''There are Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuf & Slytherin'' Proffesor McGonagall leaves us and steps into the great hall. 

A white-haired, pale looking boy steps forward. He looks at you. He pulls up his eyebrows when he sees you. You blush a bit. Who is this guy?

''So it is true then,'' the boy says ''Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.'' Oh, maybe he wasn't looking at you but at Harry he is standing a bit behind you. You did really thought your eyes met each other. When Harry's name was said a suprised murmur spread to the Hall. ''These are Crabbe and Goyle'' the boy nodds to 2 big boys who are standing next to him. He now only speaks to Harry. ''And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy'' he- Draco says. Ron laughs softly when he hears that the guy is named Draco. ''You think my name is funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand-me-down robe. You must be a Weasley.'' Draco says. Okay nevermind what I ever said this guy is an a$$hole. ''You'll soon find out some wizarding families are better then other Potter'' -Well actually he says Pottah or something like that- ''I can help you there.'' He puts his hand forward.

Harry looks a bit duisgusted at Draco. ''Thanks, but I think I can sort the wrong sort out for myself. I grin. Draco looks hurt and angry at Harry. 

proffesor McGonagall is back she pulls Draco away from Harry.



''Hermoine Granger!'' Proffesor McGonagall shouts the name of the girl we met in the train through the Hall. Hermoine walks forward and gets the sorting hat on her head. ''Gryffindor!'' the hat shouts. Ron looks a bit dissapointed, I guess he doesn't want to be in the house with Hermoine.

Harry & Ron are also sorted in Gryffindor. It's Draco's turn. Before the hat touches his head, the hat already shouts: ''Slytherin!''. Draco looks pleased with himself. 

Now it is my turn. I walk towards the hat. I see Draco looking my way. I put on the hat. ''hmmm'' the hat says in my mind. ''Girl you're hard. You have very good brains, so Ravenclaw could be an option. You also care a lot about others and will always help if it is needed so maybe Hufflepuf? No, no not Hufflepuf. You have a thurst to proof yourself and you will not give up easily, also very ambitious? How about Slytherin. No Gryffindor is the best opinion. You're brave yes it's gonna be Gryffindor. No. No.'' While the sorting hat is considering all options the Hall is looking at me. I hear murmering ''Is she done already?'' ''Why is it taking so long?'' I'm very embarrased, no one took so long. I look at Harry & Ron. Ron gives me a you-can-do-it nod. Harry smiles at me. Why the heck is it taking so long?

I look at Draco. He is staring at me with a serious look on his face. He raises one eyebrow. I role my eyes and concentrate on the hat again. ''You're even harder then that Potter guy. Slytherin or Gryffindor? Gryffindor or Slytherin?''  he seemes to have lost his thoughts about Ravenclaw and Hufflepuf. 

''I give up. I give up. I can't sort her. She's Gryffindor & Slytherin!'' The hat almost screams in the Hall. Gasps go around the Hall. Dumbledore stands up. ''Silence!'''

It's silent immediatly. ''While proffesor Flitwick will be taking over the sorting. I will take miss Croots to my office upstairs to talk for a bit. Minerva, Severus will you join me?'' Dumbledore asks proffesor McGonagall and an other creepy looking men who's sitting at the table to join him.

I follow proffesor Dumbledore to his office. The creepy man is looking at me.

When we arrive at Dumbledore's office I look emberassed at proffesor Dumbledore. ''Albus, what do we do with her?'' proffesor McGonagall asks. ''I don't know Minerva, this has never ever happened!'' 

''I think she would fit into my house.'' the creepy looking man says. I think he's head of the Slytherin house. ''Yes, Severus but she's also a Gryffindor.'' Dumbledore says. Yeah I was right about the Slytherin thing.

 ''Albus, may I suggest something?'' the creepy guy- Severus? asks. ''Ofcourse.''

''Maybe. The girl can spend half of the time in Slytherin and the other half in Gryffindor?''

''Yes, Severus. That's a good idea.'' Dumbledore says. ''Nora" he looks my way, ''what would you think of spending half of the classes in Slytherin and the other half in Gryffindor?'' 

''er, well I guess so?'' ''Good then that's sorted out.'' Dumbledore wants to walk away. ''Er, sir?'' I ask.

''Yes?'' ''Where do I sleep and on which table to I sit?'' I ask.

''You can switch every week.'' He says like it's obvious. ''You can start this week at Gryffindor and every Saturday you switch.''

''Okay sir.''

''Proffesor Snape will escort you to the Great Hall while I'll talk another minute with Minerva.''

The creepy looking men opens the door and nods with his head to the door. I walk with him to the Great Hall. When I open the doors the Hall is immediatly quiet and looks at me. While I pass the Slytherin table Draco looks pretty dissapointed when I sit down at the Gryffindor table next to Ron.




So that was the second chapter! Did you guys like it? Please give some tips and I'm always open for suggestions.  :))
