Chapter 184 - One Word Hurts

"What's all this fuss?" Aeri asked who had just come. Indeed, she deliberately did it to come later so as not to be too suspicious.

"Aeri, just beat this girl. Looks like she intends to seduce your husband," the woman in red said.

 Soo Yin's body shook with sweat starting to run down her body. Her current feeling was really bad, she kept clutching her stomach. Hope Aeri didn't do anything wrong. To get away from them seemed very difficult.

 "Wow, really?" Aeri made a face as if she was surprised to hear that.

 "You must be kidding, how could she possibly seduce my husband," Aeri continued with a chuckle.

 "Look at this photo." The woman in yellow showed a photo of Dae Hyun and Soo Yin staring at each other.

 Soo Yin was quite surprised to see the photo. It showed as if their gazes were very affectionate. She drank her dry saliva.