Chapter 47: I have even more exciting news

Chapter 47: I have even more exciting news

"This is definitely the Huaxia team's tactic against us this year!"

"I want to condemn, strongly condemn!"

However, their inner cries were useless.

They could only watch helplessly as Xiao Jun showed off in front of their eyes. By the way, it also disgusts them.

After this farce ended, many candidates in the examination room became nervous. In their eyes, today's three questions are more difficult than yesterday's. Why did Xiao Jun solve it in only one hour again?

"Fack, it's been an hour, and I still don't have a solution to the first question!" Jack became inexplicably irritable. Then think about the fact that Xiao Jun of the Huaxia team has already finished the three questions. People are more popular than people.

Especially when Jack and the others couldn't think of an idea, they looked away and suddenly saw Xiao Jun staring at them with a relaxed and smug smile, which made them even more angry. I can't wait to rush up and smash that face that needs a beating!

Unfortunately, they can only think about it in their hearts~

At this moment, Xiao Jun feels that he can express his inner expansion with a happy song!

Hahahahaha can't beat me

There's no way I'm that strong

Hahahahaha can't catch up with me

La la la la la la la la la la la la

Hahahahaha I beat you

Let's all go together, I'm not afraid at all

Hahahahaha I can't beat me...

"Hey~ I gave myself 99 points for this wave of psychological tactics, and I'm afraid I'm too proud to give 100 points. Well~ there are more than three hours before the end of the exam, now go to the Xueba chat group to brag about it~"


After more than three hours, the exam was finally over, hand in the papers, and leave!

The two-day exam was finally over, and more than 600 candidates were relieved. The next thing is to wait for the results to come out. Whether it is a dragon or a worm, it will be revealed the day after tomorrow!

The next day is the visit day, and all candidates will go to the major attractions in London to visit and play. It's also a free trip.

On this day, everyone is playing crazy!

After all, everyone is a high school student, and the usual high school life is basically studying and studying, and finally can travel in a foreign country. Although it is only one day, it is all about being happy.

On the third day, it was finally the day when the results were announced! At the same time, today is also the closing ceremony of the International Mathematical Olympiad.

In the venue, everyone was staring at Smith on the podium. Because he will announce the results of the International Mathematical Olympiad next!

All the cameras were focused on him one after another, and the candidates present were all looking forward to what kind of results they would get!

"Everyone, teachers, students, and guests, good afternoon. I'm Smith! Next, I will announce the results of this International Mathematical Olympiad!" Smith said in an orderly manner.

"Because the difficulty of this year's Mathematical Olympiad is higher than that of previous years, according to the decision in the meeting, the score line of 29 points can win the Olympic Mathematical Gold Medal!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the people below were not too surprised.

After all, the difficulty of the questions has increased, and the scores obtained by most of the candidates are definitely not as high as in previous years. Therefore, the gold medal score line will definitely not be as high as in previous years, and it will be adjusted according to fluctuations.

"I remember that last year the gold medal score required to reach 31 points or more. I didn't expect that this year it would be 29 points. This year's test questions are indeed much more difficult than last year."


"I don't know which team will win the first place in the world team this year!"

"I don't know if there will be a gold medalist with a perfect score this year."

"I don't think the winner of the perfect score gold medal should think about it. This year's question type is too difficult. Even if the question type was not so difficult last year, there was a perfect score gold medal. This year, don't think about it."

In the audience seats, many people were discussing.

"Although this year's overall Mathematical Olympiad questions are relatively difficult, it is still not difficult for our math geniuses. In this international Mathematical Olympiad, among our more than 100 teams, there is a team where all 6 members won the prize. Gold medal! In other words, none of their six members scored less than 29 points!" Smith released a explosive message.

"What? All-hands gold medalist?"

"Hiss... all six have won gold medals? Even in the history of Mathematical Olympiads, this kind of situation is relatively rare!"

"Which country's Mathematical Olympiad team are they from?"

"The six members have all won gold medals. I believe their total scores must also be number one in the world. So they have a great harvest!"

In the venue, everyone was boiling.

Everyone is guessing which team is so awesome!

"Well... I don't want to be a joke anymore. This team is the champion of last year's International Mathematical Olympiad - the US Emperor team!" Smith said with a smile when he saw that the atmosphere was almost brewing.


"We are number one!"

"we are the champion!"

In the spectator seats, the position of the American Empire team. When the six members and the coaching staff heard the exciting news, they all jumped up from their seats and cheered excitedly.

"You all won gold medals, your hard work was not in vain, great job! You once again proved to the world that our US team is the strongest!" Head coach Robb cried with joy. Even if they won the championship last year, they only won five gold medals and one member won a silver medal. Compared to last year, they improved this year. Six gold medals!

"Jack, you have withstood the pressure. Although you scored 29 points in the test, you are a well-deserved gold medal genius!" Robb patted Jack on the shoulder vigorously.

Immediately afterwards, the big screen above the stage also announced the scores of the six members of the American Emperor team: 37 points, 34 points, 32 points, 31 points, 29 points, and 29 points. The total score is 192 points!

"It's over! The American Emperor team must win the second consecutive championship this time."

"Six gold medals... oh my god!"

"Hey~ Let's work harder next year."

At this moment, all the world's top teams feel lonely when they see this place. In their subconscious mind, although Smith did not announce that the American Emperor team is the champion of the total score, the first place in this year's International Mathematical Olympiad. But they won 6 gold medals. It proves that they must be number one in the world! They are all hopeless.

"Did we miss the championship again?" Liang Chaoqiang looked lonely.

Even Xiao Jun was heartbroken when he saw this. Could it be that I can't save these pig teammates with full marks? The whole team is gold medalist, with a total score of 192 points, it feels like it's over.

"Everyone, I will announce an even more explosive news next!" Smith said with a smile.

"What? Is there more exciting news?"