Chapter 185 - Don't cry

Along the way, Jo Yeon Ho kept whining about going to take a walk around Seoul. The child sat in the rear passenger seat.

 Meanwhile, Soo Yin just looked straight ahead with tightly closed lips. The word 'bitch' was still ringing in her ears today.

 "Dad, I don't want to go home first. Come on, let's go around," Jo Yeon Ho whined with pursed lips.

"Where are you going? Next time we'll go. Aren't you tired?" Dae Hyun asked while massaging his temples.

 "No, it's my graduation day. I want to take a walk," Jo Yeon Ho said with an excited face.

 Dae Hyun sighed softly. Glanced briefly at Soo Yin who was staring at the street expressionlessly.

 "Soo Yin, do you want to go somewhere?" Dae Hyun wanted to calm down his little wife, but what could be the power that Jo Yeon Ho still had so he couldn't do anything about it.