Chapter Seven

"So, that's the bitch right?" I asked.

Peter just nodded and walked towards the couch... I walked towards him and sat close to him ..

"She knows you own this place right?" I asked.

"She does cause this was where we met and how we met as my neighbor... I brought her to Las Vegas, when my dad willed his properties to me... I planned on marrying her." He paused.

"Am here for you Peter." I said smiling.

"I wished I had met you before my death." He said.

"Not funny! What's the next step?" I curiously asked.

*The Following Day*

I breathed heavily and beeped the door bell... She opened up and smiled widely at me... I noticed a guy partly naked walking towards us...

"Morning Dion! I hope I didn't interrupt anything?" I asked.

"Of course not... Babe meet my new neighbor." She said.

I smiled at him and made my way into her house.

"What's the cake about?" She asked after being seated.

"Just made it this morning and decided to share it with you." I said

"So thoughtful of you... Care for a drink?" She asked.

"Yes... Fruit juice please." I said

I watched her walk out of sight... I rolled my eyes to her so-called boyfriend... He looked dashing though, but since I hated Dion I also hated everything pertaining to her.

A few minutes later, she walked in holding a tray of fruit juice and a knife... Sighting the knife terrified me.

"Baby! Am leaving..." The dude said kissing her lips.

I kept eyeing him until, he was out of sight... Dion smiled at me and ripped the cake open... I faked a smile and picked a slice.

"You're so good with the knife." I stylishly mocked.

"What brought you to Brazil?" She asked ignoring the mockery.

"Tell her you came to meet some business associates." Peter whispered into my ears.

"To meet some business associates." I said smiling.

"What do you do?" I asked again.

"As stupid as it sounds, am a stripper and I get really paid for it. I also get invites all over the country just to perform." She proudly said.

"If my brother paid her, then why is she still doing that dirty work?" Peter whispered behind my ears.

"When I came here, I was made to understand that the owner abandoned the place." I paused expecting a reply.

"Yes... He's dead though." She said burying her face to the ground.

"Dead? Is the Manager aware?" I asked pretentiously.

"No... Please don't tell him anything." She pleaded.

" Trust me! My lips are sealed." I said.

"Lemme take a look around her house." Peter whispered.

"Okay!" I said unknowingly.

"Okay?" She asked.

"Oh! I mean are you okay?" I lied.

"Of course..." She said replying a text message.

I heard a slight noise... She turned to look at me, like she also heard it.

"Did you also hear that?" She asked and I nodded.

She ran to the store room panicking... I ran after her as well pretending to be concerned... Like she noticed something, she's been hiding for long opened... She quickly slammed the case and turned around to face me... Using her leg to push the case inside...

"Are you alright?" I asked again.

"Yes... I am..." She paused.

"Why are you panicking? And what's in that case?" I asked curiously.

"What! Oh! Nothing... I remember I have to meet some clients regarding a birthday party tomorrow." She said

"Alright! Lemme take my leave." I said walking to the door.

"Hey Eva! Thanks for today." She said and bolted the door...

I walked into my abode and met Peter roaming around the house... Really! Ghosts are really restless.

"You were in the store room! Wah did you see?" I asked.

"The... I saw the knife... The one she used in Killing me." He said.

"What! That's ridiculous." I exclaimed...

"It still has my blood on it, but extremely dried out." He said...

"Why will she still be keeping such?" I asked curiously.

"Only one reason, to blackmail my twin." He said.

I breathed heavily and swallow hard.

*Hey guys*

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