Chapter 60: The God of Learning who Can’t Test the Limit of IQ

Chapter 60: The God of Learning who Can't Test the Limit of IQ

Evening self-study.

"Phew, rest for ten minutes!" Xiao Jun broke away from the numerous history test papers. This day, he was studying almost all of the time. Compared with before, he was really studying at full speed.

"Come into the group to see what those guys are doing."

Group information 99+...

"There are always endless things to talk about in the communication between top students." Xiao Jun sighed. He has always talked less. First of all, what this group of people are talking about is too profound. He can't get in his mouth as a primary school student. Just watch and learn.

How do you say that in the words of Comet Takishima? As a top student, he has almost no common language with the bad students. And the Xueba chat group is full of Xueba. So there is no generation gap at all when talking.

Xiao Jun has a deep understanding of this. He felt that he and his tablemate Zhou Jiayu had less and less common topics. Because he is a student, and his deskmate is a scumbag. Take the last time as an example, he read some extracurricular books, but Zhou Jiayu couldn't understand them. Alas, both are not on the same channel anymore.

If Zhou Jiayu knew what Xiao Jun was thinking at the moment, he would probably vomit three liters of blood~

It can be seen from the chat of the three that this Halliday also had a good chat in the group.

Xiao Jun: What are you talking about?

Sheldon: Boss, we are talking about what it is like to be a student at the god level. Isn't their IQ against the sky?

Comet Takishima: Yes, yes, I also want to know how to become a god of learning.

The two of them know that when they upgrade from Xueba to Xueshen, they will also be rewarded with the upgrade of the group member's level title!

What's more, Sheldon, Comet Takishima and others felt that they were already very powerful in their world. But after entering the Xueba chat group, I discovered that there are still Xueshen and Jiaoshou. Wouldn't such an existence be more against the sky than them?

Seeing this, Xiao Jun actually didn't know how to answer. Because he doesn't know what kind of existence a super intelligent creature like Xueshen is? Is it the kind of guy whose brain is developed to 70%? Called Beast is a guy with 100% brain development?

But no matter what, he must be more monstrous than Comet Takishima, Sheldon, and Halliday!

In fact, Halliday was already awesome in his eyes. Even developed virtual games. Can you be awesome?

Comet Takishima: Group leader, don't you know?

Xiao Jun: I really don't know, but I think Xueshen must be more evil than you! Maybe they can use their smart brains to create something that will make a great contribution to human society! For example, turning fantasies into reality!

After hearing this, Halliday murmured to himself: "Turn fantasy into reality?" In fact, his Oasis virtual game is to turn fantasy into a game! This alone is an epoch-making technological crystallization. What would it be like to turn fantasy into reality?

Comet Takishima: Fantasy becomes reality? Will this be too far ahead? Can someone do it?

Xiao Jun: Yes, I can foresee some people who have created some very powerful technological crystallizations with unparalleled wisdom. For example, the development of epoch-making weapons, such as the development of a serum that changes human genes. This serum can make an ordinary human stronger and have more lifespan!

What Xiao Jun said is actually similar to Iron Man Tony, who has developed countless super advanced weapons. Finally, a nano-steel suit was developed. This kind of wisdom is definitely beyond the level of ordinary academic masters. And for example, Dr. Erkins, the developer of the super soldier serum! Although this kind of person does not know whether he has reached the level of a god of learning, he is definitely not comparable to comet Takishima, Shelton and other top academics.

He doesn't know whether the above two people are learning gods, anyway, he knows that one person must be at the level of learning gods!

That is - Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk! With seven doctorates, he is a repressed emotional genius with an IQ too high to be identified by known intelligence tests. The gamma bomb designed by Banner caused him to be infected by radiation and became the Hulk.

In other words, so far, no matter whether it is Comet Takishima, Sheldon or Halliday. They can all test how high their IQ is by known intelligence testing methods.

But this Bruce Banner couldn't measure the limit of his IQ with the known IQ test methods. This proves that his IQ must have surpassed the existence of Xueba!

So in Xiao Jun's eyes, he must belong to the level of a student god!

Halliday: Do such people really exist?

Sheldon: Isn't it amazing, there is such a serum that can enhance human physique?

Takishima Comet: I can't believe it!

Xiao Jun: Anyway, I think that when your IQ can't be tested by known methods, then congratulations, you will definitely surpass the level of a master!

Halliday: Well, that makes sense.

Then everyone boasted all kinds of things, and even talked to the beast level, which is the highest level. This kind of person must be the pinnacle of wisdom, right?


Time passed day by day, and half a month passed without knowing it.

There is one more month until the final exam of this semester.

Because Xiao Jun participated in the provincial mathematics competition before, he participated in the national mathematics competition, and then participated in the national Olympic mathematics team training for one month. Then he participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad. So he spends a lot of time away from school.

Even missed the midterm exam this semester!

Now half a month after returning to school, I see that the final exam is due in one month. I have to feel that time flies so fast.

For the past half month, Xiao Jun has not been idle. He read all the senior three textbooks, test papers, auxiliary books, notes, review materials, etc. of Chinese, mathematics, English, history, political science, and geography.

Keep everything in mind. Digestion was also carried out at the same time. With his current IQ of 125, most of the knowledge points can still be understood. Only a few have no clue.

Not only that, but I also read bad extracurricular books to fill my brain.

Another thing is that in the past half a month, I have learned a lot about software programming from Halliday. I also accumulated a lot of basic knowledge of game engine development through my own reading and self-study.

In the past half a month, there was an even funnier thing. Comet Takishima actually became a teacher of Halliday, and he planned to start a game company by himself in the future. I plan to create the strongest computer online game for myself! Of course, as for virtual games, he doesn't have that technology and experience yet. I plan to play a computer game to practice my hands.

In addition, Sheldon also wanted to do it, but in the end he found that he seemed to have no money to start a game company, which was very embarrassing.