Part 8: Dinner


In the car, her dad drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Dad I know you well out with whatever it is you want to say please before you fully drive me crazy."

"Oh Alison you know me so well, why is that?"

"Because I lived in the same house with you practically my entire life now, stop trying to change the subject, what is bothering you?"

"It's just that dressed up the way you are you remind me of your mother when we just started dating, she was so beautiful and I was so nervous she turned on the radio and started to sing to the songs played, after a while, she stopped and stared at me I asked her what happened and she said, 'What do you think I'm not going to sing the entire ride alone' and so I joined in even though I have a terrible voice she laughed and sang off-key for me to feel better. She was always smiling and making everyone else smile too. Seeing you dressed up and smiling you remind me so much of her."

Alison smiled even wider and wiped away the tear that escaped, "Dad you hardly ever talk about mom anymore, I miss her so much, she always knew how to make people smile especially with her voice."

"Exactly and I'm sorry that I don't talk about her much but I was afraid that by talking about her I'd not only bring myself down but you too and after what happened you were so down and you didn't speak to anyone for months I don't ever want to see you like that again."

"I know dad and at the time that was the only reason I knew to handle the pain, I mean I was so close to mom and after losing her I felt like my world had ended. I'm sorry for worrying you dad but trust me I am a lot better at handling it and honestly it makes me happy to hear stories about her. It makes me feel like she is still here in a way."

"Oh Alison you don't know how happy you make me, and I'm so happy that you're finally opening up more."

"Dad I'm just wearing a dress plus I have attended multiple events with you"

"Alison you haven't worn a dress in years and I'm not talking about going with me tonight, I spoke with Principal Wayburn yesterday and he says that you are having conversations with some of the students."

"Dad all I did was show the new guy around campus and give him a song to perform for the class. It's not like we are friends or anything."

"Alison apart from me and your brother you only talk to Anna, so to find out that you are talking with someone more than just the usual 'excuse me' it is a crack in your shell and I can't wait to meet the person responsible for it," he smiled at her.

"Dad don't read into this because there is nothing to read into."

"If you say so, anyways we are here"

Alison's dad stepped out and gave the keys to the valet and he made his way to Alison's side of the car and opened her door then stretched his hand out to her. She took it and smiled at him, together side by side they entered the restaurant.

The hostess looked up and smiled at them, "Reservation or Walk-in?"

"We are joining the Valdez party"

"Right this way", and with that, she walked off to the back of the restaurant towards the larger booths.

"Dad, how many of your old buddies are we actually meeting tonight?"

"Just a few and I think Some of them are bringing their kids as well." At this Alison stopped.

"What?!?!?!?! Dad, you said your old buddies you said nothing of their kids I thought I was going to be the youngest one here."

"Well, technically you are the youngest one here."

"Dad not helping."

"Come on Alison it's not like you have to talk to them I know you have one of the new books in your bag and if it helps there is a bench on the porch of the restaurant you can sit there and read if you don't want to read in here."

"Thanks, Dad."

He smiled, "Anything to keep you smiling Alison."

"So let's get the introductions over shall we"

"We shall."

At that 3 older men stood you and 2 guys around Alison's age stood as well. The first to stand had blonde hair and had blue eyes, the young man next to him also had blonde hair but he had brown eyes. The second man had brown hair and green eyes, while the young man next to him had the same brown hair and eyes. The last man that stood on the other side of the table had black hair with touches of grey on the sides. Alison knew that these men were about her father's age but like her father, they seem to be aging well and also like her father they shared a similar build which showed that even though they were older they were in shape and could hold their own. The 2 young men had muscular arms which could have been clearly seen from the button-up shirts they were wearing.

The man with blonde hair was the first to speak, "Walker, it's been a while how are you? and don't tell me this beautiful young lady by your side is Alison, " Alison blushed.

"Paul, it surely has been a while and yes this beautiful young lady is my daughter Alison," He smiled and Alison blushed even more.

"Well Leo it seems you have been hiding her under a rock because she could be a model," the man with brown hair spoke.

"Well I believe that is up to her to decide"

"Well enough talking fellas she doesn't even know who we are," the man with black hair turned to Alison and stretched out his hand, "I'm Richard Smith."

"Alison Walker," she took his hand and shook it.

The blonde man smiled, "Paul Williams and this is my son David Williams," he shook her hand and gestured for his son to do the same.

"Alison Walker nice to meet you," she smiled.

The man with brown hair smiled, "best for last it seems, I'm Nicholas Brooks."

"And I'm his son Chase Brooks."

"Alison Nice to meet you all."

"She looks just like her mother," Nicholas spoke.

Alison's dad smiled, " She truly does."

Alison blushed and now wanting to change the subject she spoke, " Alright gentlemen I guess we should begin to order unless you guys have already ordered."

They all took their seats and David smiled, "We haven't ordered yet, we wanted to wait for you and your father to arrive."

Leo, Alison's dad, spoke, "Wow how kind of you guys you never waited for me."

"Well Leo you brought your daughter along and we didn't want to seem rude."

"So if I came alone you wouldn't have waited?"

Paul smiled, "Exactly."

Then everyone at the table began to laugh. Richard was the first to recover and waved his hand to a waitress.

"Could we please get the menu?"

"Will do sir"

At that, she practically ran off then came back to distribute the menus around the table, after she finished she asked, "Would you like to order something to drink?"

And with that they all gave their orders and the waitress ran off again.


After they had ordered their meal the men started talking and the 2 young men were engrossed in their phones so Alison did what Alison usually does, she took out her book and started to read.

About 30 minutes into her book there was a pat on her shoulder, she looked up to see her dad smiling at her.

"Alison thanking you for joining me, I know it probably seems boring to you but I'm glad you're here."

"Anything for you dad," she smiled.

"You can carry on with your reading."

She smiled and zoned out into her book once again.

A while later the food arrived and the smell pulled her out of her book.

"That smells delicious" she smiled.

"This place has the best chef. All the food that comes out of that kitchen is amazing," David smirked.

"So I guess you guys come often if you're that familiar with the food."

"Oh yeah whenever we are in town we eat here," Chase filled in.

"You guys pass through here often? Then how comes this is the first time I'm meeting you guys?"

"To be fair we pass through here every weekend to go back home from school and well we don't always have our dads with us," David informed me.

"Oh okay then well I guess it is about time I taste the food for myself"

"Yes, you need to know what heaven tastes like,"

With that Alison began to eat.

"Now that truly was heaven," Alison smiled.

"We told you," Chase smirked.

"Okay then well you were right now if you excuse me i will excuse myself"

And with that Alison stood and took her purse with her and went to find the bench her father was telling her about earlier. She found it outside the restaurant, there was slight wind causing her to shiver, she adjusted her jacket and sat down. As she was just starting to fall in love with 'four' someone tapped her shoulder.

"Um Alison you in there?" she looked up from her book to find her father looking at her in wonder.

"Have you been standing there long?"

"Not long so are you ready to go? It's freezing out here."

"Let's go then. Did you have fun?"

"Yeah I am glad I got to caught up with my friends and I'm glad you didn't shut everyone out immediately"

"Well surprisingly dad me too so tell me what do you want to do tomorrow?"

"I have a surprise planned."