Chapter 116 - Park Seo Hyun's love statement

 "I'll divorce her soon," Dae Hyun said. The photo will become proof so that Aeri will not be able to dodge it again.

"But I am sure that Miss Aeri will be evasive like before," Chang Yuan said.

"I don't care, it's enough that she's playing with my life," Dae Hyun said with a tight grip.

 "Then what about Manager Han, sir?" Chang Yuan asked.

"You better watch him because I'm suspicious of his financial statements that are not compatible," Dae Hyun said.

Dae Hyun had suspected for a long time that there was a special relationship between them, but he didn't really care. After all, he didn't love her but for now it's different. He wanted to be separated from Aeri so he can quickly unite with Soo Yin.

 "Hi, good morning," Soo Yin said with a happy face.

When he saw who was coming, Dae Hyuni's anger suddenly disappeared. Dae Hyun carved his smile back when he saw his little wife.