Chapter 89 Art Master Skill Card

Chapter 89 Art Master Skill Card

On this day, after breakfast, Xiao Jun was still sitting in front of the computer frantically typing various codes, designing and developing an important part of the rendering engine in the game engine.

Not long after, he noticed that the Xueba chat group was very lively today.

"It turns out that today is the day when the monthly rewards are distributed!" Xiao Jun saw the group message 999+ as soon as he entered the group

Even Dr. Erskine, who doesn't bubble once a week, does!

Xiao Jun saw Erskine bubbling, and immediately sent a private message to the other party: "Dr. Erskine, how is the progress of your super soldier serum research and development?"

Dr. Erskine: "Group leader, the research and development of this serum has entered the late stage. I feel that success is not far away!"

Xiao Jun: "Congratulations, Doctor~"

He is still more concerned about the progress of Erskine's serum research and development. After all, it is a serum that can enhance physical fitness. If the other party succeeds in research and development, maybe he will have the opportunity to obtain real research and development materials and production methods.

"Dr. Erskine, did you pay attention to the spy of Senator Fred that I told you to beware of earlier?" Xiao Jun asked.

"I'm concerned, but the other party rarely comes to my secret research and development base. At present, I can't find any clues about him as a spy. You know, if nothing is found. If I call someone to arrest him, Those bigwigs will not listen to my one-sided words. The identity of the other party is a member of parliament after all!" Erskine said in a deep voice. There is no absolute certainty, and he doesn't want to startle the snake. Besides, the other party is a member of parliament. Even a Ph.D. can't beat him.

"Of course I know, but you need to be extremely careful, and it's best to catch the other party's loopholes. It's really not possible. On the day when your serum is successfully developed, ask those agents to help you keep an eye on him. I believe he can't make any troubles." ." Xiao Jun suggested. I heard that Erskine was wary of that spy Fred. He was relieved instead. I'm afraid that the other party will take those words of my own as deaf ears.

Obviously not now!

Just as the two continued to chat for a few words, suddenly the group exploded again.

"Haha... This month's group rewards have started to be distributed, everyone hurry up and get your own rewards!" Sheldon shouted excitedly.

So one by one came to receive their own rewards.

"Receive the red envelope!" Xiao Jun also stopped chatting with Erskine and went to receive the red envelope.

"Open the red envelope!"

"Ding dong... Congratulations to the group leader for getting an art master skill card."

"Art master skill card?" Xiao Jun was dumbfounded. Literally speaking, I will have an extra level of art master skills in the future?

Art master skill card Use this skill card to instantly possess many master-level painting abilities: ink painting, oil painting, printmaking, watercolor painting, gouache painting, figure painting, landscape painting, still life painting, animal painting, mural painting, New Year painting, comic strip, comics, hand-painting, etc. . (This skill card is a permanent item)

"After using it, I will have the painting ability of a master? Doesn't it mean that the paintings I draw can be sold for tens of millions every minute?" Xiao Jun licked his lips, his eyes gleaming!

What is the value of money, art works are the most valuable!

Look at Van Gogh, a painting sells for hundreds of millions!

"Use it first!" Xiao Jun immediately took out this art master skill card and chose to use it directly.

In the next second, he felt a boom in his mind, and there was a huge amount of information and memory in an instant.

Suddenly he felt that he had a comprehensive understanding of art and painting techniques. At the same time, it feels as if given a pen, he can create any painting effect he wants.

In particular, all kinds of knowledge, skills, emotions, imagination, etc. in art emerge collectively in his mind.

"Three-dimensional space, sense of volume, sense of space, sense of volume, light and shade, color, brushwork..."

"Impressionist painting, cubist painting..."

All kinds of art knowledge emerged in his mind. He seems to have become a superb art master, he is familiar with all kinds of paintings, and he can make his paintings feel like a soul.

"Hey, I have also become a master of art now, a master of art." Xiao Jun recovered from his excitement.

"Since I have such a good ability, it is impossible not to make good use of it. What if I become famous, can a painting be exchanged for a sports car worth tens of millions?" Xiao Jun thought to himself.

"However, how should I make my paintings so that people can see them and buy them?"

"By the way, you can take my painting to the art exhibition. What if someone who knows the goods, some rich man falls in love with it. If I buy it, won't I make money?" Xiao Jun planned to do just that.

Then he checked the Internet for news about the art exhibition.

"There will be a super-large art exhibition in Jiangbei Province on the 1st of next month. All artists are welcome to submit their contributions. The deadline is next Monday." After reading the news, Xiao Jun plans to try to participate in the submission by drawing a picture.

He felt that with his master-level painting ability, he would definitely be able to pass. When the time comes to the art exhibition, if Bole appreciates it, I can take an important first step!

Just do it, he plans to paint an oil painting.

Immediately to buy painting tools.

He started painting in the afternoon.

"As a master painter, you must not follow the trend, and you have your own unique style of painting, and you must have your own school! I think about what style I should paint?" Xiao Jun's mind began to spin wildly.

The reason why they are called art masters is that they are all artists. They all have their own style of painting. It is definitely a creation of your own soul!

"Yes, try this style!"

"My oil painting is called grandma." Xiao Jun plans to paint a portrait oil painting!

As soon as he stroked the brush, he felt that how to compose the picture and how to use the brush strength was the best in his mind.

Then when coloring, what kind of color he wanted came to his mind.

"As expected of a master-level painting ability!" Xiao Jun was shocked. Although it is his first time to draw, he feels like an old driver. It seems to have been painted for an unknown number of years!

In one afternoon, he drew this piece of work.

After drawing it, he felt very satisfied!

After the oil painting was dry the next day, he immediately mailed it to the organizer of the art exhibition for registration.

"Hey, it should pass!" Xiao Jun was very confident in his work.

Although not very fine work. But he has master-level painting skills on top of it. Believe it is easy to pass!