Part 74: Thanksgiving Day 3 Part 3


As the first dart hit the board he smirked, it didn't hit the bullseye but instead triple twenty. 

He then turned to Alex and asked, "So are we doing 301 or 501?"

Alex looked to his father to call the shots, "We normally do 501."

"Okay then perfect," Dean said as he got in position and let the other two darts fly one after the other, both joining their companion on the triple twenty.

As Dean walked up to remove his darts Alex stepped into place ready for his turn. As he took his place next to Alison she nudged his side.

"I thought you weren't any good, 180 points is very good. Now how am I gonna help you because I am surely not that good."

"Hey all you need to aim for is to hit one odd number I will worry about hitting the big numbers," Dean smiled confidently, he knew that she'd be able to hit at least one odd number.