Chapter 59 Development Engines Are Inseparable from Mathematics and Physics

Chapter 59 Development Engines Are Inseparable from Mathematics and Physics

Soon, the time for late reading will pass.

Xiao Jun put down the book in his hand, and went to the corridor to blow some air.

Ever since he won the gold medal with a perfect score in the International Mathematical Olympiad, he found that many people in the school knew him. Another thing is that the eyes of the students in the class have changed when they look at him. Basically envious and jealous.

Many of these classmates understood that they and Xiao Jun no longer belonged to the same world. He is a person who is about to go to Beijing University.

Even Yang Qianqian, his deadly rival, no longer had the arrogance of the past, but only had inner dissatisfaction.

As for that Qin Linfeng, he saw that his enemy had become a recommended student of Beijing University. Of course it's that jealousy in my heart! From then on, he couldn't casually ridicule Xiao Jun. Instead, he became the object of ridicule.

"It's almost evening self-study, do you want to go to the bathroom together?" Zhou Jiayu asked next to him.

"Let's go!"

Several people responded immediately!

Xiao Jun also followed. The classroom of Class 1 of their senior high school is on the sixth floor. There are 8 classrooms on one floor. There are two toilets at the end of the first floor. That is to say, four classes share a male and female toilet. There are too many people, and they generally like to wait until the class bell rings soon before going to the toilet, otherwise it will be too crowded.

When I came to the toilet to drain the water, there were three students smoking, they should be those guys in the ordinary class. The boys are used to this situation.

The class bell rang after the water was released.

Xiao Jun returned to the classroom, still looking at the books borrowed from the library.

In twenty minutes, he finished reading the second book on basic knowledge of game engines.

After reading it, he also had a general understanding of the production of game engines.

First of all, it will take about 1 to 2 years to develop and produce a large-scale game engine. And it was developed by a team. Such a team should be at least 100 people. even more!

Therefore, almost only companies can develop game engines!

"However, the game engines developed by others start from scratch, and they need to be prepared from conception, innovative technology, repeated deduction and planning, etc. This part will consume a lot of time and energy. I just learn the programming technology well now, and I will imitate it when the time comes. For Liddy's game engine, I probably don't need too many people, and not so much time!" Xiao Jun analyzed in his heart.

In fact, it means that other people develop game engines from scratch, but he is just imitating Halliday's game engine. In this way, the nature is different. Definitely more time-saving and labor-saving!

"Let's talk about these issues later. What I have to do now is to prepare the basic conditions first!" He learned from these two books. It is not that simple to develop a game engine.

Today's game engine has developed into a complex system composed of multiple subsystems, from modeling, animation to light and shadow, particle effects, from physics system, collision detection to file management, network features, as well as professional editing tools and Plugins, covering almost all important links in the development process!

In other words, if you want to develop a game engine, you have to thoroughly understand the above things!

"It's not that even a top student can't do this!" Xiao Jun said with emotion.

A game engine is a collection of codes (instructions) designed for a machine that runs a certain type of game and can be recognized by the machine. It is like an engine that controls the operation of the game. A game work can be divided into two parts: game engine and game resources. Game resources include images, sounds, animations and other parts, and a formula is: game=engine (program code)+resources (images, sounds, animations, etc.). The game engine calls these resources sequentially according to the requirements of the game design.

Most importantly, another important function of the engine is to provide a physics system, which can make the movement of objects follow fixed rules. For example, when a character jumps, the default gravity value of the system will determine how high he can jump, and How fast he falls, the trajectory of the bullet's flight, and the way the vehicle bumps are all determined by the physics system.

"First of all, you must learn graphics~~The most premise is mathematics~"

"3D engine engineer, better at mathematics and physics!"

"Engine programmers and general game developers should be solid in mathematics (from basic matrices, trigonometric functions to advanced integrals, partial differentials, etc.), the ability to optimize code, computer graphics and even the architecture of some graphics hardware wait..."

The above basic knowledge is introduced from those two books.

"It seems that if you want to develop a game engine, you must first be strong in mathematics and physics!" Xiao Jun sighed. These days, developing a game engine is inseparable from mathematics and physics! This also indirectly proves the importance of mathematics and physics!

"It seems that we must catch up on physics knowledge when we have time. We also need to study mathematics in depth."

In the next few days, the school never approached him again about choosing a top-ranking university in China. I guess they all gave up.

After all, his parents agreed with his choice!

In the past few days, he has been studying crazily.

In addition to self-study software programming knowledge, he also consulted Halliday's bad game engine knowledge in the group. In addition, he spends most of his time reviewing Chinese, mathematics, English, history, geography, and politics.

He can't let go of these things. Since he wants to become a top student, he must develop in an all-round way. Although there is a plug-in in the Xueba chat group. He felt that he must have ink himself.

Otherwise, it will be embarrassing if there is no ink in the stomach when the time comes to pretend.

Although he is still a salted fish, he is a different salted fish!

"Hey~ Even if I want to be a top student, I have to be a fresh and refined top student!"

The review of the six major subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, and English is very simple. Xiao Jun first read all these high school textbooks, and memorized all the knowledge in the textbooks. Second, read all the notes the teacher gave in class.

Third, read all the auxiliary books of all subjects. For example, ancient poems and classical Chinese translation books for Chinese subjects, composition documents, etc.

Fourth, read all the test papers, answers, and notes for the three years of high school in all subjects.

Xiao Jun believes that after he finishes all these things, he will digest all these contents again. His knowledge of the exam will definitely go to the next level! At that time, I believe that without relying on the Xueba chat group, he should be able to get a high score in the exam.

"Well, I hope I can take care of all these things in the next half month!" Xiao Jun set his first small goal in his heart.