Chapter 88 is in the newspaper again

Chapter 88 is in the newspaper again

(Ask for a reward, a recommendation ticket~)

The next day, Wucheng No. 3 Middle School!

There are still many high school graduates coming to the school today. These students know their grades, but they don't know what kind of university to apply for, so many students come to consult their teachers. See what kind of school is better to report with their scores.

If your score has just passed the second line, if the second school you applied for is incorrect, you will not be admitted in the end. Even if you just passed a line. Are you risking being dismissed to apply for one school or the second school you have chosen? this is a problem!

If you don't understand these things well, you need to consult your teacher.

After all, the teacher is quite familiar with the admission characteristics of those colleges.

Xiao Jun also came to Wucheng No. 3 Middle School on this day!

At the gate of the school, the student list of No. 1 and No. 2 of Wucheng No. 3 Middle School has been posted.

In addition to the students, many outsiders also came to watch.

"Yo~ This year, Wucheng No. 3 Middle School has 68 students on the first line. There are 310 students on the second line. Although the last two included 98 individual art students! But it is still an improvement compared to last year." A middle-aged The uncle looked at the list and praised it.

"Although the progress is not small, there are still too few students in this one and the second one. The gap between ordinary high schools and key high schools is still too big!"

"Yes, Wucheng No. 1 Middle School is a key high school. This year, there are 502 students on the first line, and 1,201 students on the second line! It's not even enough for me~"

"There is also Wucheng No. 2 Middle School, which is also a key high school. This year, the number of people on the first line is 419, and the number of people on the second line is 1,306."

"This is the gap between key high schools and ordinary high schools!"

"I can't help it. The top students who entered the middle school are all admitted to the key high schools. They are good. So there must be a lot of people who are admitted to the undergraduate course."

"Huh~ I'm not mistaken, am I right? Wucheng No. 3 Middle School got a perfect score of 750 for the first place in liberal arts this year? My God, full score! Full score for the college entrance examination~! Isn't this the rhythm of the provincial champion?" Another aunt rubbed Rubbing his eyes, he realized that he seemed to be right.

As soon as the sound came out, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"'s true!"

"This classmate is called Xiao Jun. He seems to have participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad and won the first place with a perfect score. Now he is the number one in the college entrance examination!"

"With a perfect score of 750, it should be the first in liberal arts in Jiangbei Province, right?"

"It seems that I haven't heard of anyone from other schools getting a perfect score of 750." After all, it is not so easy to get a full score of 750. It is extremely difficult even for a top student.

"I didn't expect an ordinary high school to produce a provincial liberal arts champion! It's incredible."

"Now Wucheng No. 3 Middle School is really proud."

"Full score, it seems that even Wucheng No. 1 Middle School and No. 2 Middle School didn't have a perfect score in liberal arts?"

"It seems that it has never appeared in history..."

In addition to these outsiders, there were also many high school seniors from No. 3 Middle School. When they saw that Xiao Jun actually got a perfect score of 750 in liberal arts. Every mouth can hold an egg.

"As expected of a top student, he got full marks in every exam in the last semester. He didn't expect to get full marks in the college entrance examination. I admire him! He can go to any first-class university in China."


In a multimedia classroom.

Principal Li Dadao, several other leaders, and Xiao Jun's class teacher Yang Huiru were also present.

In addition to these people, Xiao Jun and several reporters and media interviewed.

Yes, these four or five reporters are now conducting interviews with principal Li Dadao, Xiao Jun and others.

"Principal Li, your school has a liberal arts champion with a perfect score this year. What do you think?" A reporter asked Li Dadao.

"First of all, I am very happy! The other thing is to congratulate Xiao Jun for achieving such a good result, which is inseparable from his usual hard work! It also proves that as long as it is gold, it can shine anywhere." Li Dadao smiled on the road.

"Of course, our teachers are also working very hard to teach these students. It's not just Xiao Jun. The other students who are admitted to the undergraduate course are the result of the students' own efforts and the efforts of the teachers..."

"Student Xiao Jun, you have won the top score in liberal arts this time, do you have anything to say?" Another reporter interviewed Xiao Jun.

"Yes, first of all, I am very grateful to my alma mater - Wucheng No. 3 Middle School. It is it that allows me to have a good learning environment. At the same time, I am also grateful to my class teacher Teacher Yang and many teachers for teaching me. Without them I would not be where I am today. At the same time, I am very grateful to Principal Li and the leaders for their care and teaching. Let me realize that if I want to get ahead, I must study hard...Of course, I must also thank my parents..." Xiao Jun paused Brag, catchy.

Anyway, Principal Li Dadao was very satisfied. He likes this subtle flattery!

Finally, the reporter asked: "Student Xiao Jun, I wonder what university you will apply for this time?"

"Capital University, majoring in computer science!" Xiao Jun said firmly.

That night, news reports about Wucheng No. 3 Middle School and Xiao Jun's liberal arts champion came out. Several newspapers reported on it. Even the local TV stations played it for seven or eight seconds.

Wucheng Daily: Shocked, Wucheng No. 3 High School has a liberal arts champion with a perfect score of 750—Xiao Jun! He is the champion of liberal arts in Jiangbei province this year. Great glory for our Wucheng city...

Many citizens expressed shock at the emergence of a top scorer in the liberal arts college entrance examination in an ordinary high school in Wucheng No. 3 Middle School.

Even the entire high school in Jiangbei Province was shocked!

Anyway, there is only one full score in the liberal arts in Jiangbei Province this year, and that is Xiao Jun from Wucheng No. 3 Middle School!

Properly the only liberal arts champion.

I have to say that Xiao Jun was in the newspaper again. And this time, it is still a well-deserved newspaper.

Now Xiao Jun and his family are walking with wind. Especially his father, who brags to people everywhere that his son is this year's champion of liberal arts in Jiangbei Province. As for those relatives, they all know everything.

A few days later, Xiao Jun began to fill in the application form.

No matter which school he applied for, his parents did not interfere with him. Anyway, I went to a first-class university in China.

Without hesitation, he chose one of the top universities in China - Capital University, majoring in computer science. With his score line, he will definitely not be brushed away from other majors if he chooses this major.

Next, I can finally spend the summer vacation with peace of mind.

But he didn't slacken his summer vacation, he was busy developing the Galaxy virtual game engine every day!