Chapter Eight

I kept tossing around on the sofa... I couldn't think straight... I stared at Peter, who seemed also confused... We have to get the culprits, starting with her. But how?

"What do we do?" I asked.

"We need to take that case." Peter said.

"What! How?" I asked curiously

"The store door's key is always with her." He paused.

"So?" I asked

"I spied on her a little this afternoon and I figured out she's going to a birthday party." He paused.

"So you mean?" I asked.

#Beep# the door bell beeped interrupting us.

I hurriedly rushed towards the door and unbolted it. There stood Dion sweetly dressed staring at me... I faked a smile.

"Hey Dion!" I greeted first.

"Am off to the party I spoke about yesterday... Care to accompany me?" She asked.

"No... I am meeting with some clients today." I said.

"Oh! Okay!" She said turning to leave.

*Thirty minutes later*

I kept pacing all around, confused as to the ridiculous idea... I have never broken into anyone's house before and now, am about to try that... I was patiently awaiting Peter.

"The coast is clear. The house is empty." He assured.

I stepped out of my room and tiptoed into her house with the duplicate key I made, thanks to Peter... I passed the first phase and now left with the main door.

I brought out the duplicate key and used a white handkerchief to fix the key into the bolt... I opened it gently and went straight to where it's been kept... To my amazement, she didn't change the location of the case.

I carefully used the handkerchief to open the case and picked the knife... I carefully wrapped it and closed the case... I observed the room, made sure everything was in place before coming out...

I bolted the door and walked out of the house. I made sure to lock the door, before running into my abode... I placed the package on the glass table and kept pondering as to where I could hide such...

"Thanks for helping me out... Now you have to go back home." He said.

"I know but Dion can only be arrested in Vegas." I said.

"You're right... But how do we get her to come over?" He asked.

I folded my arms and kept walking around the room, thinking of a fast method.

"I guess I have a plan." I said picking up my phone.

*That Night.*

I was carefully arranging my clothes into the box, making sure I left nothing behind... I felt I would use like three to four weeks to get her to confess but to my amazement, within three days I got a proof against her.

Now, I just need to leave Brazil first thing the following morning, before she figures out the evidence against her is missing... I silently prayed that my plan to bring her to Las Vegas works out... I stared at the package and carefully placed it beneath my clothes inside the box.

A few minutes later, I walked down the stairs into the kitchen and quickly made something to eat... My door bell beeped and I walked towards the door to unbolt it.

"Hi Eva!" Dion waved smiling at me.

"Hey! Come in." I said paving a way for her inside the house..

"How did your party go?" I asked curiously.

"I had lots of fun... How did your meeting go?" She asked.

"Boring... Am leaving for Vegas tomorrow morning." I said.

"That's so cool... I guess we'll get to travel together... I got an invite to perform in a big club over there." She asked happily.

"Your girlfriends are great!" Peter exclaimed.

"So, we will see tomorrow." I said smiling.

She also smiled and stood up to leave.

*Hey guys*

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