Part 62: What Will You Do?


After an eventful dinner, they each made their way back to the cars and began their journey back to campus, both cars taking different routes since Dean had insisted on making a stop. 

"So tell me Dean where are we going? Because if you are planning on killing me and dumping my body somewhere I'm not sure who would kill you first either Anna or Alex," Alison broke the silence with her mini-rant.

Laughing Dean replied, "I more thing they'd band together and both get the job done actually."

"You know I wouldn't be surprised if they did."

"You see the only issue in this theory is that I surely don't plan on killing you nor being killed," Dean shrugged as he made a turn.

"Okay so if you aren't taking me to my death, where are you taking me?" Alison faced him.

"Don't worry I just have a slight craving for ice cream," Dean shrugged looking over to her.

Alison squealed, "Well then, what are you waiting for? Step on it!"