Chapter 97 Give me special effects

Chapter 97 Give me special effects

"Are you really Director Qin Yupeng?" Xiao Jun replied a private message to the other party.

A minute later, Qin Yupeng was overjoyed when he saw Xiao Jun's reply. He has been watching the Douyin on his phone all day, just to see if the other party has seen his private message. Unexpectedly, luck was good, and the other party replied!

"Really, pearls are not that real! If you don't believe me, we can have a private video call." Qin Yupeng laughed.

After seeing the other party say this sentence, Xiao Jun believed it by 7 points.

"What can I do for you?" Xiao Jun asked.

"It's like this. I watched your Nine Dragons coffin-drawing special effect video on Douyin, and it was so shocking. Is this your original video?" Qin Yupeng asked a little excitedly.

This special effect video really shocked him, and he felt that it was the first time he had seen such a realistic special effect video in so many years!


"Are you a special effects professional?" Qin Yupeng planned to get to know the other party first. After all, he didn't know if the other party belonged to a certain animation special effects studio, or someone from a certain animation special effects company. Or still a person!

"I'm just a prospective college student who has just been admitted to major in computer science. These special effects are something I like to learn by myself!" Xiao Jun knew why the other party wanted to ask him. After all, the people who can make great special effects are basically employees or founders of studios or animation special effects companies.

You know, the job of doing animation special effects is still very promising, and the salary is quite high.

"Oh, so that's the case, can I get to know you?" Qin Yupeng was both shocked and surprised. He never imagined that an amateur could make such awesome special effects. Is the other party a super genius?

"Xiao Jun!"

"The thing is like this, after I saw your Kowloon coffin, I wanted to ask you to make some special effects shots for my new movie. I think your skills are completely competent! But I heard you said that you are a person. It's a pity again! You should know that it takes two weeks or even longer to make a video with special effects of more than ten seconds. It's a pity that you don't have a team, otherwise I'd plan to cooperate with you!" Qin Yupeng confessed. His Xiao Jun's technique is definitely the best in the world. There is absolutely no problem with making special effects for his films. But the other party is only one person, and if his special effects shots are entrusted to him to produce, it may not be completed in a year. Can't wait for his movie to come out!

"Oh... I only took three days for the video of my Nine Dragons pulling the coffin." Xiao Jun knew at this moment that the other party asked him to make special effects for the other party. He suddenly discovered that making special effects seems to be a way to make a fortune and start a business!

"What? It only took three days! How is it possible?" Qin Yupeng showed shock. It takes only 3 days for 15 seconds of the world's top and even the most realistic special effects video like Jiulong Coffin Pulling?

Even if it is handed over to those top international special effects teams, it will take more than half a month for dozens of them to work together, right?

"Yes, I won't explain the process to you." Xiao Jun smiled slightly.

"Let's chat together."

After the two added their contact information, they continued to chat.

"Oh, by the way, I was too abrupt just now. I didn't even ask you if you are interested in making special effects for me! I'm really sorry, I was a little too excited." Qin Yupeng apologized. He is a person who only looks at the result and not the process. As long as the other party can complete it within the time frame he requested, he thinks there is no problem at all!

"Haha, it's okay, I'm quite interested in doing special effects." Xiao Jun said.

"Brother Xiao Jun, I don't know if you have any other special effects videos, can you show me them?" Qin Yupeng already has the intention of cooperation. He wants to look at other material videos of the other party. Reconfirm the ability of some opponents.

"No problem, I just made a new video with special effects, and I'll send it to you right now." Xiao Jun immediately sent the 10-second video of blowing up the moon to the other party.

After Qin Yupeng finished reading it, he was shocked again!

"It's great! This special effects technology can beat those top special effects production companies in Hollywood!" Qin Yupeng couldn't help but admire. In particular, there are stunts about technological weapons in Blowing Up the Moon. It belongs to the same type as the weapon technology special effects needed for his new movie. He felt that Xiao Jun would have no problem doing special effects for his new movie!


"Brother Xiao Jun, let's do special effects for my new movie Needle Agent!" Qin Yupeng immediately offered an olive branch to Xiao Jun.

The reason why Qin Yupeng hired a newcomer to do special effects was because he didn't have a team behind him. The reason why he dared to be so bold was because he saw the opponent's technique! This technology can completely beat Hollywood's top special effects technology. Why doesn't he take the risk?

The most important one is that he is currently negotiating the price with a domestic first-class special effects company, and the asking price is 60,000 seconds of special effects video!

This price is too expensive for him!

First of all, the total investment of its "Need Agent" is about 60 million yuan, which is not counted as a blockbuster investment, but only a medium-cost investment.

Among them, the main actors of the movie partly accounted for 2,000 yuan of pay.

Compared with other movies, this salary is very little!

You must know that a movie with a general investment of 60 million can hire big-name stars or popular young meat. Generally, those big-name stars or popular little fresh meats pay around 30 million yuan per person.

And all his actors add up to only 20 million, which is not as much as the salary of a popular Xiaoxin meat!

The remaining 40 million, of which 30 million belongs to the shooting cost, and the promotion cost before the release.

The last 10 million was used for special effects!

He knows very well that special effects are a very important part of the movie!

Considering that the cost of special effects is not very high, he felt that the price of 60,000 seconds was too expensive. The total length of his film is 90 minutes, of which 60 minutes require large and small special effects.

However, the shots that require that kind of special effects are only less than 3 minutes long! This is also the reason why his investment in special effects for this movie is only 10 million. The main reason is that there are few special effects shots, so there is no need for too much investment!

But this part of the big special effects is the most expensive, so it is necessary to find a domestic first-class special effects company to do it. As long as the remaining 57 minutes of special effects are all small special effects, also referred to as fifty cents special effects, it can be done. So you can find those domestic second-rate special effects companies to make it. And the price is also very cheap. Many special effects shots cost only 1,000 to 3,000 yuan per second. In this way, he finds a special effects company to produce separately, and the advantage is that he can save a lot of money. If all special effects are entrusted to first-class companies, those small special effects charges are more expensive than small companies, which is definitely not worthwhile.

What he lacks now is the 3-minute big special effects problem.

That is to say, the price cannot be negotiated with the domestic first-class special effects company.

Although the other party is a first-class special effects company in China, but the opening is 60,000 a second, and that is more than 10 million in 3 minutes!

He also wants to find a special effects company like Hollywood to produce, but the average price of the first-class special effects company in Hollywood is 100,000 RMB per second, and even the top special effects company charges 180,000 RMB per second. He can't afford it!