Chapter 529 - Meet Jean

 Not long after, they finally arrived at their destination, which was Jean's house. Soo Yin continued to observe Jean's house which was closed and looked very quiet.

 "Are you sure Jean is home?" Dae Hyun said with a frown. Didn't want to let Soo Yin come there but no one was there.

"I'm sure because I contacted Chang Yuan. He said that while she wasn't feeling well, Jean never went anywhere," said Soo Yin. At first she wanted to contact Jean but she would definitely refused if she would be visited.

 "Alright, after picking up Yeon Ho we'll meet again." Dae Hyun gripped Soo Yin's fingers tightly. There was a feeling of reluctance to part with her even if only for a moment. Remembered that today they should enjoy the day just by the two of them.

 Soo Yin landed a sweet kiss on Dae Hyun's lips as a goodbye. This made the man tighten his grip even more.

 "Let's go by ourselves today," said Dae Hyun in a spoiled tone.