Part 63: It's Sunday


After they got back to campus Alison made her way back to her dorm room and all she wanted to do was sleep so she quickly sent a thank you message to Dean then changed into her pajamas before jumping in bed and covering her entire body with her duvet. 

Slowly her heart rate lowered and she felt herself losing consciousness, right before she completely fell asleep she did something that she hadn't done in years, she whispered, "Good night Momma."


*Beep, beep, beep*

Alison groaned as her phone rang effectively waking her up from her deep slumber, after sighing and accepting the fact that she wouldn't be able to ignore it she searched her bed for her phone but came up short. 

"Ughhh, where is it?" Alison groaned.

Then as she sat up she spotted her phone sitting on her desk connected to the charger.