Part 11: The Performance


After her dad left the room she was left to her thoughts and her book.

'So what now you will actually perform?'

'I have to try, I don't know what the Professor told dad but he has even more faith in me than before. Now I really have no choice but to sing in front of the class tomorrow.'

'Good luck and may whoever is watching down on you help you.'

'Thanks for the faith'

'Like I said before you should be used to this by now.'

'Whatever I am going to read.'

And with that, she picked up her book once again got sucked into her book leaving reality once more.


After walking around for 30 minutes they stumbled across a bowling alley.

Sam was the first to speak up, " You thinking what I'm thinking?"

Jake being Jake was the first to respond, "Hell yeah"

Ty and Dean both shrugged and followed the others into the arcade. After walking around for about 5 minutes Sam and Jake had finally decided which game they'd play so in the end both Dean and Ty just stood to the side watching as the other 2 started the game and shouting at each other.

"So tell me what you think of the Arts Academy?" Ty asks

"It's okay lots of drama but then again when you think about it drama should be expected I don't know what I was thinking."

"You get used to it, so tell me do you have any questions about the classes? Seeing that we have the same classes if you need any help just ask."

"Thanks, man. Really appreciate it. But honestly, if you don't mind can you tell me what's up with Tina and Jake?"

"That's not my story to share when Jake is ready he will tell you."

"Alright then how about this, what's Professor Smoak's deal with the pair work in my previous school it was always solo work."

"He does give solo work but he tries to avoid it because of certain students."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, so we all know Alison is an amazing singer and songwriter but she hasn't ever successfully performed in front of an audience so when there is solo work she manages to get out of it by making recordings but now the Professor has a rule where recordings aren't allowed."

"Yeah I hear but what's the big deal?"

"Well the last time Alison attempted to perform, which was 1st year, anyways she only gave the name of the song then she had a panic attack."


"Yeah, so now you know the reason why we don't have much solo work."

"But we are starting tomorrow?"

"Well yeah, the Professor called Alison out Friday. She has no choice but to perform tomorrow."

"But I saw her approach him after class. Do you think he changed his mind?"

"Highly doubt it."


"Because she is his most talented student he has faith in her even if she doesn't have faith in herself. He and so many other people know she can do it, but no one other than a few of the Professors know why she can't perform."

"So she has to sing tomorrow?"



"Yeah so tell me what do you think about her? You know since you got to see her in action, something a rare few have seen."

"She is brilliant but she's got an attitude, though one thing I have to say is that she has a spark and when she sang and was working on the melody it was so clear that she loves what she is doing and it's so obvious she doesn't know what's happening around her."

"She really is something but you'll get the memo soon enough."

"What memo?"

"The fact that she doesn't care about what is actually happening around her. She is always stuck in a book in a corner be it her songbook or a novel."


"The way you look when you're talking about her it's clear you're interested in her, but I'm warning you there have been so many that have been in your shoes and they all end up heartbroken giving up because she is so oblivious to the world around her that she doesn't even notice when someone is taking interest in her."

"How long do these guys take before giving up?"

"Up to 8 months."


"Like I said she is deep into her books. Even when she is walking it's clear as can be that she is working on something."

"She really is something else."

"Yeah, she is."

Just as Dean was about to say something to Ty, Sam and Jake appeared, "So we are broke, what now?"

Ty responded, "Well seeing that we've been here for 4 hours wanna have a late lunch?"

"Sure let's go."

With that, they left and went to the nearest Mc Donald's drive-through. They each ordered their meal and after they paid and got their food they headed back to the dorms. As they get out of the car they start to question where to eat.

"How about Ty and Sam's room?"

"How about Jake's room?"

"How about Dean's room?"

Then Ty speaks up, "Well Dean's is the cleanest and you can actually see his floor and desk so I vote there."

"Yeah sure let's go"

"Let's do it," both Jake and Sam join in.

"Alright then let's go I have a PS4 and Call of duty black ops 4 we can jam after we eat."

"HELL YEAH!!!!" the guys shout in unison.

In the end, they played till 10 pm when Jake stood up, "Alright guys I hate to be the downer but I have class at 8 am tomorrow and I have to go over a piece that I have to perform for the class so I gotta head out."

"It's alright man we fully understand plus I have dance practice at 8 am as well," Sam spoke up next.

"Guess I'm heading out too then see you tomorrow is class Dean later."

"No problem guys had fun today thanks for the outing."

"Thanks for bringing your PS4."

"Anytime," Dean smiled.

With that Dean closed the door and decided to call it a night as well so he took a long refreshing shower then jumped into his bed and let the peaceful darkness overcome him.


"Ughhh morning already," Dean groaned.

As he laid in bed wide awake he remembered what Ty had said.

If Alison had panic attacks it could get worse, so why would the Professor make her perform?

Why does he push her to test her limits?

And more importantly, why does Alison have panic attacks?

He'd have to ask her personally to find the answers he's looking for but by the looks of their last encounter, he'd have to hope for a miracle.

And by the looks of it, he'd better pray that she doesn't have a panic attack as well.

But still, after hearing her voice he had to wonder what on earth was stopping a beauty such as her voice not being shared with the world.

With that last thought, he jumped out of bed to get dressed he could get a breakfast muffin from the cafe near school.

As he entered the cafe the strong smell of coffee hit him square in the face, he couldn't help but take a deep breath and enjoy the aroma.

"See you're back again. I'll take it, my muffins and coffee are really good," the lady behind the counter speaks.

"I truly couldn't start the day right unless I start it with a muffin and your coffee."

"So you're not here to see a certain someone."

"Well that is just an added bonus"

"Well I guess you will have to do without your added bonus today"

"And why is that?"

"She isn't here."

"Hmm, I thought you said she came in for breakfast regularly?"

"I said almost everyday, not everyday."

"Hmm okay then but I still want 2 muffins and a large cup of coffee please"

"Sure it's coming right up, take a seat."

With that, he sat at the table beside the glass window, and as he stared off he wondered why she hadn't come in for her usual cup of coffee.

"Here you are 2 muffins and a large cup of coffee"

"Thank you and if you don't mind my asking what is your name?"

"I'm Clare Johnson owner of this fine establishment," she smiled with pride.

"Dean Ozeata, pleased to have properly introduced myself, Mrs. Johnson," Dean smiled and gave a slight bow.

"None of that nonsense you call me Clare Mrs makes me feel old," she beamed at him.

"Alright, Clare so tell me how comes you told me about Alison so easily before you even knew my name?"

"Because I see something in you and I have a feeling you will change my little Alison for the better."

"What do you mean? I overheard a Professor of mine saying something along those lines. What is it that you guys see in me?"

"You'll find out soon enough."


"Now hurry and eat before your coffee gets cold and you reach late for class," Then she walked away.

He sighed and began to eat his muffin and groaned still amazed by the taste of the muffins.

After he finished his coffee and muffins he went up to the counter to pay.

"Thanks for the muffins and coffee Clare, they were amazing."

"I'm glad you liked them, now run along you have class soon."

"Wait how do you know?"

"My nephew of course."

"Who is your nephew?"

"Derek Smoak, but you know him as Professor Smoak. Now run along he doesn't like when students walk in late."

Dean stood there amazed at what he just learned.

"Didn't you hear me go!"

He didn't wait for another warning, he picked up his bag and dashed out of the café making his way to class, bumping into students along the way.

As he entered the class he sighed in relief, the Professor had yet to arrive. As he looked around it seemed that Alison was also missing, he shook his head and took a seat in the front of the class so if his help was needed he'd be able to.

2 minutes later in walked Alison as beautiful as always but instead of leaving her wavy auburn hair free she had it in a high ponytail, and she was giving the usual blank face but in her eyes the fear was clear. The way she subtly played with the ring on her finger proved him right.



Alison groaned and opened her eyes, as she looked around it became clear as to why her neck hurt, she'd fallen asleep on her reading chair again.

"Alison, are you awake yet? I've made breakfast for us, and remember you have to drive to school today."

"I'm up dad, don't worry I will be down in a bit."

"Okay then I'll start serving the coffee," then came the sound of footsteps walking away from the door.

'Guess it's time to face the day.'

'yeah and your worst nightmare'

'No no no it's today isn't it. I have to perform today'

'Yep you're in deep'

'Can't I say I'm sick?'


'I had hopes okay'

'If you could act then we'd be in the clear but you can't. The only thing you've mastered is hiding your emotions from others.'


'Now get going before you end up reaching late.'

'ugh I hate when you're right'

'you know it now move'

With that, she rushed to the restroom to take a quick shower and get ready for the day.

She settled on wearing her black ripped jeans with her cute grey hoodie and tied her hair back into a high ponytail leaving out a few strands around her face.

She then made her way to the dining room to join her father for breakfast.

"Hi Dad, how did you sleep?"

"I slept great and by the looks of it I'm guessing you fell asleep on your reading chair again," he smiled.

"Maybe," she smiled sheepishly.

"Who would have thought my daughter always stuck in a book."

"We all know I didn't get that from you dad."

"Very true," he laughed.

"Yeah but let's look on the bright side Alex got your looks and charm," she smiled.

"Yeah, I just wish he'd man up and ask Olivia to date him, that he surely didn't get from me."

"Dad, they have been friends all of their lives; he just doesn't want to risk his friendship."

"He needs to gain courage that's what, anyways so tell me how are you feeling about today?"

"Honestly not the best."

"What's wrong?"

"I just feel like I'm not ready. I don't want to freak out my entire class either."

"How will you know when your ready if you won't even try"

"Very true dad"

"Now I don't want to seem rude but if you don't leave now you will be late to class"

"Alright dad I'm going, I'm going," she stood up and gave him a hug.

"I know you will do great my shining star," smiled proudly.

She once more said her goodbye then made her way to her car and made her way towards the academy.

She had just packed her car when the nerves started, she closed her eyes and took deep breaths trying to control them. After doing this for about 3 minutes she opened her eyes and cleared her face of emotion, her blank face the one thing other than fake smiles that she had fully mastered.

She sighed and exited her car making her way to class deciding she'd pick up her books that she'd brought with her after class.

As she entered the classroom she glanced towards the Professor's desk, after seeing that he was nowhere in sight she sighed in relief hoping that the class would be canceled as she turned to take her seat the Professor walked in.

"Good morning class, shall we get started with the solos?"

"Oh yes Professor I can't wait to see the performances today," Tina was the first to respond as she smiled at Alison.

"I must say the same now Alison put down your bag and let's get started shall we."

Alison sighed and internally started praying to whoever was up there for help because she knew she'd need it.