Chapter 47 - Only me

Early in the morning, Assistant Chang has called Dae Hyun's number several times. But the owner seems reluctant to answer it.

And after several times, finally Dae Hyun answered Assistant Chang's call.

"What's the matter? Why have you contacted me so early?"  Dae Hyun's said in a hoarse voice waking up. His eyes glanced at Soo Yin who was still fast asleep.

Soo Yin's head rests on Dae Hyun's left arm for cushion.

"I just remind you that today you should meet with Mr. Peter Anderson, Sir," Assistant Chang said over the phone.

"Can't you do it?" Dae Hyun who was annoyed asked. Actually he still wanted to enjoy the holidays even longer.

 "Sorry, Sir. Mr. Peter Anderson would like to see you in person. We must also pick him up at the airport," Assistant Chang replied.

 "All right, soon pick me up!" Dae Hyun said, not wanting to talk to Chang Yuan for too long on the phone.

 "Yes, Sir."