Chapter 15: Returning to the Key Class

Chapter 15: Returning to the Key Class

Under the attention of all the students, Xiao Jun returned to his seat with the report card in the hands of the class teacher, Chen Wei.

"Old Xiao, you actually got the first place in the class! You agreed to be at the same table together until graduation, and now you are secretly going back to the key class." Huang Yanzhao looked at Xiao Jun with envy. He knew that this month Xiao Jun was playing with his mobile phone or sleeping on the table every day. I didn't expect to get 530 points in this test, which is incredible.

"Hey, it's okay; we will be at the same table for a day, and we will be at the same table for a lifetime." Xiao Jun smiled.

530 points, which is about the same as what he wanted. Anyway, I can go back to the key class.

"A genius is still a genius. You can get more than 500 points on the test every day without attending classes. Soon, the head teacher handed out all the transcripts. " Okay, the grades are out. You must check yourself this time to see if you have improved or regressed. Students who have improved should not be proud. Students who have regressed should not give up." Chen Wei gave another speech on the podium.

"Now, there are two people in our class who are admitted to the top 150 in the whole grade, and those are Xiao Jun and Wang Guimei. Xiao Jun, you can go to your original senior third class to report now. As for Wang Guimei, you can go to the school in the afternoon. Report from Class 2, Grade 3."

Chen Wei said to the two of them: "Xiao Jun, come to my office."


When I went to Chen Wei's office, I was, of course, praised. But it received another beating. Chen Wei knew that the Xiao Jun in front of him was a genius student. You can see that he can score more than 500 points in the test by playing with his mobile phone every day. So he just wants to persuade Xiao Jun not to be like this in the future.

"Xiao Jun, you have to work harder in the future. Try to get a heavy one in the college entrance examination."


Class 1 of the third year of high school

At this moment, Yang Huiru was also reading the report card for this monthly exam on the podium.

In this monthly exam, overall, the performance of most of the students in the class did not regress, which made her very pleased.

"The first place in this monthly exam, Yang Qianqian, with a total score of 650 points, is the first place in the whole grade! Especially in math, she has a full score of 150. We have two students with full marks in whole-grade math on this monthly exam. Congratulations to us, classmate Yang Qianqian." Yang Huiru took the lead in applauding.


"As expected of the class leader, every time I take the exam, I am the first in all-round age. It is really amazing. It is rare for the grade to decline. Even if it declines, it will not exceed 20 points! This state is maintained very well."

"Tsk tsk tsk... I got a full score in math, so I'm so envious!"

All the students applauded and envied.

because mathematics is generally the strength of boys. Girls' brains are not as fast as boys' brains in mathematics. But Yang Qianqian got full marks in the test, so it proved her strength!

"Teacher, is there another one who has a full score in mathematics, in class two or class three?" A classmate asked curiously.

"Yes, teacher."

A group of students became curious. In their eyes, the perfect score in mathematics should be produced in the other two key classes, Class 2 or Class 3.

After all, getting full marks in mathematics is a very impressive result.

In other words, if you haven't done any of the math problems wrong, this kind of strength is already at the level of a master.

"The other one with a perfect score in mathematics is in Class 18 of the third year of high school. He will come to our class to report later, and you will know when the time comes." Yang Huiru smiled. To be honest, when she saw this classmate get a perfect score in mathematics, she was surprised and shocked. So now she is going to make a fool of the students in the class.

"What? In the ordinary class?"

"He still has to come to our class to report, so his total score has entered the top 150."

"That's right, he got a perfect score in mathematics, and he must not be bad in other subjects."

Many students are surprised. They were all surprised.

because they never expected that people with perfect scores in mathematics would appear in ordinary classes!

They are very clear about the level of the students in the ordinary class. Most of the levels are scumbags. Unexpectedly, there was a dark horse in the ordinary class of the monthly exam this time.

Yang Qianqian, who was walking up to get the report card, was also slightly surprised when she heard this. She also didn't expect that there would be a dark horse in the ordinary class.

On the contrary, she was looking forward to it. Getting full marks would impress her.

At this moment, none of these students would have thought that the person with a perfect score in mathematics would be Xiao Jun!

"The second place in the class, Li Chaohang, with a total score of 607 points, and the seventh place in age..."

"The third place..."

Then, Yang Huiru, the class teacher, continued to read the grades.

"Wow, as expected of Li Chaohang, that is, the second in the class, this momentum is maintained well."

"Yes, there is no problem with heavy capital."

In Class 1 of the third year, Yang Qianqian and Li Chaohang have always been influential figures. Yang Qianqian, the number one in ten thousand years, will not talk about it. Li Chaohang's performance is also unusually stable. Often, the top five in the class exist.

The key is that he grew up to be very handsome, with good grades and a rich family. So it has always been the existence of Prince Charming in the minds of the girls in the class.

They were originally a liberal arts class with 50 students, 36 of whom were girls. Only 14 boys Class 2 of the key classes is also a liberal arts class, and only three of the key classes are science classes. Of course, those in ordinary classes will not be mentioned.

Then Li Chaohang will be even more sought-after.

However, many people knew that Li Chaohang had been chasing Yang Qianqian.

Soon, the whole class had finished their grades, just as Yang Huiru was preparing to explain the test papers.

There was a knock on the door.


Someone knocked on the door.

Everyone looked out the door in unison.

"The one from class 18 came to report."

"Hey, isn't that Xiao Jun who was kicked out of the key class before? Why did he come to our class?" "

Could it be that he forgot to take something before?"

"How could he? Appearing here?"

When the students saw Xiao Jun standing at the door, they were all puzzled.

No one thought that he was here to report.

"Couldn't it be him who came to report? Return to the key class?"

"Impossible! How could he get a perfect score in math?"

"Yeah, he can still get a perfect score in math by playing on his phone every day, ha ha..." "

Xiao Jun, come in. When Yang Huiru saw Xiao Jun appear at the door, a smile appeared on her pretty face. She was extremely disappointed with Xiao Jun before. I can't be satisfied with him now.

because he scored 530 points in the test and still got a full score in mathematics. He really fulfilled the promise he made at the beginning and returned to the key class a month later!

Anyway, Yang Huiru still can't believe it. That student who didn't want to study every day turned out to be a genius.

(end of this chapter)