Grey orbs

The cool breeze lightly brushed against my skin, a sensation I couldn't appreciate. White flakes drifted down onto my thick jacket, and I grimaced. Snow had never been my favorite. Back home in Nigeria, even a hint of harmattan could leave me feeling ill; I could only imagine how miserable I'd be in this biting cold. Yes, it was truly dreadful.

"Achoo!" I sneezed violently as I stepped into the school building.

"Bless you!" Felicia exclaimed, walking beside me. She held my hand tightly, trying to keep me warm. Ah, if only I could marry her and keep her all to myself. Wait, I could right?

"Thanks" I mumbled, sniffling. God knew I'd be lost without my fairy of a roommate. I absolutely adored her.

She tightened her grip on my hand and rubbed my knuckles as she asked for the fifth time, "Adina, are you sure we shouldn't stop by the pharmacy for some cold medicine?"

I smiled. "Yes, my amazing friend Felicia, for the thousandth time, I'm sure. Don't worry; if I get any worse, you'll be the first to know" I punctuated my reassurance with a wink.

"You'd better!" she huffed, increasing her hold on my hand while continuing to rub the back of it.

As we entered the lecture hall, my eyes instantly landed on him before I could even think to avert my gaze.

"Ah, I see the star boy is as punctual as ever," Felicia muttered beside me. Zachary was always one of the first to arrive, with his perfect attendance record.

"Oh, Greg is sitting over there" Felicia pointed out. Thank God his seat was a good four rows behind where Zachary was. I felt like the luckiest person on the planet at that moment.

Adjusting my head warmer, I pretended not to notice the brief eye contact between Zachary and me. Memories of yesterday flooded back, making me cringe. Oh, how embarrassingly fresh it felt!

"My name is Somadina, say it again" Really, Adina? Chai, I wished the earth could just swallow me whole. Yes, it was that level of mortification.

"Is something wrong, Adina? You look even paler than a moment ago. Are you sure that..."

I quickly interrupted Felicia, "Yes, I'm sure I don't need to go to the pharmacy. I'm fine, really" I hoped I sounded convincing.

There was another detail I hadn't shared with Felicia about my awkward encounter with Zachary yesterday. Let's just say I made sure to forget it entirely.

"I'll take your word for it," she replied, seeming satisfied.

Finally reaching our seats, I sat down hastily. My heart raced as I noticed Zachary's gaze still fixed on me, making it obvious to everyone in class. Honestly, I thought he struggled to recognize faces. Did he even know it was me? I could never be certain with this guy.

"Uhm, Adina" I recognized the voice instantly. It was Greg. I didn't turn around but made a small 'hmm' sound in response.

My eyes remained glued to Zachary's striking grey orbs, which seemed to bore into me. Now I understood that cliché about being drawn in deeper and deeper. It felt as though I was drowning, even in the absence of water. Why did it seem like he was looking right into my soul?

Greg continued, "Is it just me, or is the cold stone prince staring directly at you?"

Felicia chuckled. "Oh no, it definitely isn't just you, my dear boy. I'm pretty sure everyone is witnessing this rare event"

Before any further comments could be made, the professor walked in just in time. Normally, one might say, 'saved by the clock' but in this case, it felt more like 'saved by the professor'

I believed Professor Danvier was on the path to becoming my favorite teacher yet.