Nora's POV:

At 10:50 I arrive at Kings Cross station. I see a huge family of all red-haired people. I see a black haired boy looking nervously at the family. He looks like my age. This year is my first year at Hogwarts. My parents are muggles but my grandma from my dad's side is a wizard and she told me everything I need to know about Hogwarts and the Wizarding World. 

The nervously looking boy stepped over at the big red-haired family ''Er, excuse me could you tell me..?''. ''How to get on the platform dear?'' the mother asked the boy. He nodded. ''Ofcourse! It's Ron's first time too!'' she shows the smallest red-haired boy. He smiles at the nervous boy.

While the mother tells the boy how to get on the platform, I already step forward to the wall between platforms 9 and 10 and I walk through them. I can hear the women say: ''yes, excactly just like that girl just did! Fred you go first?'' ''He's not Fred I am!'' I hear a boy answering. ''Honestly women you call yourself our mother?'' I hear an almost identical voice say. I suppose it are those red-haired twins I just saw. 

'I wish I had such a big family' I thought while I walked towards the train. My parents are divorced and I don't have any brother's or sister's. Dad couldn't make it here because of his work, grandma wished she could join but she broke her ancle last week so she couldn't get on the platform, she dropped me off with the car just before the station. It was a struggle to get Grandma in a car. Dad almost cancelled his appoitment. 

Grandma and muggle things aren't the best combination but we made it here. I'm gonna mis her. She's the only real family I have. My dad's always busy with work and I sometimes wonder if mom even knows I excist. She's drunk 24/7. I hardly ever see her.

I hear the train whisteling and I get in fast! I'm looking for a compartment when I see the red-haired boy of my age. I follow him and say: ''hey! you're new on Hogwarts too, aren't you?''. He turns around surprised. ''Yeah! How did you know?''

''Oh, I heard your mom saying it to that black-haired boy when I was trying to get through the passage'' I answer quickly before he thinks I'm some sort of creepy stalker. I look at him and smile a bit embarrased. Luckily he smiles back. ''You want to go sit together in a compartment or something?'' he asks me. ''yeah!'' I say happily. I already made a friend in the first 5 minutes on the train.

''Oh I'm Ron by the way'' he sais while we're looking for a compartment "Ron Weasley''. ''I'm Nora'' I tell him.

 When he still looks at me I add "Croots, Nora Croots'' 

''Cool! I'm gonna ask if we can join that guy from the passage thingy you know? He sits there alone.'' Ron opens the compartment door. ''Hey is it okay if we come join you?''

''yeah sure!'' The boy smiles. ''I'm Nora Croots'' I say, ''and this is Ron Weasley''. ''cool,'' the boy says ''you already know each other?'' 

''Well if you count 5 minutes ago in the train?'' Ron asks.

"Oh haha. I'm Harry, Harry Potter'' the boy- Harry says.

My mouth falls open. Harry Potter?! I'm in the schoolyear of Harry Potter?! I'm in a compartment with Harry Potter! My grandma told me about Harry Potter and the hole you-know-who thing.

''do you really have the...'' Ron stumbles. ''What?'' Harry asks. 

''the scar?'' Ron whispers. ''Oh yeah'' Harry laughs and shows his scar.

"Blimey!'' Ron and me say on the same time. We all laugh




so that was the first chapter I hope you liked it:) I first had the hole Hermoine meeting in too but it was boring so I cut it. (Not that I think Hermoine is boring noooo I love her) Leave some opinions:)