Part 73: Thanksgiving Day 3 Part 2


As soon as everyone finished eating their breakfast Helen respectfully shooed them out of the kitchen claiming that she needed more space and they were getting the way of her cooking. Alison laughed as she followed her family to the game room, knowing that Helen liked to cook in silence with the space to move freely. 

As they got to the game room Alex turned to face everyone with a smile, "So now that teams can be even how will we be teaming up? Artists versus Businessmen?"

Alison looked at Dean for approval and when he nodded she smiled, "Okay brother dearest we are on, get the tally board ready to keep score."

"On it and you are not cheating this year," Alex stated with a pointed look.

"Alex for the last time I did not cheat Anna and I just work great together," Alison defended.

"Not possible, how did you guys win seven of eight game rounds?" Alex paused, "By cheating that's the only logical explanation."