Chitter Chatter

As he shut the door, he closed his eyes and feel the cold morning breeze caress his skin. Thinking about today's agenda, he can't help but to feel excited deep inside him. Having Jelena around gives him chills but he's liking it.

Voltaire checked his watch. It's 4:55 in the morning, five minutes before their meeting time. His eyes wandered on the building of the orphanage, scrutinizing every detail of the dark ambiance of the buildings.


His eyes quickly turned to the screeching bushes. With quiet footsteps, he leaned close to it then sharply feel his surroundings. Voltaire did a deep sigh while he clenched his fists.


In an instant, Voltaire ambushed the bushes and surprised to see a familiar face. His eyes grew wide and lip agape learning who it was.

"What the... Zylant?! What were you doing there?!" he yelled.

Zylant awkwardly smiled and let out a peace sign. He was trembling in astonishment and his mind is still in confusion.

"H-Haha! V-Volt, what are you doing here?" he tried shifting topics.

Voltaire took a step back and scanned him from head to toe. Zylant is wearing a plain navy blue t-shirt and ripped jeans. Nothing seems off with him, just his expression and behavior.

"I'm here, waiting for Jelena."

Zylant's eyes grew large, "Dude, double meaning! Hahaha."

Voltaire's gaze were not taking off his best friend's face. Suspicious and doubt were coming in conclusion to him. He doesn't want to question his best friend but his guts were telling him to.

"Stop it Zy, answer me first. What are you doing in the bushes? Are you a spy or something?" With a stern tone, Voltaire asked.

Far from the bickering two is a woman in grey. Wearing her grey top and silk leggings while sitting on a branch of an old tree having her grappling hook as support. Using her binoculars, she's gawking at her enemy talking with the enemy's pet.

"Well, well... If that agent wasn't dumb to let this silly rat interfere, their identities won't be exposed early," Crisa said.

She took off the binoculars and grinned wickedly at the two. Her interest deflected to them and intently observe the surroundings of the orphanage.

Darkness encompasses the narrow trees surrounding the main building, lights were only a waste since a small area is being lit up. Buildings looks old and rusty while vicinities were mossed.

"For an orphanage, this place looks scary. As far as I know, Flammia's has paid partnership with this place. How come that I see no growths? Tsk, tsk."

Crisa's heart starts thumping fast as her eyes spotted a familiar figure, standing against the light with a woman in his arms. Using the binoculars, she clearly saw who it was causing her to grip tighter.

"How dare they make out while in duties? Shouldn't they be helping their idiot rat there? And why do I care?" She pressed her temples while controlling her emotions.

"Argh! Crisa, focus! You don't need your ex-boyfriend and his mistress. You just have to do your duty for sir Vermillion..." she constantly reminded herself.

Going back to the bickering two, Zylant tries his best way to escape his best friend's roasting questions.

"Alright, I wanna be honest... I'm here for my new-found buddy, Aki." Zylant fidgets his fingertips while looking to his feet.

"Psh. Why? You dating him now?"

"Eyy, Voltaire don't be like that. You know that I only belong to you, right? Lemme kiss my baby." Zylant spoke with a squeaky voice as he pouts his lips while leaning to Voltaire's space. The latter looked disgusted with his act so he slaps Zylant's lips causing him to stop.

"Better... Tsk! You're gross, dude. Stop."

"Hehe, but seriously, I'm just helping a friend ya know? Aki got issues with confessions etcetera."

Voltaire gasped upon hearing 'confessions', he became intrigued.

"What confessions?"

Zylant acted like whispering confidential gossip. He leaned closer to Zylant's ear and whimpered, " He's into Jelena."

Zylant smiled from ear to ear and added, "I'm helping him to confess to her with confidence."

Voltaire can feel his inside boiling in rage. He faked a snickered and teased, "He won't be able to do that."

"Why? You'll go first?"


Zylant burst out laughing while holding the trunk of the tree behind him for support.

"I was just kidding yet you react like that? Bwahahaha."

Their conversation halted when fellas called each of their names. Confusion was carved in their faces.

"Uhm... good morning?" Jelena greeted with a warm smile. Aki keeps his stand behind her while blankly staring at Voltaire.

"Jelena! Good morning! Let's get going," Zylant clung to her arms and started walking.

"To where are you heading, Zy?" Voltaire asked.

"Your car?"Zylant answered.

"I'm only taking Jelena." Voltaire nonchalantly replied.

"That's because? She's going with me." Aki sternly responded.

"Tsk! Stop it you two! It's six in the morning yet you're starting again. I'll go with the jerk—"

"Stop with the jerk name call." Volt interrupted.

"Yeah, whatever. I'm going with that moron so you two should catch up at the campus. See ya!" Then Jelena walks to Voltaire's side.

Aki sarcastically chuckled while puzzlement is written into Zylant's face.

"She already said it. Let's go, Jel." Voltaire glanced at Zylant one last time.

"I'm not forgetting this, Zylant Cohen." Volt thought before getting inside the car.

Zylant leans to Aki's ears and whispered, "Be careful, I think my best friend is liking your best friend."

"Shouldn't you be on his side?" Aki asked while raising a brow.

"Nope, I don't want him falling in love! He belongs only to me!" Zylant spoke with a try-hard woman's tone while he acted placing a loose hair behind his ear.

"Geez, Zylant. You're weird." Aki commented.


The drive is getting smooth while the atmosphere inside the car is surprisingly quiet. No nags from Jelena and all they can hear is the sound of her phone playing mobile games.

"Enemy savage!"

Jelena is smashing her phone screen with her aggressive fingers. Her focus is all on the screen when the phone announced,

"Defeat!" Jelena hits her lap over and over again before she yanked her hair in frustration. Voltaire is holding his laughter while observing her in his peripheral vision.

"Stupid! stupid! stupid game! I wanna strangle my cancer allies," she muttered in frustration.

"Take it easy, tigress. You might damage my car seat, calm down will you?"

"O-oh, sorry 'bout that." Jelena sat decently while securing her seat belt. Her fists are still tightly clenched.

"About that game, you were playing, we already battled before. I think."

Jelena turned to him with an intrigued face.

"Really? Which one are you? Probably those weaklings that I faced..." she placed her index on her chin while mocking him.

"Tss, you lose to me. Just so you know," Then Voltaire rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"W-wait... is this deja vu? It's so familiar with me..." Jelena started panting aggressively.

Voltaire pulled over noticing her weird behavior. As the car stopped, he gazed at her with worried eyes.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, earning him a whack in his nape.

"Moron. Why did you stop? I'm just overreacting." She asked with furrowed brows.

"Because of your behavior! Tsk, it hurts..." Voltaire massaged his nape but the pain is still there. He was surprised by the sudden attack from the girl.

Soft warm touches caressed his nape causing him to freeze for a bit. His eyes wandered at Jelena massaging him, while him between her arms.

"Sorry, it's my reflex hehe." Jelena continued massaging him but Voltaire is just focusing on her face. She's so close that he can smell her addicting feminine scent.

"Why do you hit like a man? Geez, this hurts." Voltaire acted more hurt then points his nape with a grimace on his face. Jelena is worried and guilty, to make up for it, she massages it more bringing comfort to the man.

Voltaire realized that too much comfort isn't good, it can be misleading or worse, used against him. He flinched and moved back to his seat, with a blank face, he restarts the car.

Jelena laid back in her seat, slightly bewildered but didn't expect any explanation from him. She somehow has an idea of what he meant by that.

'Move away, will ya?'

After a long moment of awkwardness, they reached the school bus parked across the street near their campus gate.

Jelena instantly unbuckles her seatbelt and went out of the car. She quickly ran to the bus and takes her place while Voltaire, is still in the car. Left dumbfounded.

"Alright everyone, gather your things and go inside the bus! Make sure you're comfortable." Ms.Fernandez reminded the students with a loud voice.

Each of the students has their so-called groups. Others went inside by pairs, groups, or solos.

Voltaire approached Kacey who seemed to be having a hard time carrying her luggage. He nonchalantly carried it inside which caused the girl to be confused.

"H-huh? Oh thanks, Voltaire, " Kacey said as she takes her place beside the window.

"No problem, have you seen Zylant?" Voltaire asked while fixing his sleeves.

He is wearing a brown corduroy jacket and a plain white shirt on the inside, partnered with slim off-white plain trousers. To finish his outfit, he complimented it with white sneakers and a black watch as accessories.

"He looks good..." Kacey thought before she shrugged. She wandered her eyes around the area and saw Zylant at the back seat having chit chats with Aki.

"There," Kacey pointed.

Voltaire glared at the man before he roamed his eyes, spotting a girl wearing a baby blue loose shirt and denim skinny jeans.

"Jel!" Voltaire called.

Kacey watched him as he went near to the girl. He has his intimidating aura but not as strong as before, it was lessened and his face obviously lit up upon the girl turning to him.

"I see, he likes her." With a sad tone, she mumbled before sticking her nose to her business.

"Where you sitting?"He asked.

"Uhm—I don't know... Aki has a—"

"Sit with me," Voltaire said in authority. He grabbed her wrist and took their sit. Jelena sat near the window while he secured her by sitting near the aisle.

"Give me that bag, that looks heavy." Voltaire volunteered.

"Tch. Why? Do you think I'm weak?"

"Obviously, just do—"

Voltaire was interrupted when a slap in his arm halted him. Jelena winced at him then rolls her eyes in irritation. The man just shakes his head in disbelief, having a small smirk carved on his face.


At the corner at the back, her vision can clearly observe those people in front. Upon everyone doing their own thing, she pinned her vision on the two people having a nonsense bickering.

"Well done, Voltaire. Having her around makes you weak, huh? Where's the intimidating and cold jerk everyone knew? Gone? Tsk, tsk!" Ms. Fernandez thought.

She was intrigued upon hearing the conversation of the two near her. Leaning closer and she heard what they were murmuring.

"Aki, don't be like that." Zylant shakes his arm but the latter slaps his hand.

"This is getting frustrating, Zylant. Why are you tailing me anyway? I'm not your friend just to be clear. The help and advice? Why are you so smitten with Voltaire being close to my best friend?" Aki whispered back with a hint of irritation in his tone.

"I just don't want my best friend to be in love." Zylant slouched then laid back.

"Why? Are you into him?"

"Gross! I'm not gay! I have someone in my heart recently, and based on how I'm going through? My best friend can't manage to fall in love with anyone."

Aki turned to him with a brow arched, " Why is that? He got heartbroken before?" he asked.

"Yes, severely."

Ms. Fernandez has her usual sly grin on her face. She sips her water elegantly while having the thought inside her mind.

"Great talkative friend you have, Voltaire. Heartbreaks huh? Well, then. Prepare."