Chapter 127 Recruiting Employees

Chapter 127 Recruiting Employees

Sure enough, a few days later, a customer contacted Xiao Jun. Want to ask him to do some special effects shots.

This is all thanks to Qin Yupeng's introduction and after the release of "Need Agent", some people have seen such awesome special effects technology, and the charges are reasonable. They all came to the door.

Within a week, Xiao Jun received 2 orders. One is about 500,000 special effects orders. One million is a publicity order for game animation special effects.

"These two orders can be regarded as the first orders since the opening of my special effects company!" Xiao Jun couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

In the following days, besides making the above two special effects animations, Xiao Jun will also make his entries for the World Science Fiction Cup Film Special Effects Contest!

Xiao Jun has already thought up this work, and it is called "Galaxy·Mysterious Kingdom".

The main content is a mysterious planet kingdom in the virtual galaxy, the introduction screen of the race, fighting style, technological level, etc. inside. Some are similar to a brand new virtual world in "Avatar".

Xiao Jun intends to make this work 15 minutes in length! It's super long.

Many special effects works last for a few minutes or even tens of seconds.

After all, it takes several months or even longer to produce such a long work.

Similar to Xiao Jun's 15-minute long video, all of which are special effects. Leave it to other companies to do it, not to mention how the picture is. The process alone will definitely take more than 3 months.

But for Xiao Jun, for the Galaxy virtual game engine, it can be done in just over two weeks! Xiao Jun is still doing this alone!

First of all, the world background, composition, characters, technology, etc. in it all require strong fantasy ability and art skills.

With Xiao Jun's current ability and the strength of an artist master, the picture and art sense produced are absolutely no problem!

Anyway, Xiao Jun has no time to develop and perfect this semi-finished Galaxy virtual game engine in the past half month.

too busy.

A week later, Xiao Jun completed the two orders, and also passed the approval of the customers, and got 1.5 million!

With this amount of funds, Xiao Jun felt that it was time for him to rent a small place to set up a company and recruit employees!

First, Xiao Jun ran to look at the office building.

First of all, his current company has just been established, and there will not be many recruits. Therefore, the rented office building does not need to be considered very good.

In a city like Beijing, where every inch of land is expensive, don't think about renting an office building in the city center. That kind can only be chosen by big companies, and the annual rent is tens of millions!

It seems that Xiao Jun chose to rent one of the office buildings called Wantai in the suburbs.

It is about 100 square meters, and the rent is 30,000 a month.

The reason why it is so cheap is that it is very remote here, so it is so cheap! Otherwise forget it.

Xiao Jun plans to recruit 1 senior special effects artist, 2 animation designers, 2 3D multimedia designers, and 2 art designers. An assistant (this assistant is estimated to be an administrative assistant and a receptionist, and one person has several roles)

There are 7 people in total.

There are few people, but Xiao Jun's Galaxy virtual game engine is different from general 3D visual effects software. Its workload of one person can make the workload of 20 people. Even the time is greatly shortened.

The main reason is that the functions inside are so advanced that it can completely simulate dynamics. You don't need to draw pictures one by one, and then evolve animation through animation drawings like animation.

For example, to make a 1-second animation action, you need to draw 100 pictures to piece together the animation.

But the virtual game engine does not need it, it only needs you to draw a picture, and then through the virtual dynamic function, you can virtualize the short picture you want.

This saves a lot of time!

The matter of recruiting employees needs to be postponed for one month. Because he wants to carry out simple decoration and purchase some office equipment and so on to this office building company. The simple decoration plus the purchase of computers and office equipment cost him more than 500,000 yuan.

It just so happens that he has also been frantically producing the entry "Galaxy·Mysterious Kingdom" recently.

The timing was just right.

Soon, half a month passed.

Xiao Jun also produced the special effects video of "Galaxy: Mysterious Kingdom". This mysterious country has a total of 15 minutes, and the first three minutes summarize the background of this mysterious country.

The next 12 minutes are basically battle scenes.

It looks very wonderful!

It's like watching a movie.

"The submission is complete! The next step is to wait for the news." Xiao Jun thought to himself. Many people from all over the world participated in this Global Science Fiction Cup Film and TV Special Effects Competition.

In particular, many powerful film and television special effects companies and studios will also participate!

Therefore, this sci-fi cup is still very valuable.

Once you can get a ranking on the top, your reputation will be instantly opened up, and the industry circle will see your strength, and maybe your company will keep ordering.

Another half month passed.

Xiao Jun finally started recruiting staff.

He posted the recruitment information on the Internet, and then waited for those applicants to come to his door.

A week later, Xiao Jun selected twenty or so applicants, and sent them messages one by one.

The next day happened to be Saturday, so Xiao Jun sat in the office of the company and waited for the applicants to come to his door.

Since the salary offered by Xiao Jun is not bad, there are quite a lot of people applying for the job.

20 people applied on the first day!

Among them, Liang Ying is one of them.

She is an art designer who just resigned from a film and television special effects company a month ago, so she is now looking for a new job.

When she came to the Yinhe Movie Special Effects Co., Ltd. and saw that there was no one in the company, she was a little dazed.

There was no reception, and the whole company was empty.

At this time, she found that there were seven or eight applicants like her in the company.

"Hey beauty, did you just come here? Drink water and pour it yourself. You need to queue up to apply for the job." A familiar man said with a smile, he also came to apply for the job.

"Is this a new company?"

"Yes, I checked, and there are no employees except one boss!" The man spread his hands.

"A new company? It might close down at any time." Liang Ying was a little worried. Once the special effects company fails to receive the order, it will not be far from closing down. She was very afraid of closing down a company after only a few months.

"Although it's a new company, I heard that the special effects of the recent "Need Agent" were produced by the boss of this company, so it should be a small force." The man said.