Chapter 530 - Park Soo Hyun did it

"Is Chang Yuan the one who did all this?" Soo Yin couldn't wait to find out who did it. If it was Chang Yuan, now she would make the calculations. It didn't matter if the man was her husband's confidant.

 Jean shook her head slowly. Her heart ached too much to remember it all.

 "Then who? Aren't you only close to Chang Yuan lately? Tell me, Jean!" Soo Yin turned Jean's body to face her because she wasn't satisfied talking to someone without looking face to face.

Instead of answering, Jean actually cried so Soo Yin hugged her and led her to sit on the edge of the bed. Hearing Jean who was crying so pitifully made Soo Yin not have the heart to ask further.

 "Jean, calm down. Tell me who did it? I promise to help you," Soo Yin said while rubbing the back of Jean's body, who was still sobbing.

 But Jean still shook her head, making Soo Yin discouraged from continuing to ask.