Chapter 117 - Expelling Aeri

Dae Hyun actually wanted to follow Soo Yin to go back to Pyeongchang-dong villa but he wanted to sort things out with Aeri first. He couldn't wait to part from Aeri as soon as possible. That way he could tell the world that Soo Yin only belonged to him and no one should take her, including Park Soo Hyun.

"Father!" Jo Yeon Ho exclaimed, who immediately jogged towards Dae Hyun. As usual the boy was always enthusiastic when he met his father.

"Hi, honey," Dae Hyun said while holding his son's tiny body.

Dae Hyun turned his face the other way as Aeri smiled at him. Really he was very disgusted to see that woman.

"Dad, look. I made this together with Mom," Jo Yeon Ho said while handing the paper to Dae Hyun.