Chapter 66 Happy Eating Chicken with Girls

Chapter 66 Happy Eating Chicken with Girls

Take Xiao Jun as an example. Although he is a salted fish, he was still very diligent in the past month or so. I memorized all the textbooks, practice questions, test papers, notes, review materials, auxiliary books, etc. of all subjects in high school.

That's why he was so relaxed in the final exam!

He worked hard, so to speak. Although such hard work has become extremely easy because of the ability to remember. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to do these things!

Mensa, for example, is a club founded by Rowland in Oxford, England in 1946, with IQ as the membership criterion. The meaning of Mensa taken from the round table is to hope that people with similar IQs can sit together on an equal footing.

There are about 100,000 members in it, all of whom are high IQ groups. There are generally 30 questions in the Mensa test paper, and 23 questions are answered correctly, which translates to an IQ of 148, which means you can join the Mensa club!

Members range from preschoolers and school dropouts to multiple Ph.D.s, welfare recipients and millionaires. Their career gap is staggering, there are professors, truck drivers, scientists, firefighters, computer programmers, farmers, artists, soldiers, musicians, workers or policemen.

It can be seen from here that having a high IQ does not necessarily mean that you will become a master!

If you use your intelligence to work, then you will be working all your life. If you use your intelligence to drive, you will be a truck driver all your life.

Besides, if you want to be a big boss, you can't just have high intelligence. You also need a big picture, long-term investment vision, courage and determination, etc. In the end, that is your hard work and persistence!

Anyone's success is inseparable from persistence and hard work.

Unless you cheat, like Xiao Jun!


The next day, all high schools are finally on winter break.

Of course Xiao Jun dragged his suitcase home.

Fortunately, my home is in Wucheng, and I can get home by taking a bus.

Today happened to be Sunday, and when I got home, I found that my parents were at home.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back!"

"Yo, my son is back." My mother was very happy to see Xiao Jun coming back.

After putting down his luggage, Xiao Jun burrowed into the room, did nothing at the first time, and turned on the computer first!

Xiao Rui was originally watching TV on the sofa, but he never came out when he saw his son entering the room. He used his toes to figure out what Xiao Jun was doing, he must be playing computer again!

"Xiao Jun, are you a boudoir lady? You hide in your room all day long! If you have time, go out for a breather, go shopping, and have fun with the aunts and uncles in the neighborhood. If you are not good enough, you can ask your female classmates out on a date. What, I have no objection to your puppy love! It's better than hiding in the room and playing games all day!" Xiao Rui can't bear this kind of behavior the most.

But Xiao Jun directly chose to block what his old man said.

"This kid! It's hopeless!" Xiao Rui yelled when he saw the lack of response in the room and was almost annoyed. I secretly thought in my heart that this is definitely the rebellion of adolescence!

bang bang bang!

Xiao Jun was outraged, he pushed open the door, and sure enough, he saw Xiao Jun playing with the computer.

"Playing with the computer as soon as you come back, how many points did you score in the final exam this time! Last time you said that there is absolutely no problem in the college entrance examination. If you fail this time, I will not reduce your living expenses!" Xiao Rui said loudly.

"The report card is in my schoolbag, you can look it up yourself." Xiao Jun had already entered the game at this time, and said without turning his head.

Although Xiao Rui speaks fiercely, he never hits a child. He is already in his teens, and he has nothing to do if he refuses to listen.

Taking out the report card, when he saw that the total score on it was 750 points, he was stunned.

He rubbed his old face vigorously, and exclaimed: "Fuck!"

"This unscientific!"

With a bang, the whole house seemed to shake three times.

"What are you doing!" The old woman who was busy in the kitchen rushed in.

"Xiao Jun seems to have got a perfect score in the test!"

"Full score in mathematics?" Cheng Xia happily asked.

"No, full marks in all subjects!"

"What? Hiss..."

The two elders were shocked in place.

"Why are you two elders so shocked? I said before that I would definitely be admitted to a first-class university. You just don't believe me. How about I get a perfect score this time?" Xiao Jun turned his head and said with a smile.

"Xinxinxin, I believe you this time!" Xiao Rui laughed heartily. Who doesn't want their son to be better than other people's sons, hehe, he can brag to his colleagues again when he goes to work tomorrow.

Xiao Rui felt that his life had become more prosperous since middle age. First of all, he became a demolition generation in a daze, and now his son is up to the challenge again! Although his salary is only more than 4,000 a month, he drives an Audi A6 to work. Don't ask him why he is so confident, because he has six houses plus the original 1 million cash demolition compensation!

"Like I have six suites now, with such a high standard, I didn't dare to hand them over to my son before. I was afraid that he would become the second generation, and I was afraid that he would just wait to die! The second generation is too bad, I have worked so hard. It took me half my life to turn around, and I can't be cheated by my son. But now that my son is so good, I'm not afraid anymore!"

Hearing Lao Dou's emotional words made Xiao Jun very sad. Is this his own?

"Okay, okay, you guys should go out, I have to concentrate on playing games!"

"All right, all right, concentrate on playing!"

The two elders retreated happily. Especially Xiao Rui's attitude towards Xiao Jun is a 180-degree turn.


After a game, Xiao Jun took out his mobile phone, logged into WeChat and planned to find a girl to play with.

This girl is not someone, she is Xiao Tongtong Xue who ate chicken together last time!

"Xiao Tongtong Xue, are you there? Let's eat chicken together!" Xiao Jun sent a message.

Not long after, he replied.

Xiao Tongtong said: "I'm here, I'll be on the account now!"

Since Xiao Jun took her to eat chicken a few times, she was no longer as indifferent to Xiao Jun as before.

"By the way, what's your name? My name is Xiao Jun!"

"My name is Lin Xiaotong."

"What are you doing?"

"Did not say!"


While chatting, Lin Xiaotong finally logged in the game.

Team up, let's play!

All afternoon, Xiao Jun took Lin Xiaotong to eat chicken, eat chicken! All this is the credit of that plug-in.

"Oh~ I'm tired after playing all afternoon. I'm going to go out for dinner with my family. Let's download it first. By the way, you are so good at eating chicken, I think you can go professional!" Lin Xiaotong said.

"It's fine to be a professional, but I'm a top student, and I want to be the number one student in the world in the future!" Xiao Jun snorted. In fact, he knows what level he is, and it's all because of hanging up!