Trap of Fate

Forty-five more minutes before the class dismisses, however, the students didn't seem to notice the time. Their new teacher is very professional, entertaining, and hands-on in teaching hence, suspicious in Aki's eyes.

Jelena can't manage to concentrate. No matter how hard she attempts to listen, her attention keeps on diverting to the back.

She peeked once again at her bored classmate, seeing him cackling with their classmate Kacey. They are talking about something that she can't clearly hear.

"Tsk, I'm taking back what I said that you're handsome when you laugh. You look like a walking meme." She mumbled with her face frowning and her eyes were glaring before writing some nonsense on the back of her notebook.

Aki noticed Jelena's strange behavior and began speculating. He can hear her whispering but it wasn't loud enough to understand.

"What are you mumbling, Jel? You're like a bee who keeps on buzzing. Spill it" His tone annoyed, not because of her murmurs but for some unexplainable reasons.

Jelena gazed at him with a flustered look. She has no idea what he's talking about. "What? I'm not saying anything."

"Denies, I knew you're looking at your back. What is it? Is something bothering you?" Aki was about to turn his head but Jelena cupped his face. Aki was caught surprised at her reaction that made him more skeptical.

"N-nevermind what I'm saying. I was just blabbering hehe. The lesson is so boring, yenno?"

In a quick turn out of events, the whole attention of the classroom was at Jelena still cupping her best friend's face.

"Ms, may I know your name?" Ms. Fernandez, the teacher, asked. She quickly let go of Aki and smiled at the educator.

"My name is Jelena Dianett Sullivan, ma'am"

"And yours, mister?" Ms. Fernandez turned to the lazy Aki.

"Does it matter?" He whispered.

"Yes it matter, sir."

"Kyler Hiroaki Porter." The girls at the back squealed upon hearing his deep voice. The teacher nodded to them and added,

"Alright, you guys sure are a lovely couple."

Aki's eyes grew wide while Jelena's face blushed in embarrassment. Aki's fangirls booed the idea of him dating.

"Aki is single, ma'am. Soon to be mine!" Alexia, one of the girls, shouted.

"Duh! Dream on, Lexi! Aki sure is mine!" Another voice interfered.

"Stop it, girls! We all know that I am Aki's ideal type so get lost!"

"What are you lip tint warriors even saying? We're in the middle of the discussion, stop with those coquettish acts." The voice of a female mumbled. She raised her hands to snatch her teacher's attention.

"Yes? Ms?"

"My name is Callista Lozano, ma'am. May I go out?"

The teacher furrowed her brows in confusion. She looked at her wristwatch.

"Ms. Lozano, it isn't time yet."

"Yes, I know ma'am but based on the distractions around. It seems like the discussion is done and everyone is just poking their interests on those two. I'm not even drawn in those lame teasing that you were doing. Psh. I'm out." She stands up and grabs her bag as she directly walks her way out.

"Psh. What's her deal?" Jelena whispered to herself.

Ms. Fernandez flashed a sly grin on her face and faced her class. There's still some time left so she began executing her hidden agenda.

"Okay, so much with the distractions and commotions but I would like to conduct something inside this period."

Murmurs from the students surfaced the room but their teacher immediately shut them.

"Next week, Saturday, as part of my class we are going camping in the mountains."

Mixed responses of students echoed in the room. Some were squealing, some are jumping in excitement, others are confused while some doesn't care.

Lexia raised her hand. "Ms. Fernandez, is this a requirement? Welp, I'm joining if Aki is going."

"Well, I'll give incentives to those who will be joining. Don't worry, I already have the director's consent. Tomorrow tell me your responses and I'll divide you into groups. Have a good day!"


"Hey, Aki. Are you joining?" Jelena asked her seatmate while she fixes her things. Aki looked at her with lazy eyes then turned to Voltaire who keeps on smiling with his seatmate. He smirked at him,

"I've never seen Voltaire smiled before. I need to investigate further with his peculiar manners." Aki thought.

Jelena got tired of calling her friend so she hardly slaps his arm causing him to instantly turn to her, having his eyes wide, brows furrowed, and lips apart while caressing his arm.

"The heck, Jel?! You hit like a man! What was that for?"

"Why are you so distracted? I was asking you if you'll join the event and the camping but you're ignoring me. Was this about me not going back to the orphanage? Aki, I already told you that I was busy working." Jelena had her cheeks red in annoyance which made Aki chuckle. He finds her cute having a face like hers.

"You talk too much."

"Wow! I think I've heard that before from SOMEONE..." she gazed in Voltaire's direction and found him still busy chatting with Kacey and Zylant. ".... Someone annoying. Now answer me, Kyler Hiroaki."

"Geez, Jel. Aki for short. I was not ignoring you, first of all. How can I do that?"

"Why are you asking me when the answer lies in you." Aki chuckled at the annoyed friend.

"Alright, I was just thinking of my answers you know? And I think I won't be joining the event--"

"Wha-what?! You're so good at basketball yet you're not going to join? Tsk!"

"Yeah, but I'll join the camping IF you're going." Jelena squints her eyes to her friend, being so clingy it made her disgusts.

"Heh! I'll also be joining the event, mobile games tournament. I hope they give cash as a prize, em so broke right now."

"You're joining too?!" Zylant interrupted as he placed his arm around Jelena's shoulder. The girl widely smiled at him.

"Yes! I'm good at mobile games yenno? I only lose if there are stupid cancer teammates" Jelena bragged which made Voltaire scowl upon hearing her.

Voltaire walked in Jelena's direction and pulled Zylant out of their circle.

"Zy, let's go. You don't belong there." Voltaire had Zylant's arm, pulling him to go having Kacey behind him.

"What?!" Jelena exclaimed as she pulls Zylant back, glaring at Voltaire with blazing eyes.

"These idiots really are something, I'm leaving this foolishness" Aki shrugged and grabs his things.

Unfortunately, Voltaire heard him and perceived insult. He detached himself from Zylant and faced Aki. He let out a sarcastic laugh and glares at him after. Aki turned to him and did the same.

"How insolent." Voltaire bluntly told him.

"You talking to me?" Aki pointed his index to himself with an annoying grin on his face.

"Now who's the idiot?" Voltaire retorted.

Before the scene got more intense, Jelena pulled Voltaire out of there which made Aki confused.

"Wait, I'm Jelena's friend right?" He asked Zylant.

"Friend? You sure are only her FRIEND? Hmm?" Zylant looked at Aki suspiciously but the latter just rolled his eyes.

Meanwhile, the other two, Jelena and Voltaire went to the silent hallway near the music room. There they had their serious chat.

Jelena held a deep sigh, containing her stirred-up emotions within. She glanced at the man whom is gazing away, contemplating his actions while having a serious face.

"Why did you bring me here?" asked Volt.

"Classmate err-- whoever you are, what's your deal huh?"


Jelena looked at him with pissed eyes. She clenched her fist controlling her temper.

"Give me your four freaking wishes that we both agreed on. I knew this is why you're messing with Aki. To get my attention. Alright, to sum things up, I'm going to express my gratitude since I knew that is what you want to hear from me." She sarcastically clears her throat and continued.

"Oh my good lord, you were so heroic as you saved my poor life. I'm so thankful that it was you whom I see as I opened my eyes from sleep. Thank YOU Oh! Thank you! There, happy?!"

Voltaire laughed at her comment. He didn't expect her words to turn out to be something that's more than music to his ears.

Jelena sat on the dirty floor and pouts. Her gaze went down while her hands crossed across her knees.

"Cute." Voltaire thought which he immediately shrugged off.

"Why are you sitting there?" He asked.

"I'm waiting for your wishes."

"Hm... but first, I like that little show you did. The acting and accent were on point! Haha." Voltaire smiled a little then leveled himself to Jelena, lifting her chin to look at his eyes.

"We agreed you do every wish I make right?" His genuine smile shifted into a sly smirk.

Jelena is having urged to gaze away and punch his jaw but Voltaire's aura keeps on hooking her attention. Her heart is thumping loud and her stomach feels odd. It's like she wants to vomit at the same time it's giddy.

"Why are you making me feel this way? I don't even know your name." She thought.

Voltaire waved his hand in her face to wake her from daydreaming. Upon realizing that she's fantasizing about him, she quickly moved back almost hitting her head on the wall.

"Hey, be careful geez!" Voltaire scolded, having his hands on the wall protecting her head.

Jelena gulped in nervousness so she decided to stand up and walk away from the guy.

"Jelena! Why are you leaving me?" Voltaire dramatically called. He's enjoying teasing her. As Jelena turned, their gazes met. Him having his deep sapphire eyes staring at her intently.

"Be-because we have nothing to do here!"

"Nothing? Then why did you bring me here in the first place? Tsk. I have many things to chat with—" He was interrupted as a loud and annoyed tone came out from the girl. He stepped back, confused at her response.

"Did I ask what you and Kacey are talking about?!"

Voltaire gasped in amusement witnessing the happy and enthusiastic Jelena turning into a scary and terrifying tall lady.

"Why are you mad? Did I do something?" Voltaire bluntly asked but she didn't answer, instead, she did her best to run away from him. If she won't, she might not save herself from the trap of fate.

Now, Voltaire is left alone in the place having a small smile on his face. He chuckled remembering her annoyed face which he immediately hides.

"Dang, Voltaire. What are you doing? The smile? Oh Jesus, you never give it to someone before. Why? Ugh! This is so corny." He mumbles to himself before walking his way out.

Little did they know, a pair of eyes were glimpsing at their small encounter and felt fury towards him. He gathered all his anger in his fist and punched the wall in bitterness.

"Oh Voltaire, I had enough of you taking away important things to me."