Part 9: Bonding


As Alison and her father got home she kissed him on the cheek and said goodnight. She practically ran to her room excited to see what adventures await her. as she got in her room she quickly changed into her pj's and found a blanket. She then got comfortable on her reading chair and draped the blanket over her legs, and with that, she was whisked away into 'I am Number Four'.

Soon after Alison was completely into her book that she didn't notice someone knocking on her door, there was a pause then the door creaked open.

Leo, Alison's father, sighed, "Just like old times."

He entered the room and sat on Alison's bed admiring her as she read. Since Alison was a child she always loved music and reading, both traits she got from her mother. Leo remembered a time when Alison and her mother would be sitting on the porch swing reading or singing together till the sun came down. He smiled at the memory and blinked away a few tears.

"Ahem, Alison?"

He looked her way and sighed, she always got so deep into her books that she completely forgets about the world around her. He stood up and patted her shoulder.

"I guess somethings won't ever change," he smiled.

"Dad, we both know there are 3 things I will never stop doing: 1 loving my family, 2 writing songs, and 3 I will never stop reading books like crazy," she beamed.

"I'm glad but shouldn't you be asleep it's past 2 am."

"Really? I swear I thought it was just midnight or something. Wait why are you up?"

''Well I was going down for water when I decided I wanted to see if you were actually sleeping or doing the usual, guess nothing has changed indeed." he smiled.

"Well, dad let's go get some water then actually go to sleep."

"I like that idea"

With that, they went for their water then went off to dreamland.


Dean woke with bruises all over, he was sore but managed to get out of bed to shower. After a cold shower, he was relaxed and ready to start his day. As he glanced out his window he noticed very few people were around campus but in the middle of the campus a group of students and a couple of teachers were singing together but their voices were muffled, so he opened his window.

'You could go the distance

You could run the mile

You could walk straight through hell with a smile

You could be the hero

You could get the gold

Breaking all the records that thought, never could be broke

Do it for your people

Do it for your pride

How you ever gonna know if you never even try? Do it for your country

Do it for you name

'Cause there's gonna be a day

When you're, standing in the hall of fame

And the world's gonna know your name

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame

And the world's gonna know your name

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion, be a champion, be a champion, be a champion

On the walls of the hall of fame!'

And one could clearly hear the rise in volume in the next verse

'Be students, be teachers

Be politicians, be preachers

Be believers, be leaders

Be astronauts Be champions

Be truth seekers

Be students, be teachers

Be politicians, be preachers

Be believers, be leaders

Be astronauts, be champions

Standing in the hall of fame

And the world's gonna know your name

'Cause you burn with the brightest flame

And the world's gonna know your name

And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame'

Dean smiled to himself and checked his phone, it was 10:30 Sunday morning.

"That is something I could most definitely get used to," he smiled to himself.

Just as he was about to start the little homework he had gotten Friday his phone began to ring, as he glanced down to his phone in hand he discovered it was a call from an unknown number.


Dean? You there?

Um yeah, who the hell is this?

Ouch man that hurts nice to know that after me kicking your ass at paintball yesterday you would remember me *sigh*

Jake, how the hell did you get my number?

Well, you have it on your school profile so yeah if I were you I'd remove it very easy to get.

Wait what? which school profile?

You are so new *sigh* okay on the school website each student has an account and when it is opened your contact number is there for anyone to find, like I did so yeah I advise you remove it before stalkers start calling you and listening to you breathe.

Um okay so I am guessing I'm going to have to get used to your weirdness along with Sam's and remove my number from the internet just great

Look at the bright side we are bonding and everyone is accepting each other and their unique qualities.

Um okay and the reason for this call is?

Well Dean had you recognized my voice earlier we could have gotten to that by now


Your lame I hope you know that

I do now on to your point

The guys want to go to dinner in town for breakfast. Do you want to join and bond some more with us?

Sure how are we going?

We are all going in my car so hurry the hell up because we are down the hall from your dorm room so you better not be naked.

I'll be out right now *sigh'

He hung up the phone and started questioning the sanity of his new friend. As he turned to open the door there was a banging on it and a muffled voice was heard.

"Get your ass out here we need to feed!!!"

And that is my queue, he thought to himself. As he swung the door open he was greeted with Jake mid shout and Ty and Sam looking like they were trying their best to hold in their laughs.

"You couldn't wait a couple of seconds. People are probably still sleeping or trying to enjoy a quiet Sunday morning and your shouting like crazy."

"To be fair most people that are awake are singing with the others and those who are sleeping should be grateful because now they won't miss out on their day," Jake replied with a contented smile.

Dean just sighed.

"Don't worry you'll get used to Jake's and Sam's weirdness soon enough."

"Just great. So tell me is the food at this dinner good?"

"Of course it is, Jake approved."

"Don't worry one thing Jake truly knows is his food"

"Yeah, Jake can tell you where the best food is."

"Oh really hmm so tell me where has the best coffee and the best muffins?"

"That's easy, the cafe that's just outside campus, where we met, has the best Coffee and muffins hands down."

"Well that's good and how about the best waffles?"

"Easy the dinner we are headed to they have the best waffles and pancakes perfectly fluffy and they are the perfect shade that they can be. They also have the best dinner menu. I strongly recommend the BTL and their spaghetti and meatballs."

"Hmmm well, you just saved me from doing so much research."

They reach the parking lot and walk the short distance to Jake's Jeep Wrangler. As they enter the vehicle and move off campus the conversation continues.

"Told you we all have our unique qualities"

"So yours apart from being weird is that you try food from all places and easily rate which has the best options"

"Well yes I also have a great voice and am a brilliant actor," Jake smiles and walks confidently.

"Well that's cool so tell me Ty what is your unique quality?"

"Well if you haven't noticed I'm the brave one of the group and I do the more adventurous things like for example, bu jumping, cliff diving and swimming with sharks"

"Now that is cool"

"Yeah, have you ever been?"

"No but I'm interested in bungee jumping but I'll have to pass on the others."

"Like I said I'm the more adventurous of the group."

"Clearly seen now and how about you Sam?"

"Well I like to think of myself as the most toned out of the group thanks to being a dancer but well we are nearly the same build so I lost that," Jake and Ty scoff, "Moving on I am a lazy weirdo as you seem to have noticed but I also am a crazy movie addict."

"Hm really?"

"Yeah I can give you recommendations if you'd like"

"Nah I'm good I prefer reading honestly."

At this, the Jeep unexpectedly jolts and Ty's head unfortunately got rammed into the hood.

"You read? how the hell do you have time to read? Just why??? and owwww" the other 3 guys shouted at the same time.

"I make time to read and I prefer books because movies don't show the whole story and change a lot of the details but by reading the books I get all the details and interesting parts that many missout on because of the movie."

"Well hell, I didn't expect that."

"Like you said Jake 'We all have our unique qualities' reading and well not starting here from first year are mine."

"True I did say that"

"And the best part about this is that we have arrived at our destination!!!!!!!!!!!! Now if you excuse me I need food now." Sam interrupted.

"Yes now let's go in before the 11:00 rush starts we have 20 minutes to order now move it move it, people."

And so they all rushed out of the jeep and entered the dinner to start their day.