Chapter 46 Why Are You So Outstanding

Chapter 46 Why Are You So Outstanding

On the podium, the invigilator Wilson stared at all the candidates below with a pair of sharp eyes. In order to prevent someone from cheating!

Although there are a total of four invigilators in this classroom. But he is still very serious!

Suddenly, he saw a candidate raise his hand suddenly. It was estimated that the examinee had something to report, so he asked, "Can I help you?"

"Teacher, can I hand in my papers in advance?" Xiao Jun asked lightly. Although Xiao Jun was a scumbag before, he was still a student in a key class. In junior high school and high school, I still know the grammar I learned in the first year of high school. What's more, he read all the English books and test paper notes in high school before, and he recently memorized the Oxford Dictionary, English-Chinese Dictionary, Youdao Dictionary and so on. With his huge vocabulary, he has almost no problem speaking English. Even without the help of the masters, he is very confident in the English test, and there is absolutely no problem in getting a score of 130 or more in the test!

Wilson was taken aback after hearing this, "You finished it? (You finished it?)"


"Hiss..." Wilson gasped. It's only been an hour and ten minutes. Just finished all three questions? Shocking! When he used to invigilate the exam, it would take two hours for the student who finished the exam the fastest!

But in the next second, Wilson said seriously: "No way!" In his eyes, this student is really skinny! Didn't he read the rules and regulations for the exam? Do not hand in papers in advance!

"Okay~" Xiao Jun spread his hands, looking helpless.

But the conversation between the two of them made all the exams in the examination room prick up their ears.

When they heard that Xiao Jun had finished writing in an hour and had to hand in the paper ahead of time, their jaws dropped to the ground!

"What? Finished the paper in an hour? How did he do it?"

"I've just finished the first question, and he's going to hand in the paper, how angry!"

"Isn't this year's topic more difficult than last year? He actually finished it in an hour. What is his brain made of?"

"It's over, it's over, the Huaxia team has a monster!"

All the candidates in the classroom were sweating on their foreheads.

Especially the American Imperial Team, Bangzi National Team, Goose Ross Team and several other candidates. I saw that the Huaxia team finished it in an hour. They saw that they had only done so little, and they became even more anxious.

Anyway, Xiao Jun's actions just now invisibly put tremendous pressure on them! It even directly affected their mentality, and maybe even affected their performance in the exam.

More than 3 hours finally passed.

Xiao Jun handed in the paper and walked to his residence.

When he returned to his residence, he saw that Liang Chaoqiang and others were already waiting for them here.

"How did you do in the exam?" Liang Chao asked impatiently.

"It doesn't feel like a big problem!"

"That's good, that's good!"

After the other five players came back, everyone discussed it. The other few played relatively stable.

"Okay, forget about today's events after today's exam. What you have to do now is to face tomorrow's exam!" Liang Chaoqiang encouraged.


The residence of the US imperial team.

The head coach Luo Boshen asked the six players: "How did you do in the exam today?"

"It's not bad. I think I can take all three test questions on the first day. Although it took me more than 4 hours to get them all done. I have to say that this year's test questions are indeed much more difficult than last year's." A team member Opening report.

"Well, not bad. You got it on the first day. Even if you can't get some questions on the second day, your score won't be too low." Robb nodded in satisfaction.

Most of the other team members' reports before and after were good news, at least they solved all the problems.

"Jack, how did you do in the exam?" Finally Robb looked deeply at Jack.

"It's okay, but I'm not very sure about the last question." Jack reported truthfully.

"Huh?" Luo Baishen was a little displeased, but he still encouraged with a smile on his face: "It's okay, you must be more serious tomorrow, and keep working hard! Don't forget, you still have the team to help you score points. You just need to play hard tomorrow." Well, there is no problem!"

"Yes, head coach... Head coach, I, I have something to report to you."

"What's up?"

"In the examination room I was in today, there was a member of the Huaxia team. He finished three questions in just one hour. He also asked the invigilator to hand in the paper early, but he was rejected." Jack said.


In the next second, everyone in the room was shocked.

"Finished three questions in one hour?" The other five members took a breath. They are very clear about how many questions they only do in an hour~

Even Luo Boshen was surprised!

"It seems that this year's Huaxia team is strong. But don't let that person affect your mentality. During the exam, don't pay attention to the situation around you, and do a lot of questions, you know?" Robb said in a deep voice.


This shocking situation was staged in the dormitories of the Bangzi National Team and Goose Ross Team.


The next day, the exam still came as scheduled.

Xiao Jun's performance is still leisurely and leisurely.

The other examinees in the classroom automatically blocked Xiao Jun, because they were afraid that seeing the other party's relaxed appearance would affect their own test status.

"Hey, today's invigilators have all changed!" Xiao Jun was a little surprised to find out. Well, this kind of international level exam is to prevent collusion, cheating, etc. from happening.

So the examiners on the second day and the first day are different!

"Hey, then I can continue to be skinny today!" Xiao Jun thought to himself. If today's examiner was the same as yesterday's examiner, he would not dare to be ashamed. After all, if you ask a question twice, it's not a skin, it's a fight!

At this moment, the two top students in the group told him that he had already figured out the answer.

Only one hour has passed since the exam!

Scribble and write down the answer.

Hands up again!

"Teacher, can I hand in the paper in advance?" Xiao Jun asked with a smile.

Of course, the result was rejected by the chief invigilator!

But the faces of a group of examiners in the examination room turned black.

"Fake, hand in the papers early again? Do you want to be more ruthless?"

"I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it... ah ah ah..."

"He did it on purpose, he must have done it on purpose. He asked the same way yesterday, and seeing that the invigilator changed today, he continued to ask like this. He must have wanted all of us to know that he was done! And we don't have any The train of thought... He, he intentionally puts psychological pressure on us!"

"mmp~Why is he so prominent?!"