Chapter 87 College Entrance Exam Champion

Chapter 87 College Entrance Exam Champion

Since June 9th is equivalent to a summer vacation for Xiao Jun, the results of the college entrance examination will not be released until June 23rd. So he has been staying at home for more than ten days. Crazy development of Galaxy virtual game engine!

Originally, the old lady wanted to give him a sum of money to go on a trip, but he refused.

Anyway, Xiao Jun spends more than 10 hours every day developing the game engine.

At present, after more than ten days of hard work, plus the development of the previous half a year and winter vacation. Now we have developed half of the process of developing the virtual rendering engine, an important part of the game engine.

For the past six months, Halliday has been teaching Xiao Jun various techniques and knowledge, and he has almost mastered most of them. Now you can develop a virtual game engine by yourself.

"It took so long to develop a single virtual rendering engine and only half of it was completed. It seems that I don't know how long it will take to develop this entire virtual game engine!" Xiao Jun sighed in his heart.

You should know that the virtual game engine consists of the following parts: 1: virtual rendering engine, 2: virtual physics engine, 3: virtual collision detection system, 4: virtual sound effects. 5: virtual script engine, 6: virtual reality animation, 7: super artificial intelligence, 8: network engine and scene management.

"It seems that we still need to speed up the development!"

Before I knew it, the good day of June 23 came.

Because today is the day when the college entrance examination results come out!

It is very simple and convenient to check the results now, you only need to check it online.

On this day, Xiao Jun got up at 7:30 as usual. After breakfast, I sat at my computer desk at eight o'clock and continued to develop the virtual rendering engine.

After this period of development, his skills became more and more proficient.

Typing code is like flying speed!

One morning passed like this.

At noon, when my mother came back from get off work and saw that her son was still playing games during the holiday, she asked, "Xiao Jun, how are you? Have you checked your college entrance examination results?"

"No! Why don't you check it out for me, you know the admission ticket number." Xiao Jun said without turning his head.

"Your heart is really big! Don't you care about your grades?" Dad Xiao Rui suddenly felt that his son had changed more and more.

"Come on, let me check it for you kid."

After a few minutes...

"Haha, wow haha! My son really didn't embarrass me, he really did it! It turned out to be a full score of 750!" After Xiao Rui finished his inquiry, the real person almost jumped up. I can't wait to dance and dance to show my excitement.

"Really perfect score? Let me see!"

"Wow~ It's really a perfect score, my God! Our son has a perfect score in the college entrance examination, so the liberal arts champion in Jiangbei Province belongs to our family Xiao Jun?" Cheng Xia was so excited that she didn't know what to say.

Although Xiao Jun was in his last semester before, he got full marks in every exam.

They felt that Xiao Jun must have a great chance of getting a perfect score in the college entrance examination this time.

But when they really saw that the results of the college entrance examination were really perfect, they realized that their original hope had come true!

"Xiao Jun, are you unhappy?" Xiao Rui was surprised to see his son still typing something into the computer.

"Isn't it full marks? I'm used to it! Xueba has never cared much about marks." Xiao Jun curled his lips.

"Fuck, what you said is so pretentious! As expected of me." Xiao Rui gave Xiao Jun a thumbs up.

"I've decided that our family will have a seafood dinner tonight to celebrate!" the old lady said.


In the afternoon, Wucheng No. 3 Middle School also knew about Xiao Jun's grades!

Because the school will also help students check their grades to see how many students they have passed the first and second exams this year.

In the principal's office, Li Dadao was planning to take a nap for a while, because he still had an important meeting to attend later.

Boom boom boom...

At this time, a wave of chaotic and heavy footsteps came from the corridor outside the door.

"Principal, yes, good news!" The dean broke into the door directly, he was so excited that he forgot to knock on the door, and forgot to be polite!

"Director, why are you in such a panic!" Li Dadao became a little unhappy. The director actually broke into the door without knocking, it's so rude!

"Principal, Xiao Jun from Class 1 of our senior year took the exam and got a full score of 750! He is definitely our number one student in liberal arts in Jiangbei Province this year!" the director panted excitedly.

The anger in Li Dadao's heart instantly dissipated when he heard these words. The rest is only excited, happy, happy!

"What you said is true?" Li Dadao asked excitedly.

"Really! We found out just now. I'll come here and report to you! Since the establishment of the school, our school has never had a top scorer in the college entrance examination. I didn't expect that we would have a top scorer in liberal arts this year!" The director was still excited road.

You must know that their Wucheng No. 3 Middle School is an ordinary high school among ordinary high schools. A high school like this can have a top scorer in the college entrance examination, it is definitely a very face-saving, and at the same time a very honorable thing!

"By the way, are there any other schools in Jiangbei Province that have candidates with full marks?" Li Dadao asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Not yet, it seems that Jiangbei High School's current highest score in liberal arts is only 730 points!"

"Okay, great!"

"Now we will announce Xiao Jun's college entrance examination results immediately. By the way, we will inform Xiao Jun to come to our school tomorrow. I believe that there will be many reporters coming to interview our school and Xiao Jun!" Li Dadao squinted his eyes. .

There was a top scorer in the college entrance examination, and those reporters couldn't help but come! This is breaking news.

The news that Wucheng No. 3 Middle School had a perfect score in the liberal arts college entrance examination spread like wildfire. It spread to all the high schools in Wucheng City at once, and began to spread to various junior high schools and other circles.

This news is too explosive!

Wucheng No. 1 Middle School.

"What? Wucheng No. 3 Middle School has a top scorer in the liberal arts college entrance examination?"

"Hiss... 750 points? Who is it?"

"Who else is Xiao Jun!"

"The top scorer with a perfect score is terrifying. Our school's highest score in liberal arts is only 719 points, which is Mei Wenjie!"

Anyway, Wucheng No. 1 Middle School, as Wucheng's No. 1 key high school, is also one of the top 100 high schools in the country, and now it looks a little dull. Because none of their schools had a top scorer, yet there was a top scorer in an ordinary high school, it was incredible!

As for the teachers and leaders of other high schools, they were also shocked when they heard the news!

This time, Wucheng No. 3 Middle School is really famous!

Xiao Jun is also famous!