Chapter 46 - Really love you

Soo Yin doesn't want this to happen to her life, especially as she is only Dae Hyun's second wife.  Everyone will definitely think of her as a flake too.

"Why, dear?" Dae Hyun asked with a pitiful face.

 "It's not the right time yet," Soo Yin said while looking at the man who had become her husband.

 "Aren't you sorry for me?" Dae Hyun asked with a shady gaze.

 "Prove it first that you really love me. Cup ... Cup ...." Soo Yin kissed Dae Hyun's lips for a moment and then got up.  Change her wet clothes using a towel.

 Soo Yin doesn't want to do it because there is no guarantee that Dae Hyun will not leave her one day.  Just wanted to do it after Dae Hyun really loved her and wasn't just lust. Don't want to end up like the woman out there who was abandoned by her partner after being taken away from her honor.