Cherry personality

"Wait, let me get this straight" Feliciá softly started, although I knew that silence always comes before the raging storm.

"So you're telling me that... Zachary Stone lives in the same building we do?" I popped a gummy bear into my mouth, chewing it briefly before replying.

"Yup. To be more precise, his apartment is practically right above ours." I shrugged, feeling a wave of indifference wash over me. The shock I experienced upon first discovering this startling news about Zachary's presence in our building had mostly faded. Now, all I felt was acceptance.

Honestly, who cared? Sure, we attended the same school, took the same courses, and had a series of bizarre, coincidental encounters. And now I found out we lived in the same building. But you know what? I'd decided to roll with it. Acceptance seemed like the best approach to this situation, right?

Feliciá shot me a bored look. "Why are you so calm about this, Adina? The Zachary Stone lives in our building, and you act like you couldn't care less."

I was in Feliciá's room, fortunate enough to spot a pack of untouched gummy bears—lucky me! So yeah, I might have 'borrowed' a few, but she gave me the okay. Technically, I didn't really 'steal' them.

I let out a low snort and popped another gummy bear into my mouth. "Wait, I don't get it. Do you want me to start rolling on the ground like an idiot because I just found out that the highly antisocial kid lives where we do?"

"Correction: highly 'handsome' antisocial kid," she retorted, wiggling her brows at me suggestively.

Suppressing a giggle, she added, "But you know, Adina, it's funny when you switch to your Nigerian accent."

"Well, I am Nigerian after all," I replied with a cheeky smile, feeling a bit smug. "And you, too, are learning from me. You just said 'Tah,' which I'm pretty sure French people don't say."

With a smug grin of her own, she winked. "Ah, but mademoiselle, you forgot that I'm also half Nigerian. So, in other words, I'm entitled to my heritage." I raised an eyebrow at her, and she huffed in response, but I couldn't help the small smile that crept onto my face.

"Yes, yes, Miss Feliciá, the proud bearer of her Nigerian heritage." I stood up from the bed and headed for the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" she called out, not waiting for my reply. "To your room?"

Before completely leaving, I glanced back and responded with two words: "Rooftop."

A frown creased her brow instantly. "Ady... are you sure you don't want me to go with y—"

I cut her off with a small smile. "Don't worry, Felly. I don't plan on doing anything stupid like you're probably thinking." Not waiting for her to respond, I closed the door behind me. Once in the living room, I headed straight for the door leading outside our apartment.


Now on the rooftop of our apartment building, the stars shone brightly and beautifully against the night sky. A flurry of thoughts raced through my mind, some pleasant, but many darker.

Sighing, I whispered softly, "Ah, if only every day in life could be half as beautiful as you guys."

"Ahh, talking to inanimate objects now, are we?" I didn't need to turn around to know who had just spoken.


A deep, playful voice replied cheekily, "The one and only." He must have easily recognized my voice.

Finally turning to face him, I felt a soft blush creep onto my cheeks. His hair was tousled, dark circles evident under his eyes, and he wore ridiculously cute pajamas. I couldn't suppress the blush.

To distract myself from how adorable he looked, I quickly said with a sly smirk, "Cute PJs. Where did you get them?" I could have sworn I saw a faint pink tint rise to Zachary's cheeks at my question. Apart from his usual brooding demeanor and occasional cocky smirks, this was the first time I'd seen the university's royal prince embarrassed.

"My sister," he mumbled quietly.

Though surprised to learn he had a sister, I masked my astonishment. Instead, I replied, "Well, she definitely has a... cherry personality." I struggled to hold back a giggle as I glanced at the giant Hello Kitty image on his T-shirt.

Rolling his eyes, he stepped closer and leaned against the railing beside me. "You can say that again."

Changing the subject, he asked, "Do you come up here every night?"

I stared ahead as I replied, "I wouldn't say 'every night'—just on the days I don't feel so great." I shrugged and asked, "What about you?"

When I turned to look at him, he was already gazing right at me, curiosity dancing in his eyes. I knew Zachary had trouble recognizing faces, but at that moment, it felt as if he was truly seeing me.

"Me? I just moved into this building this week. I've been so busy with the move that this is actually my first time on the rooftop."

Rolling my eyes playfully at the absurdity of the situation, I said, "And surprise, surprise, you met me here. I'm starting to think you're a full-fledged dedicated stalker."

"Oh, what a coincidence, Somadina. I believe we were both thinking the same thing." A shiver traveled down my spine as he pronounced my full name, not just my nickname. It felt oddly familiar, as if I had heard him say it before.

"Wait, say that again," I blurted out.

A look of confusion crossed his face. "What?"

"My name, Somadina. Say it again."