Chapter 98 Money is easy to discuss

Chapter 98 Money is easy to discuss

Not to mention foreign countries, the general price of first-class special effects companies in China is about 40,000 seconds (not to mention the price of 50 cents for advanced special effects). And the first-class domestic special effects company that Qin Yupeng found took 60,000 seconds for him to speak directly to him.

After a final bargain, the other party could only give in to 50,000 seconds. The other party said coquettishly, half of our company's core team are stunt programmers brought in from Hollywood. At the same time, there are some elites in their company who have been trained in a large special effects company in Hollywood for more than a year.

Therefore, their price is one-fifth higher than that of the top domestic special effects companies!

Honestly, you get what you pay for. Qin Yupeng is also quite entangled in this point. He has been thinking about this matter for the past few days, and he is ready to grit his teeth and increase the price by one-fifth. At least the special effects are better.

But after meeting Xiao Jun today, his original plan changed!

He felt that he should take a risk, so he found Xiao Jun. Leaving aside the issue of price, the special effects of Shan Shan alone are many times better than those so-called first-class special effects companies in China.

If it was the same price, he would rather choose Xiao Jun!

Of course, the premise is that the special effects produced by the other party satisfy him, and the most important thing is that they can be delivered to him on schedule!

"Brother Xiao Jun, what do you think?" Qin Yupeng asked Xiao Jun.

"Yes! But how long do you want me to do the special effects? If it's too long, I may not have time." Of course Xiao Jun would not miss this opportunity. To be honest, the other party dared to find himself a new amateur special effects expert to do movie special effects. It can be regarded as his bole!

Prove that people are bold enough!

"Not long, about 4 special effects shots in total. They are train collision, 10 seconds missile attack and explosion effect, 15 seconds fighter plane entanglement air combat, 120 seconds luxury cruise ship explosion, 20 seconds. A total of 165 seconds! But these are all It's an advanced special effect. You should understand it too." Qin Yupeng said.

For example, when a train collides, special effects are required to show it. It's impossible to make two real trains collide, right? There are also missile attacks and explosion effects, of course they can only rely on special effects. The latter is all about special effects!

However, this kind of lens belongs to the category of advanced special effects!

Not the kind of special effects that can be made for fifty cents. Even if it can be made, it looks fake. The audience watched an estimated 200% of the play!

"No problem, I can deliver it to you in 2 weeks at the earliest! 3 weeks at most!" Xiao Jun grinned.

"Really? Can you do it alone?" Qin Yupeng was shocked again. At the beginning, the first-class special effects company said that these 4 special effects shots would take 2 months! They are still working as a team, but Xiao Jun is alone!

Because the more advanced the special effects are, the more difficult it will be and the longer it will take. Now that Xiao Jun said that it can be done in two weeks, he has to be shocked.

"However, what about the price?" Xiao Jun asked.

"Price, price, I will definitely not cheat you. This is an advanced special effect. If the effect is similar to your Nine Dragons coffin pulling and moon explosion. I can give you a price of 40,000 yuan per second!" Qin Yupeng said in a deep voice.

This price is the price of a first-class stunt company in China!

However, if Xiao Jun can really create special effects like Nine Dragons Pulling Coffins. His 40,000 yuan per second is definitely a big profit. In his eyes, the realistic and perfect special effects of Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin are estimated to be less than 180,000 seconds!

After Xiao Jun heard the offer from the other party, he felt a little excited. That's a list of millions!

He immediately checked the current price of special effects in the domestic market, which was quoted by a top domestic special effects company. It proves that the price given by the other party is really not low. It can be considered conscientious.

"Although my special effects technology is definitely a Hollywood stunt, even 200,000 per second can be sold! However, I am a newcomer now, and there is no team company behind me. Even if I sell for 200,000 per second, no one will find me Do it. Those movie studios that invest 300,000 to 400,000,000 yuan will not rest assured that they will give me a special effect priced at 180,000 to 200,000 yuan per second! They would rather hand it over to the international Hollywood special effects company than find me." Xiao Jun has a relatively clear understanding of his current situation in his heart.

First of all, if you have no reputation and no company, why should people trust you? Just one or two of your videos?

Besides, for movies with an investment of 300, 400 million or even more, many stunts need to be followed by the filmmakers. Take some Hollywood blockbusters as an example, in a 120-minute movie, special effects are used for more than 100 minutes!

Even some of them are more than 95% special effects!

This kind of special effect can't be done by one person.

Only people like Qin Yupeng have few special effects in their movies. The four special effects shots handed over to him at the same time could all be completed independently. So he can do it!

This is why the special effects company is a big company. There are thousands of employees in it.

"It's my first business now, so I should do it well. When I show up in the future, it's time for me to start raising the price!" Xiao Jun thought to himself.

"I accept the price of 40,000 yuan per second!" Xiao Jun replied immediately after thinking about it. To be honest, people have given him great respect without lowering the price. It also proves that Qin Yupeng is worthy of his cooperation!

If it were someone else, I would think he was a newcomer, and he would just give 50 cents for special effects and 1,000 yuan per second.

"Okay! However, I think you should make one of the videos first. Then come to my company. After I watch it, I will sign a contract with you if I think it is OK. I will give you a deposit at that time, and you can also Make all the follow-up special effects videos." Qin Yupeng said frankly.

Xiao Jun completely understood what the other party meant after hearing this. The other party just wanted to see how the effect of his first video was, and when he thought it was okay, he immediately signed the contract.

If not, then what I said today is all nonsense.

At the same time, he should also consider for him, let him do one first, and don't rush to finish all of them. If it doesn't pass at that time, wouldn't it be a waste?

"You first choose a special effects lens to make."

"I'll choose the special effect shot of the train colliding, 10 seconds." Xiao Jun said.

"Okay, then let me tell you about the scene, plot, and effect of the train collision scene I need! At the same time, I will also send a copy of the material, requirements, and the previously shot plot later. I'll give you the blueprint..." Qin Yupeng began to discuss with Xiao Jun about the special effects scene of the train collision...