Taints of True Colors

Days quickly went by and it's Friday. It has been a weird week for them. After Jelena was discharged to the hospital, those bullies have been expelled all thanks to Voltaire's power. The two became close literally but not emotionally. They did it only because of their agreement. The girl still hates the presence of Voltaire and vice versa.

"What the heck?! Hey Jerk, get out of my w—"

"Come on the camping trip tomorrow. I'll take care of your needs." Voltaire announced loudly and walked away, back to his seat with Zylant.

His best friend looked flustered after hearing him announced it. Everyone has their eyes on Voltaire but the latter wasn't caring one bit.

"Dude, what were you saying?" Zylant whispered.

"Things I should say? Nothing is wrong with that."

"Yeah, but you could've just told her privately." Voltaire rolled his eyes in irritation while taking a sip of his soda. He just doesn't care.


"Zylant, why do you care about people you don't even know? I mean, I was just telling her to go. What's wrong with that?"

"I didn't say it was wrong but at least, you know? Prevent issues or else people might get curious about you."

Zylant notices his best friend's slight changes in his character, only when Jelena is around. He'd go constantly straight forward with the girl and Zylant will often see him letting out small chuckles. It was weird and risky for his friend.

"Oh no, lovestruck in the campus. This needs confirmation." Zylant thought.

Voltaire on the other hand looks around, only to find two pairs of eyes glaring at him. As a response, he rolled his eyes diverting his attention from the two.

The pair marched their way to Voltaire's place. Jelena aggressively sat beside him, still had her glares.

"I'm starting to learn that you're also an attention seeker, jerk. Will you please just keep the agreement between you and me?!" She clasped her fists while containing her annoyance for the guy.

However, her words shocked their other two companies. Zylant dropped his sandwich while Aki had his jaw dropped. Noticing them, she can't help but to facepalm in disappointment.


"What AGREEMENT?" Aki asked with wide eyes. Voltaire glanced at him with a smug on his face.

"You don't know? It's harmony or accordance in opinion or feeling; a position or result of agreeing."

"Oye, oye! Stop it you two. I'm getting so done being the referee! Find someone else!" Jelena placed herself in between the heated atmosphere of the two.

"Jel, are you keeping things from me?" Aki gripped her wrist, with confused eyes he stared deeply at her. Trying to seek answers.

Squinting her eyes before she smacks her best friend's nape in annoyance. Irritation is written all over her small face, nostrils flaring and eyes were sharply glaring.

"Dumbass. It's been days since I got discharged yet you just noticed it NOW? Geez! What are you up to lately, huh Aki?" she blurted while tightly clasping her hands.

Zylant keeps himself quiet while attentively listening to possible hints.

"Yiee! I don't know if I'm bad but I like it when she spills teas, job is easier for me... yet, I'm sad for her also. She has no clues on what's going on around her. Oh well, I'm team Aki! Sorry best friend." Zylant said in the back of his head.

"Jel, I—" Aki was interrupted when his friend takes a step back.

"Aki, do you still see me as a friend? You were never this cold and distant with me before. I noticed that you'll only react when this jerk is involved. Aki, we're still friends.... right?"

Aki was left speechless. Having no chance to respond since Voltaire took her out of the scene. A small heavy force felt like piercing his heart. It was painful enough for Aki to escape a tear.

"I don't want to see you as a friend, Jelena. It hurts knowing that you'll never notice me. It hurts seeing you... slowly drifting away. And that's something I cannot control nor sabotage anymore. Please, please understand." Aki thought before taking the place they left earlier.

Zylant was worried for them. After a moment of thinking, he decided to proceed to his plan.

"Aki mah men! You okay, bud?" Zylant asked which stopped Aki from chewing.

"Why do you care?"

"Ey... don't be like that..." Zylant sips his soda and shakes his head. "I clearly understand that being friend-zoned is-"

"F-friend zoned? Wh-what do you mean? I'm not, ha!" Aki stuttered.

Zylant chuckled then he leans closer, "Jelena is just painfully numb and you're too obvious." He shakes his head in disbelief.

"Don't tell her, please."

"Let's have a serious man talk. A little advice from me to you..." Zylant massaged his chin and brushed his hair using his fingers dramatically. This man never seemed to be serious.

"If I were you, I would probably confess to her. Buddy, you are wasting so much time! She'll probably understand and, who knows for Pete's sake, she has the same with you or might develop. Right?" Zylant started.

"Tsk! how are you so sure? You've never been in my situation." Aki leaned to his seat while he glares at Zylant with suspicious eyes.

"Never been in that, but experience worst. Little brother zoned! She sees me as a kid who likes to play around. Now, what can you say about that?"


Walking in the pathway with a heavy heart sure is exhausting. Having his comfortable grips into Jelena's hands somehow lessens the anxiousness in her. Not gonna deny, the jerk sure is annoying but he's one of her unexpected comfort places.

Voltaire kept his silence all throughout the place not until they reached the hallway. The part where Jelena was mercilessly bullied. Jelena pulled his wrist and shakes her head intensely. The fear that she's going through could be seen in her face as if she's saying no.

To protect her, Voltaire leaned himself closer to Jelena and stares at her, smiled a little then massaged his hand to Jelena's. The girl gasped feeling his soft touches. She can feel her stomach turning upside down while her heart is intensely pounding.

"It's going to be fine." The most cliché word to say in a situation but 'it' coming from Voltaire, it feels real.

Jelena didn't notice that she's now standing at the door of the music room. Wandering her eyes on the room and realizes it's not the typical music room that any other schools have. It's her first time seeing an elegant music room. Curtains were down, lights are dim, and has a small stage at the center. Looking to her left and saw a variety of musical instruments which caught her awe.

"Woah... I wish I could play at least one instrument," She muttered.

"You want me to teach you?" Jelena looked at Voltaire in shock. He's standing by the window while holding a violin in his hand, still, have his usual poker face.

"Eh, stop with your 'cutie cutie' moves, it's giving me cringes. Why did you bring me here huh?" Jelena admits to herself that she's feeling quite nervous having Voltaire around while being alone in a room. They were not that close and she's already having tons of confusion having him around.

After a moment of overthinking, her eyes grew wide and she instantly hugged herself. "Oh my gosh! I know now why! Waaaah! Mami help! This man here is a predator!"

Voltaire hysterically laughed while holding his belly. Jelena isn't saying anything other than her embarrassment which caused an awkward atmosphere.

"Geez, Jelena Dianett. You're hilarious!" Then instantly came back from his poker face. "But not funny enough. Always accusing me of dirty things tsk, tsk, tsk. Is that how really your mind works?"

"What? Can you blame me? I don't even know your name yet you expect me to trust you. Moron." Jelena rolls her eyes in irritation as she walks by the side of Voltaire. She nonchalantly stared at the violin that Voltaire is holding.

"Whatcha going to do about that violin? Hold it until it plays alone?" Jelena sarcastically said.

"You can ask nicely. No issue with that."

"Just play!"

Voltaire peeked at her for a sec then decided to play a piece. He placed the instrument between his chin and the shoulder to stabilize it. Holding the bow then pinched the strings between his fingers with the right amount of pressure.

Voltaire glanced at Jelena then started bowing. The instrument let out emotional tones, each note was sincere and came out from his heart.

While attentively listening, Jelena can't help but to have her jaw dropped and appreciate his talent. Feeling the melody of the piece gives her mixtures of feelings. She was amazed, sad, heartbroken, and happy.


Observing the man beside her up close, she notices his facial reactions and aura. He wasn't the 'heavy and intimidating aura' guy that she's familiar with. It's obvious that Voltaire is showing some of his true colors to the woman.

"That was wonderful, you did well..." she whispered after he played the final note. Voltaire appeared shocked hearing a compliment. It was strange coming from someone who hates him.

He looked away. Mumbles, "T-thanks..."

For Jelena, his music was enough to converse what's in his heart. She comprehends a little bit of him, and she senses less irritation towards Voltaire.

"I was expecting you to play something like to show-off since you were likely to be that kind of guy but I was wrong. You... really did great."

Voltaire blushed a little with her compliment. He faked a cough while he went back to his typical self.

"Tsk. I know I did great, and what do you mean the type of guy? You don't even know me."

"I did... somehow."


"Through your music. I think you'll go well if you start pursuing that," Jelena grabs the violin and inspects it. With Voltaire's outstanding performance, she's suspicious about him cheating.

Voltaire stiffened in his stance with her suggestion. Gazing at her and he's sure that she wasn't lying, she's sincere and it makes his heart flutter.

"How did she know my dream?" He thought.

Jelena caught him staring at her, she squints her eyes and let out a playful grin.

"Ey, mister jerk. I know that I'm very charming no need to shove it to my face," she teased.

Voltaire smiled and laughed a little, he shrugged when he remembered one thing.

"Oye sloth, bring yourself early tomorrow. I'll fetch you at the orphanage. See you at 5 a.m."