Chapter 14 The results are out.

Chapter 14 The results are out.

Anyway, based on Xiao Jun's answering speed and the probability of correcting all the previous multiple-choice questions and fill-in-the-blank questions, he must be a top student! Could it be that he wants to be a low-key academic master who will become a blockbuster after the college entrance examination?

Yang Jinrong felt that a speedy student like Xiao Jun would be the best candidate if he were to participate in some math competition. Because you finished writing a test paper in such a short period of time. Prove that your brain must be spinning very fast!

The first day of the monthly exam passed like this.

The next day is English in the morning and comprehensive in the afternoon.

Xiao Jun did very well in the exam. Anyway, Takishima Hui helped him with the questions, which is equivalent to him cheating. So he was very relaxed during the exam. He doesn't even need to read the title.

Just write the answer given by Comet Takishima on the test paper!

Of course, among them, he deliberately left some questions on the test paper without writing them or wrote them randomly in order not to want to get full marks in the test.

Because you, a student who was just kicked out of the key class, suddenly got a perfect score in the monthly exam, you must have shocked the whole city!

You know, even the provincial number-one scholar may not get full marks in the exam!

After the test is over, it is time to correct the test paper.

Estimated to be 2,3 days.

On this day, Yang Jinrong and a group of math teachers were taking apart math test papers to record their grades. Because they have already corrected the math test papers for the entire grade. Now is the time to unpack the edge and start recording the results.

"Old Yang, have you corrected the math test paper with full marks?" A math teacher asked Yang Jinrong.

"No, the highest score for the batch of test papers I corrected was 139 points!" Yang Jinrong spread his hands and continued, "Which one of you scored full marks?

" Exam paper with full marks in mathematics!"

  "What? There are two full marks in mathematics in this monthly exam. It's rare!" Yang Jinrong showed a shocked expression.

You know, it is very difficult to get full marks in the subject of mathematics. Especially their ordinary high school. If you change to another two key high schools. Full marks in mathematics happen quite often. There may even be five or six people in a grade who will get full marks.

And their Wucheng No. 3 Middle School is an ordinary high school, and it is not bad to have a full score in mathematics. This time there were actually two! The math paper of the monthly exam is quite difficult this time, which is similar to the difficulty factor of the college entrance examination. It is really

It is gratifying to have two perfect marks in math."

Or students from class three! I guess one of these two people must be Yang Qianqian!"

As for the ordinary class, they didn't count it at all. In their subconscious mind, it is impossible for any student in the ordinary class to get full marks in the math test!

As for why they are so convinced that Yang Qianqian will be on the list, because Yang Qianqian's grades are obvious to all in the school—no, the whole city—he took second place in the city in the final exam last time!

And Yang Qianqian's mathematics subjects have always been very good, often with more than 140 points or full marks!

So her hope is the best!

Soon, the group of math teachers began to disassemble the two specially selected full-score math test papers.

When they removed the edge band that blocked the name, the three big characters of Yang Qianqian appeared in front of them.

"Let me just say, one of them must be Yang Qianqian! I think if Yang Qianqian continues like this, he will be admitted to Capital University. There is also a very good chance to fight for the number one scholar in liberal arts in Jiangbei Province next year!" Yang Jinrong was excited.

"Yes, the chances are great!"

"Hurry up and see who the second person is!"

Soon, everyone unwrapped the second test paper.

"Senior Class 18, Xiao Jun!"

"What? From ordinary class?"

"No way~"

"Old Yang, isn't this one of the classes you teach?" Several math teachers all looked at Yang Jinrong in unison.

What a surprise!

A test paper with a perfect score in mathematics actually appeared in an ordinary class. Anyway, these math teachers were all stunned.

I never thought it would be like this!

The most shocking person here is Yang Jinrong!

He never thought it would be Xiao Jun.

At the beginning, Xiao Jun took the math time test with a full score, and he felt that the other party had two brushes. But following Xiao Jun's dislike of studying in the next month, So he gradually labeled Xiao Jun as hurting Zhongyong.

But today I didn't expect that he would get a full score in mathematics in the formal exam!

You know, you could copy books in the last full-score math paper test, but you couldn't this time!

"It turned out to be him! He is really a genius. So I didn't miss it at the beginning." Yang Jinrong was filled with emotion.

"Is there any water in this perfect score?"

"Let me see, there are a few questions that are different from Yang Qianqian's way of solving big questions. It should not be copied from Yang Qianqian." "

That's right, they don't seem to be in the same exam room. "

It should be true that Xiao Jun was kicked out of the key class just now. He still has a foundation!" Seeing his colleagues doubt Xiao Jun's grades, Yang Jinrong quit immediately.

"Sure enough, he is a talent, but why was he kicked out of the key class?"

"Maybe he can't do other subjects?"


Class 18, third year of high school

Today is the day when the monthly exam results come out.

Class teacher Chen Wei is now standing on the podium with a smile on his face. First of all, his class collective score has improved slightly in this monthly exam, referring to the few top students in the class.

Second, this time, two people were admitted to the top 150 in the grade!

In other words, these two people can prepare to report to the key class!

Thirdly, their class unexpectedly produced a student with a perfect score in mathematics.

"Ahem, the results of this monthly exam are out. First place, Xiao Jun, with 100 points in Chinese, 150 points in mathematics, 81 points in English, 199 points in comprehensive literature, and a total score of 530 points, ranking 72nd in the grade!" "

No. 2 place Wang Guimei, with a total score of 420 points, ranked 149th in her grade."

  "What? 530 points!" A group of students were shocked after hearing this. Because this score is definitely a dream score for their ordinary class.

"Oh my God, Xiao Jun's perfect score in math? It's amazing."

"Full score in math..."

All the students were shocked.

No one thought that this person, who either sleeps or plays with his mobile phone every day, could still get a full score in mathematics.

"As expected of a person who came out of the key class, now he has been in the ordinary class for a month, and he is going back to the key class again!" Thegrade is ranked 72, and there is no doubt that he will return to the key class.

"Our class monitor, Wang Guimei, is 149 in grade, but she can still enter the key class." "

but her grades are relatively low. If she doesn't do well in the next monthly exam, she will go back to the ordinary class."

(End of this chapter)