Chapter 64 Excited Li Dadao

Chapter 64 Excited Li Dadao

Wucheng No. 1 Middle School.

This time, the test papers of seven or eight high schools in the final exam will be corrected at Wucheng No. 1 Middle School. Each school sent a group of teachers over.

On the morning of the third day, all the test papers of all subjects have been corrected, and the afternoon is about counting scores and rankings.

In the teacher's canteen, a group of teachers from Wucheng No. 3 Middle School gathered for a meal.

"I have good news for you!"

"I have good news for you!"

After a group of teachers sat down, seven or eight teachers suddenly said this sentence in unison.

"Uh~ You also have good news? Don't tell me you have a few full marks in English?"

"Yeah, just now I saw a perfect score in our school's English. Guess who it is?" the English teacher laughed.

"Who is it? Could it be Li Chaohang from Class 1, Senior Three? His English has always been very strong. He also got full marks in the previous exams twice!"

"No, no, Li Chaohang only got 135 points this time, and Xiao Jun got the full score in English!"

"What? Xiao Jun... Didn't he only score 81 in the monthly English test last month?"

"Actually, the good news I want to tell you just now is that our school also got two perfect scores in mathematics, and it's still Xiao Jun and Yang Qianqian!" Chen Jianyong grinned. He is very pleased! This time the math papers were more difficult, and there were still two full marks.

"Hi~ Xiao Jun got full marks in mathematics, that's for sure. After all, he won the first place in the International Mathematical Olympiad."

"Haha... It's really exciting to say that. In fact, what I want to tell you just now is that Xiao Jun also got full marks in Chinese!" Yang Huiru said with a pretty face excitedly. To be honest, she never expected that Xiao Jun would suddenly rise to prominence. I have now scored full marks in all three subjects. So his potential is really limitless.

"Hey, Xiao Jun also has a perfect score in Chinese? Then I want to tell you a breaking news, Xiao Jun also has a perfect score in comprehensive literature!"


After listening to this group of teachers, they all gasped!

"All full marks?"

"He, how did he do it? Wasn't he very common in subjects other than mathematics before? Why now..." All the teachers were stunned and shocked!

"No wonder he dared to refuse the admission of the first-class domestic university. It turns out that he is confident! Confident that he can rely on the college entrance examination to enter the first-class domestic university!"

"That's right, now he has full marks in all subjects, even in the whole province, can't he find a few?"

"The strength of the number one scholar!"

"Full marks! My God, full marks!"

"Aren't you reading it wrong?" Chen Jianyong swallowed. If this is the case. Then next year's college entrance examination, their Wucheng No. 3 Middle School will have a champion. Well, if this level is maintained!

That is, if you don't get the full score of 750 in the college entrance examination, you should be able to pass around 700, right?

With 700 points, you can go to any university in China!

Maybe even become the champion of liberal arts in Jiangbei Province!

"That's right, I unsealed the test paper by myself today!"

"Yes, I was not mistaken either."

"Quickly, tell the principal the good news!"

In the principal's office, Li Dadao is busy with work. Suddenly he received a call.

"Principal, I have some good news for you. It seems that our classmate Xiao Jun got a perfect score in the final exam!" Yang Huiru's voice came from the phone.

"Full score? Full score in mathematics, it's expected." Li Dadao lost interest. To be honest, he has a lot of grudges against Xiao Jun's family. If you don't go to a good Beijing University, you have to pass the college entrance examination to prove yourself. What else do you say that you don't like mathematics majors, you must have computers!

If Xiao Jun were his son, his ass would have been beaten to the brim!

This is an opportunity to reach the sky in one step! How many people are envious, if you say no, then don't.

"Principal, it's not a perfect score in mathematics, no, it's also a perfect score in mathematics, and all other subjects are full scores. That's a total score of 750!" Yang Huiru explained incoherently.

"What? Full score! A total score of 750?"

Teng, Li Dadao stood up directly from the chair, his eyes were wide open, and a duck egg could be stuffed in his mouth. That shocked expression!

He had a look of disbelief!

"Full score?" Li Dadao confirmed again.

"Yes, full marks!"

"Okay, very good, are you sure?"


"Okay, okay!" Li Dadao said excitedly. He never expected that Xiao Jun could get a perfect score in the final exam! It seems that this kind of character has never appeared in any high school in Wucheng in recent years. Even in the entire Jiangbei Province, it is rare.

Although the questions in the final exam are simpler than those in the college entrance examination, getting full marks in the exam also proves his strength! If this level is maintained, the first-class universities in China will be stable!

"This kid, no wonder he swore that he could get into a first-class university by himself, but we couldn't beat him to death. Now he is finally convinced by this kid!" Li Dadao said gratified.

"Haha...Originally, Xiao Jun rejected Beijing and other universities and was ridiculed by other schools. Now he finally continues to raise his eyebrows. This is called face-slapping with strength!"


next morning.

Class 1 of Senior Three.

Yang Huiru walked in with a stack of test papers and a report card on high heels.

"Huh~ Today's final exam results are finally coming out!"

"I don't know how many points I scored this time!"

"Okay, the results of this final exam are out. Now I'm going to read the report card!" Yang Huiru's hands were trembling. Because she couldn't suppress the excitement in her heart.

The student with a perfect score is her student!

"First place, Xiao Jun, with 150 points in Chinese, 150 points in mathematics, 150 points in English, and 300 points in comprehensive literature! The total score is 750 points! No. 1 in the city!" Yang Huiru said coquettishly.

"What? Did I hear correctly? All full marks?!"

"750 points? It seems that 750 points have never appeared in our school, right?"

"No. 1 in the city! Oh my God..."

"It turned out to be Xiao Jun. Didn't he have a degree in mathematics, and he is average in other subjects? Why did he get full marks in all the exams this time?"

All the students below were shocked one by one!

This wave of full-score operations really blinded their titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!

"The future champion of liberal arts in Jiangbei Province!"

"He has risen in just one semester. How did he do it? Before that, he was always pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

"How—it's possible!" Even Yang Qianqian covered her mouth, and her big eyes showed an expression of disbelief. She knows very well how difficult it is to get a perfect score of 750 in the test, it is as difficult as heaven!