Chapter 128 Shocked Employees

Chapter 128 Shocked Employees

"What? The special effects in "Need Agent" were produced by the boss of this company?" Liang Ying was shocked. She also watched that movie, and the special effects in it were really impressive. Even more realistic than the special effects in Hollywood!


"He can complete the production of so many special effects by himself? It's incredible!"

"I also find it incredible. Is he capable of all the skills in film special effects technology?" They all know that film special effects technology is divided into many types of work. If you want to be a master in everything, it's too difficult.

"I don't know, wow, anyway, I feel that he is very powerful. I think this new company has great potential. And the salary offered is also very good."

This topic quickly aroused discussions among the candidates present.

At this moment, the door of the office opened. A man in his thirties came out sweating profusely, his expression was a little shocked, and he didn't know what he had experienced.

Soon, it was Liang Ying's turn to go in for an interview.

When Liang Ying went in to take a look and saw that Xiao Jun was such a young boy, she froze for a moment. The other party looked like he was under 20 years old, but he started a company? And also made special effects for "Need Agent"? Shocking!

"Hello, Boss Xiao, I'm Liang Ying." But after being in the workplace for a few years, she quickly realized it.

"Hello, Ms. Liang Ying, please sit down." Xiao Jun looked at the young and beautiful young lady in front of him, smiled slightly, and made a gesture of please sit down.

After the two parties sat down, Xiao Jun said, "The job you want to apply for is an art designer, right?"

"Yes!" Liang Ying nodded.

As Xiao Jun asked, he looked at the resume submitted by the other party. The other party had worked in three special effects companies. One small company, two large companies. Also have some work experience. He is a senior art special effects designer.

Next, Xiao Jun asked about technical knowledge, and some knowledge about art, and took out some works for Liang Ying to comment on.

Especially art knowledge should belong to Liang Ying's strong point, because she graduated from a famous art academy. But when asked about this aspect, she actually felt a sense of fear of being dominated by her boss.

The other party kept pointing out her various mistakes. Anyway, she felt as if she had returned to her student days and met her tutor pointing out her mistakes.

All of a sudden, why did she understand that all the applicants were sweating profusely. This boss is simply omnipotent! Whether it is software programming, special effects skills or art skills, etc., he knows everything, it's scary!

One day later, Xiao Jun was fully recruited.

They are senior special effects artist Yang Jianzhuang, art designers Liang Ying, Zhou Xiaoyu, 3D multimedia designers Du Ziming, Liu Haibin, animation designers Cheng Fan, Wang Tao, assistant and front desk Su Ci.

With this group of employees, Xiao Jun plans to give them some training!

After all, his castrated version of the virtual game engine is different from the general software for producing film and television special effects. There are some technical differences. So a new training is needed for them. Otherwise, they will not know this kind of software!

In the small conference hall, Xiao Jun stood in front of the projector and said to everyone: "Everyone, from today onwards, you will produce special effects in my company. You no longer need to use your previous production software! You will Use the software specially provided by our company! Yinhe film and television special effects software."

This software is named by Xiao Jun!

"What? No other software? One software can meet all the technical requirements, isn't it possible?" Yang Jianzhuang was the first to doubt. Generally speaking, the production of film and television special effects requires a lot of software.

"Boss, if we abandon the software technology we are familiar with, our level will drop greatly." Liu Haibin also raised his opinion. Indeed, if you are familiar with the technology, you will definitely be able to perform better at the level.

For this situation, Xiao Jun had expected it to be like this!

"Okay, of course I have considered your questions, but the software currently on the market is too slow to produce special effects, and the quality is too sloppy."

"Do you want to know why the special effects I made for "Need Agent" are so realistic! It can be said that no one can do what I do. The reason why I made such realistic film and television special effects is that many of them are The biggest credit is because of this Yinhe film and television special effects software!" Xiao Jun said in a deep voice.

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

Because they also wanted to know why Xiao Jun was able to produce such realistic special effects before. They couldn't see the feeling of special effects at all, and it was completely realistic. Now they are shocked to hear that a lot of credit is related to this software.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense, now I will make a simple three-second special effect video for you to watch on the spot." Xiao Jun began to operate on the computer.

After more than twenty minutes, a 3-second special effect came out.

After everyone saw it, they all took a breath, it was so realistic!

"This rendering is too awesome!"

"Why? It can be virtual dynamic? How is this possible?"

"Too awesome!"

Everyone was shocked again!

"The reason why I made these special effects so quickly is because of the powerful functions of this software! As long as you are proficient in the future, each of you can become a top special effects master in the world. Of course, the premise is that you need to rely on this software!" Xiao Jun said with a smile.


At this moment, Liang Ying and the others understood that this software is really awesome!

My boss can produce such awesome special effects, 80% is due to this software.

"Boss, which company developed this software? Why haven't I heard of it?" Yang Jianzhuang asked curiously. As insiders, how come they haven't heard of such software?

"You don't need to ask this question any more. Anyway, this software is the only one on Earth!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

"Oh, by the way, you don't have to think too carefully. You want to steal this software and start another mountain. You can't copy, download, or upload this software... Anyway, you can't take it away! And the software still has mine. Encrypt the password, and you can log in to the password at any time." Xiao Jun sneered. With such a powerful software, he doesn't believe that these people don't care about it.

He didn't tell these people in the end, even if you move the computer away, he can let you remove the software in the computer to automatically destroy and disappear!

After all, he asked Halliday about the relevant security technology, especially since he recently got the master hacker technology, so if he wants to steal this thing from him, don't even think about it!

As for applying for a patent? Oh, forget it!

What's the use of eggs? When you take this software to apply, it will leak its technology to the outside world! Have you ever seen someone apply for a patent on aerospace technology? Why are you afraid of leaking technology!

When Xiao Jun said this, the expressions of some people below changed slightly.

A few days later, these people found that the software could not be taken away, and all their little thoughts were gone!

After a week of training, these employees are roughly familiar with the basic operation of the software.

Anyway, normal work needs can be carried out.