Part 12: A Song of Songs


'I can't breathe, I can't move, how am I to sing in front of the class if I can't even put my bag down.'

'Alison calm down, breathe, you just need to put down your bag then walk to the front of the class and all will be well. Your dad believes in you, hell the Professor believes in you. You just need to get up there and prove to yourself that you can.'

'I can't, I'm not ready.'

'You need to at least try.'

'I just can't do it okay.'

'Just try, how will you know if you don't try?"

With that, she dropped her bag and stepped forward. The professor smiled and gestured for her to turn and face the class. She took a deep breath and turned around, she took another deep breath and looked up. A big mistake, the first thing she saw was Tina and a couple of her goons laughing in the middle of the class, a little to the left she saw Dean giving a hopeful smile and next to him was a guy though she wasn't exactly sure of his name was giving her a thumbs up. Next to his desk leaned the Professor with an encouraging smile resting on his face.

She tried to smile back but she couldn't, she once more turned towards the class and released a shaky breath, she could feel her throat closing and her heartbeat rising. She took a step forward and the Professor became alarmed, also taking a step forward.

Not a second later she was running out of the class to find the room closest to her that would calm her, which happened to be the recording studio, (the one she took Dean to). As she rushed into the room she slammed the door shut behind her and entered the booth, she took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

'Let it out, let it out'

She exhaled, opened her eyes, and put on the headphones that were hanging on the microphone. She then closed her eyes again and sang her heart out, not noticing the crowd standing in awe, until her song ended and she opened her eyes to see the class gaping at her.

"Um," next thing she knew the class erupted into cheers and a very proud looking professor.

She was happy she did it but something was off next thing she knew all she could see was black.


After Alison left the class he dashed out of his seat and ran behind her alongside Professor Smoak and behind them a few of their classmates. He soon realized she ran to the same recording studio they rehearsed for his first performance. He stopped in front of the door, but Professor Smoak didn't stop; he slowly turned the knob on the door and pushed the door open.

The Professor was the first to step in and Dean followed, she couldn't be immediately seen but the first thing to be heard was her amazing voice. He stepped forward to see her in the booth with her eyes shut but holding on to the microphone and singing her heart out like it was the last thing she would do.

Once again he was amazed at her voice, yes he had heard it before but not like this not as if her life depended on it, but yet so at peace, it was clear as light that she was meant to share her voice with the world.

Once the song had ended she finally opened her eyes, "um," was all she said before the class, who stood behind him, broke out in cheers. She gave a shy smile before she frowned and fainted.

Dean was the first to rush forward but sadly he couldn't catch her. He lifted her in his arms and yelled, "Where is the nurse's office?"

"Class dismissed," Professor Smoak said to the class then turned to face Dean," Come I'll lead you to the nurse's office."

Dean nodded his head and followed Professor Smoak. After a few turns, Professor Smoak stopped and knocked on the door before opening the door and stepping in.

"Ms. Julia are you here?"

"Yes Professor Smoak I'm here," a petite tan lady in full white then came out of a room," oh what have we here?"

"Well," the Professor said, scratching the back of his head.

Dean then stepped forward and she took a look, " oh lay her here on the bed," after dean did so and took a step back the nurse stepped forward and recognized Alison.


Dean stood there frozen wondering what she meant, to his and Ty's knowledge she only made one attempt and had a panic attack why did she say every time?

As if on cue Professor Smoak remembered Dean was there, "If you could excuse us Mr. Ozeata, I need to have a chat with Ms. Julia."

Dean excused himself and left for his dorm room since his next class was till after lunch.

As he neared his dorm room he spotted Ty leaning on his door, " Hey Ty were you looking for me?"

"Duh, so what happened after we were dismissed?"

"Well I took her to the nurse's office with Professor Smoak leading me to then after I set her down on the bed he asked me to leave," Dean wanted to tell Ty about what he heard but he wanted to speak to Alison about it first if he got the chance.

"Hmm, I wonder why?"

"I guess they wanted space so they could tend to her anyways when is your next class?"

"In about 10 minutes just came to see if all was okay."

"Alright then well I will see you later"

"Yeah," and with that Ty turned and walked away to his class.

Dean sighed and entered his room with nothing else to do he turned on his PS4 and as he began to play he couldn't help but think of what he had witnessed. Alison sang in front of a crowd, without knowing she was doing so yes, but she finally did it and everyone in their class finally witnessed her performing. Sadly, not long after she realized what she did she fainted but why?

That question still lingered, why doesn't she like performing? He will have to do some more digging to find out, but how would he get the answers? The best way would be from the source, Alison, but how if she kept avoiding him?

So many questions but no answers.


Alison woke up to people talking.

"I swear I only mean the best for her, and you should have seen that she was amazing. I knew she could do it, she blew everyone away. I'm so proud of her and her father is too."

"I don't care if you mean the best everytime you do this she ends up here and I don't know how her father is okay with this."

"Her father is okay with this because it's her dream but she is too scared to try on her own. He knows what she is capable of and he is proud of every step she takes forward and this was a huge step forward trust me."

"Why do you say that huh? you've never gotten her to sing before."

"Because she did sing this time; an entire song. Though she didn't know it was in front of a crowd till the end, the reason why we are here, but she did it!"

That's when it all clicked, she did it and she actually sang in front of her classmates.

'Oh my gods what did I do?'

'You sang your heart out to a bunch of people that's what!'

'Yeah then I fainted'

"And to prove it to you I have a video," Professor Smoak pulled out his phone and played a video for Ms. Julia to see.

It was definitely her voice and her song, the one she had written in memory of her mom to be exact.

"Wow," Ms. Julia breathed.

"Yes I know, I just wish I knew the name of this lovely piece," Professor Smoak sighed.

Alison took a deep breath and decided it was time to make her presence known, "A song of songs."

Both adults turned to face her stunned.

"What?" the Professor asked.

"The song you wanted to know the name it's 'A Song of Songs' it's one of my older pieces," she shrugged.

"Wow am I right to presume it was inspired by your mother Ms. Walker?"

Alison sighed in defeat knowing there was no way to get out of the question, "yes you are right sir."

"Anyways," Ms. Julia interrupted, " How are you feeling Alison?"

"I'm okay Ms. Julia, just a slight headache."

"Probably because you hit your head on the floor."


"Yes," Ms. Julia stepped forward with a brown paper bag, " Take these after you eat lunch then rest the rest of the day in your dorm by tomorrow you will be fine."

"Thank you, Ms. Julia and you Professor for bringing me here"

"Actually," the Professor interrupted, "Mr. Ozeata carried you here, I just led the way."


"Yes, actually he was the first to rush to your aid."

"Before you?"

"Ehem, well yes."

"I'm assuming you also mentioned this to my father?"

"Well yes, he called because you weren't answering your phone and I explained to him what happened."

"Did you send him the video?"

"Well um..."

"Yes or no?" she asked in a scary calm voice.


She let out an angered sigh she looked up to Ms. Julia, "Can I leave now?"

"Yes, you can Ms. Walker don't forget to eat and drink your pills then rest."

" Yes ma'am," she nodded and walked out of the nurses office.

As she walked towards the home of her favorite baked goods, she couldn't help but think of the times she's ended up in the nurse's office. Many may think that this is the second time she's attempted to sing for a crowd, but it honestly is not. Professor Smoak had been trying for 2 years to get her to sing for a crowd, usually teachers or him and the principal but she always ended up waking up in the nurse's office.

She let out a sigh, the Professor finally made progress; she actually sang this time though she didn't think anyone had followed her.

"Was wondering if you'd come in today," Mrs. Johnson smiled.

"Was at my dad's this morning, that's why I didn't come for breakfast."

"It's okay I figured the only time you don't come in is when you visit your dad or you're running late to class," she smirked.

Alison smiled sheepishly," yeah."

"Anyways, you want your usual?"

"Hmm well, it's October what's your monthly special?"

"Well, I have pumpkin muffins and Halloween iced coffee."

"Well then can I have a pumpkin muffin and a Halloween iced coffee please."

"Of course now do you want it to go or to have?"

"To go please."

"Okay it'll be right up," and she disappeared behind the counter, she returned a few minutes later with a paper bag and the iced coffee.

"Here you go."

"Thank you," Alison responded as she paid for her lunch.

"I'll see you tomorrow Alison, bye now."

"Bye and thank you again for lunch," Alison smiled and waved as she exited the café.

She then made her way to her dorm room, so she could eat her muffin in peace then get some rest.

As she entered her room her phone rang," I won't get a rest this way," she sighed and picked up her phone to see who had called.

'Hi dad

Hi Shining star, so I heard about what you did today. I knew you could do it, I'm so proud of you.

Even though I fainted after I realized my class was watching?

Even so, on that note, I would like you to come home for dinner Friday night and invite Mr. Ozeata. I'd like to thank him personally for rushing to your aid.

Are you sure dad?

Yes, Alison, not anyone would have rushed to save you, and that is why I want to thank him.

Okay dad I will invite him.

That's my girl now I have to go. I have a meeting in 2 minutes goodbye and take care. I love you.

I love you too dad.'

She ended the call with a sigh, threw her phone on her bed and sat at her desk, and opened the paper bag which held her muffin to be stopped by a knock on the door.

"Ughh no one will let me eat in peace!"

She stood and opened her door and to her surprise saw the person she didn't think she'd see anytime soon.