Marriage Contract

"I agree."

Am I crazy? No!

I couldn't help myself. Mr. Jeon is sick and Jungkook has agreed with the decision? I don't want to break someone's heart.

But, what about my heart?

I have no idea. I still couldn't accept the reality. I'm not ready to let someone else get in my life. I don't think to have a relationship with anyone. I still can't move on from my past life.

After listening to my answer, Mr. Jeon was very excited and I never saw him feeling very delighted before.

"Your parent will be happy about this news."

Suddenly, I heard a step coming closer towards us. I looked back until I realized that it was Jungkook.

He then sits next to me with a smile on his face.

" Abeoji, I think that we need to leave now. "

Mr. Jeon node and bid us goodbye. We then went into his car.He suddenly gave me a paper.

' Marriage contract '

Wait, what is this? I thought that this scene appeared only in the drama but now I think that I was the main character in the drama.

"Hold on, wait a minute. First, you didn't tell me that you agree on this marriage. Then, I heard that Mr. Jeon has been diagnosed with a heart disease, and he had never told me before. Then you hand me this contract? What's next? "

I sighed.

" Aerin, I didn't mean to make you feel anxious. I know that you agreed to marry me because of my dad. "

He then continued

"Let's make a deal. We became husband and wife for only six months. Then, it's up to you if you want to live with me or get a divorce. I won't force you.

"But, what about you?"

"Don't worry about me."

He drove me away from his dad's house. I couldn't stop thinking until I realized that we had arrived at the Han River.

I went out to get some fresh air. The cold wind brushed into my bare skin making me feel so cold. I didn't realize that it was already evening. Time runs fast today.

"Do you feel cold?"

As I wanted to respond to his question, he then pulled me closer.

" Abeoji told me that the wedding is a week from now. I'm sorry that I couldn't meet you tonight because I have some work to do."

" Never mind."

I abruptly asked him the question that keeps on lingering in my head

" Jungkook, why did you agree to marry me? "

He smiled and respond

"I don't know, maybe same as you?"

"That reason again?"


"That's the same reason you gave me when we first met."

He chuckled. Fifteen minutes passed until he told me that it was time to go home. He drove me to my house and he left.

How am I supposed to live with him? He's too good and kind for me. But then, I looked at the contract.

This is insane. I'm not ready.