Chapter 403 - Punishment

Park Soo Hyun immediately went out through the gate to meet Soo Yin. She was sitting too close to the edge of a steep cliff. There was no fear in the expression on her face.

 "Soo Yin, don't go too far because it's very dangerous," Park Soo Hyun said worriedly because Soo Yin sat too far to the edge. If she moved just a little, she will fall into the cliff.

 "I'll be careful. You don't have to worry," Soo Yin said as she turned her face towards Park Soo Hyun. She immediately stood up and wiped her jeans which were dirty because of the ground.

 "Am I able to practice right now?" asked Soo Yin impatiently.

 Park Soo Hyun took a deep breath with a complicated expression on his face. He really couldn't bear to say that. Soo Yin would definitely be very disappointed in him. But earlier, he had tried to persuade Teacher Cheon, though to no avail.

"Sorry, today we can't. We'll come next time," said Park Soo Hyun with a sad feeling.