Chapter 65: Transforming into a Top Scholar

Chapter 65: Transforming into a Top Scholar

The students below were shocked, disbelieving, and dumbfounded for a while.

"Student Xiao Jun's final exam this time is the only one with a perfect score in the city! Xiao Jun, come up and get your report card and Chinese test paper." Yang Huiru looked at Xiao Jun with beautiful eyes, and there was no need to say any words of praise and encouragement. Afraid that he would be proud! Now all the teachers and students in Wucheng No. 1 Middle School and Wucheng No. 2 Middle School are envious and jealous of him. Such a perfect score author did not appear in their key high school. Instead, it appeared in an ordinary high school.

You know, with such a full-score test, if nothing else happens in the college entrance examination, it is a student of a top-ranking university in China. Do you think they can't be jealous?

At this moment, the eyes of the whole class were all focused on him, and he became the super dark horse of this final exam. Although everyone knew that Xiao Jun was invincible in mathematics, they never expected to get a perfect score of 750 in the test!

This is no longer a single top student, but a whole series of top students.

After getting the report card and test paper, Xiao Jun sat back in his seat.

"Old Xiao, you are amazing! You were right to reject those first-class universities in China! With your grades, which university in China is not allowed?" Zhou Jiayu at the same table was all happy for Xiao Jun.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xiao Jun smiled slightly.

"The only one in the city with a perfect score. I don't know how much the second place in the city will be, and how far it is from the full score."

"No wonder he dared to challenge the class teacher back then, reviewing math class in Chinese class, reviewing English class in math class... It turns out that people don't need teachers to teach them for a long time. I didn't expect this legendary super-student to appear beside us! "

"Hey, people are more angry than others. I remember that he played with his mobile phone every day in his second year of high school. The same was true in the first semester of his third year of high school. After a few months of hard work, he got a perfect score in the exam..."

"His IQ should be above 140?"

"Genius powerhouse, so terrifying!"

"The second place in the grade, Yang Qianqian, with 130 points in Chinese, 150 points in mathematics, 129 points in English, and 241 points in comprehensive literature. The total score is 650 points, ranking fifth in the city!"

"The third place in the grade, Li Chaohang... with a total score of 610, 121st in the city."

"Hey, our squad leader is only fifth in the city this time? She was second in the final exam last semester."

"Well, there has been a decline, but the impact is not significant. After all, every test score fluctuates."

"However, this time, the squad leader once again got a full score in mathematics. He is indeed a person who has participated in the National Mathematical Olympiad."


While Yang Huiru was reading the report card on it, Xiao Jun entered the Xueba chat group again because there were reminders of his messages in the group.

"Hey, my group member level title has been upgraded! That's great!" Xiao Jun saw that his group title had been upgraded at a glance. From the original Xuesu to Xueba!

"Haha... I guessed well before. The first full score in the whole department is enough to upgrade to become a top student. Then I will get better item rewards in the monthly group rewards in the future." Xiao Jun was overjoyed.

In fact, he was faintly confident that he could get the title of Xueba this time. First of all, he won the first place in the International Mathematical Olympiad. With a certain amount of achievements, plus the city's full score is now the first, then there should be no problem.

"I just don't know what conditions are needed to upgrade to a student god!" Xiao Jun felt that the upgrade to a student god must be very demanding. Even if you get the full score in the college entrance examination, you may not meet the conditions.

He reckoned that if he wanted to upgrade to a god of learning, he would definitely have to make a huge epoch-making contribution to society. Such as Einstein and other scientific giants!

The reason for guessing like this is based on guesses from Comet Takishima and Sheldon.

Both of them are academic masters, and are currently making continuous progress through monthly group rewards. But they are still in the class of academic masters. If you want to take a doctorate, Sheldon also has several doctorates. It's still useless.

It also proves that he is not qualified!

"Forget it, let's talk about the future. Xueba is also very strong!" As for the highest-level beast, it must be the kind of cosmic-level wise man?

"Ding dong... Since the group owner has upgraded from Xuesu to Xueba, the upgrade red envelope has been distributed, please collect it yourself!"

"Hey, sure enough, there is an upgrade reward for every upgrade, I don't know what the reward is this time!"

"Open the red envelope."

"Ding dong... Congratulations to the group leader for getting an IQ +15 skill card!"

"IQ +15, cool!" Seeing this reward, Xiao Jun almost shouted excitedly. Fortunately, he suppressed his excitement, otherwise he would definitely attract all kinds of weird eyes if he shouted in the classroom.

Before he knew it, Xiao Jun had an extra IQ skill card in his hand.

Shredded without a trace, I chose to use it.

"Used successfully!"

In the next second, Xiao Jun felt the familiar feeling again, that is, his brain was hot, and there was a tingling feeling. It seems that my brain seems to be redeveloped again.

This situation lasted for about ten minutes. After ten minutes, the heat and numbness in his brain disappeared, followed by a burst of coolness. Very comfortable!

He suddenly found that many things he couldn't remember when he was a child seemed to remember clearly.

All kinds of intractable diseases and knowledge that he didn't understand very well stored in his mind before, when he thinks about it now, he seems to have a thorough understanding and cognition.

Take a super-difficult math problem as an example. It was difficult for him to understand its principle and solution with an IQ of 125. Now that his IQ has suddenly increased to 140, he is instantly enlightened when he discovers this knowledge point, and he can understand it by analogy and use it flexibly.

"This feeling is so amazing! It's like a feeling of enlightenment! I took the final exam a few days ago with my current IQ. I am confident that I don't need the help of people in the Xueba group for 99% of the questions. ." Xiao Jun thought to himself.

"I have an IQ of 140, plus my ability to never forget. For me, the college entrance examination should be completely fine. I am a little salty fish and I am finally about to stand up."

Only one in 100 people has an IQ of 120.

An IQ of 140 belongs to the level of a genius.

Xiao Jun is now a genius.

Of course, this definition of genius does not mean that you can succeed in everything you do. It takes you to work hard to be successful.

For example, if you are a genius who plays games every day and doesn't attend lectures, you still won't be able to get into college.

You are a super genius with an IQ of 170 thinking about being lazy every day and not doing your job properly, and you will still be doing nothing all your life.

A high IQ does not mean that your future achievements will be high!

It just makes you smarter, it depends on how you use your smartness to create wealth and life in the future.