being flustered and he seems, absurd.

"You should work better with your humor, Zy." Jelena added then slaps Volt's arm causing them to have a riot for the seat again.

"Tsk, tsk tsk. Who told these two that I'm joking?" Zylant whispered and felt glorious of seeing them.

Voltaire is frowning while the girl is nagging.

"I never witness this sudden change in Volt's behavior towards a girl. Hmm, my dear friend, what are you hiding?" Zylant thought which made him grin. He put his left palm on his chin and smiled while scrutinizing the two.

Voltaire was pushed out of the seat making him fell on the floor which made Jelena laugh so hard. "Bwahaha! You should have just given it to me when you still got the chance. Now you're—"

"Stop it, stupid lady. I'll only give you my precious space if only your reason is valid!" Voltaire grabs Jel's bag and was about to toss it when Jelena heaves it back. Now they're playing tug of war.

"Give me my bag!" She gritted while glaring at the opposing guy.

"Put it away first!" Voltaire demanded but the latter intently disagree.


Voltaire sighed and facepalms. He just wants to peacefully sit for Pete's sake. An idea came into his mind that made him smirk.

"Jelena, let me remind you about earlier at dawn. The deal you agreed on?"

"What deal?" A deep voice commented snapping everyone's attention.

He is standing at the nearby door, holding his bag in his hand and looking sternly in Voltaire's direction. His arrival made the girls squeal in romantic excitement.

"And how is that your business?" Voltaire bluntly replied looking at him with a blank face.

Aki scowled at his reply making him walk to their place. Voltaire's eyes were staring at him with friction and the latter did the same, also having the same amount of intensity.

Zylant and the other people were surprised at the sudden scene. Both of the boys were quiet but with their respective auras giving off negative energy, people started to feel chills.

"D-dude, did you answer our ho-homework? Le-let me copy yours." Zylant stutters while trying to drift the tension but Voltaire ignored him.

"Aki!" Jelena exuberantly greeted her best friend and clung to his neck with a smile as her countenance.

Aki's attention got driven and gave her a small smile. Jelena ruffled his hair and slaps his arm.

"Why are you late?"

"Why didn't you went home last night?" Aki replied arching one of his brows. Jelena bit her lower lip and gazed away, contemplating on effective lies.

Voltaire watched the scene in front of him while having a huge frown on his face. He's having the impulse to punch this guy despite his familiarity with him. However, Aki's question baffled his thoughts.

"She didn't go home? Was it because of those guys or something else?" Voltaire thought.

"I didn't go back because I got so happy with working hehe" Jelena lied and flashed a smile.

"Oh really? Where did you sleep then?" Aki interrogated with pinned eyes on her, observing her every facial expression.

"What's sleep?" Jelena pouts before flipping her hair. She looks back at Aki and motions him to sit. "That's your place, I worked hard for that." she winked.

Voltaire sighed in disbelief, she's obviously lying in his eyes but he knew that she has her rationales.

And Voltaire wants to know what that is.

There are so many thoughts going on in his mind but the most problematic among all is, why does he care about her?

"This isn't me," Voltaire whispered before taking his seat beside his quiet classmate, Kacey. The girl is startled but it immediately changed upon seeing his dumbfounded face.

"Uhm, no one is sitting there." She told which wakes senses on the spacing man.

"Y-yeah, can I?" He smiled.

Kacey scanned his face and gazed away, blushing. She nods in response and covered her face using the book that she's reading.

"Oh, that book is cool. I like how the humor is well mixed with the heavy atmosphere of the story." Voltaire commented as he saw the book Kacey used to cover. He snatched it from the girl revealing her teary eyes and red face which startled Volt.

He slowly returned the book to Kacey's table and folded his arms back to his place. "Uh... I'm sorry, I didn't intend to invade."

Kacey noticed his reaction and cackled. She wipes her face then waved her hands. "No, no. Haha. Nothing to be sorry about, this is normal for me."

She gave Voltaire the book and gives him her thoughts about it.

"You're right, this book is a masterpiece! The author is good at balancing the emotions of the character. Every scene is precise making you feel like you're the main character. Oh! I also love the scene of how the antagonist deceives––O-oh..."

Kacey stopped talking when she noticed how attentive the young man is to her. He's intently staring at her and nodding in response. His eyes were sparkling with fascination and admiration for Kacey's interest.

"Why did you stop?" He curiously asked.

Kacey fixed her glances and combs her before responding,


The conversation was interrupted when their subject professor enters the class having another female with her.

She looks young, has chest-length blonde hair and tan skin, having an approximate height of 5'6, and is wearing rounds specs.

"A pleasant day to everyone, let me introduce you guys to your additional teacher. Ma'am?" Their professor started and glanced at the woman beside her. The latter smiled and scanned each faces in the room before introducing herself,

"Hello everyone. My name is Crizah Jaile Hernandez, your teacher for emotional studies. It's an unintroduced subject and you guys are the chosen batch for me to teach. I'm looking forward to bonding with everyone."

A malicious smirk plastered on her face.

"Well, well, well. It's nice to see you again, Voltaire Flammia." she thought.