chapter 404 - Try

Taekkyon used to be often competed between schools but for now, martial arts was more aimed at just practicing their abilities. Most of the students who were there were naughty kids sent by their parents to get better.

 Teacher Cheon started teaching how to kick and lock the opponent, it was the most basic practice because Soo Yin had never learned it at all.

 Park Soo Hyun had just finished serving his punishment. It wasn't too hard because every now and then he could see Soo Yin who seemed excited to watch Teacher Cheon trained her.

 Every student who brought a girl into the school, will be given a penalty of taking water from the well and then bringing it to the kitchen as much as 20 times.

Even though Park Soo Hyun was no longer the one who was studying there. The punishment were still enforced because he already knew the ins and outs of college.