Chapter 218 Interview

Chapter 218 Interview

"My God? Galaxy Technology sold most of the chip technology for the Galaxy T1 to Huawei?"

"Why did Galaxy Technology sell such good technology and patents? Although they got 3 billion at once, but 3 billion is not too much, I think they will have a better future if they produce this chip and sell it."

"I can't figure it out!"

"However, selling to Huawei is also good. After all, Huawei is a big company. I can imagine that it won't be long before Huawei can launch a mobile phone chip that can hit the world."

"It's a pity, a pity, I think Galaxy Technology has missed an opportunity to become a super company."

Anyway, this wave of operations by Xiao Jun made countless netizens puzzled and had heated discussions.

It turned out that the Galaxy T1 mobile phone chip was born before, and it beat everything. A hot discussion has been formed, and many people feel that domestic chips are finally proud and have the strength to be at the forefront of the world.

But now this wave of operations of Galaxy Technology Company really makes many people say they don't understand.

In China, many mobile phone companies were taken aback when they saw this situation.

After all, some of them still want to continue talking with Xiao Jun and want to get a batch of Galaxy T1 mobile phone chips. Unexpectedly, the Galaxy chip was sold to Huawei suddenly.

It seems that they have to see why Huawei has come up with new chips, do they want to buy a wave?

After all, Huawei has obtained Xiao Jun's technology, and the chip it launched will definitely be able to beat Apple's A12 chip.

In this way, domestic chips can be purchased.


As soon as Amos came back here, he heard that Yinhe Technology had sold most of the technology and patents in the Galaxy T1 chip to Huawei. In addition to the communication baseband inside.

When he heard the news, he was stunned: "Fake, would he rather lose money than pay us the patent fee?"

In his understanding, the other party invested so much manpower, material and financial resources to develop this chip that can beat the Apple A12. Certainly invest billions or even more.

But now the other party sold it to Huawei for only 3 billion. Isn't this a loss-making operation?

Even if their company charges a relatively high patent fee of 10, but Yinhe Technology still has profits to make? Why would you rather package 3 billion at a time to Huawei?

Does that Xiao Jun hate Qualcomm so much?

Even if you hate it, you can't be against money, right?

Soon, Amos was called to a meeting by the top management.

This meeting is about Galaxy Technology's sale of chip technology to Huawei.

At the meeting, Amos must have been slammed by the senior leaders. Because no matter what, he was ineffective. Did not get the patent fee from Yinhe Technology Company.

"Hmph! This Yinhe Technology company is a brainless company. It would rather not pay us patent fees and let itself lose money!" A senior executive cursed angrily.

"For such a company, we will never show mercy in the future!"

"Fake, this Xiao Jun is quite shrewd. Except for the communication baseband technology, the entire chip was sold to Huawei. Since other technologies and patents do not touch our communication patents, there is no need to pay us patent fees!" A senior executive gritted his teeth. This is just watching the duck that is about to reach its mouth fly away.

"Well, this is not important. The important thing is that Galaxy Technology has sold most of the chip technology of the Galaxy T1 to Huawei. Huawei will definitely launch a very powerful chip at that time. It is estimated that it will still surpass Apple's A12 by then! At that time, the other party will not need to pay us patent fees! Not only that, once such a high-end chip is released, our high-end chip cake in China will definitely decrease! In the end, we still lose money. "Qualcomm president said solemnly.

Because Huawei also owns a lot of patents in many communications patents, it has cross-occupied with Qualcomm.

Therefore, such patent fees offset each other.

A few years ago, Huawei was still paying communication patent fees to Qualcomm. This year, they no longer pay them!

"This is such a headache! It's all about the bloody Galaxy Technology Corporation."

A few days later, there was a gossip that Yinhe Technology sold most of the technology and patents of the Galaxy T1 chip to Huawei. That's because Xiao Jun, chairman of Galaxy Technology, couldn't bear to pay up to 10 communication patent fees to the rogue company Qualcomm, so he would rather not make money than let Qualcomm make money for nothing, and sold both technology and patents to Huawei!

As soon as this gossip came out, all the major media reported it one after another.

Huaxia Science and Technology News: Shocked, the reason why Yinhe Technology sold most of the technology of the Galaxy T1 chip to Huawei in a package is because it can't bear Qualcomm, a vampire, to demand high communication patent fees! It is said that Qualcomm Lions opened their mouths and asked for a patent fee of 10 directly! It's appalling.

Huaxia Chip Magazine: The sorrow of global mobile phone companies, Yinhe Technology is the epitome of the sorrow of many mobile phone companies. At present, Qualcomm is in a hegemonic position in communication patents. So whether you use its chip or another company's chip, the mobile phone produced needs to pay high communication patent fees to Qualcomm!

Mobile phone companies around the world are working for Qualcomm for free, sucking blood!

And all enterprises can only choose to compromise and endure.

Now, there is a stubborn company, that is our new company - Galaxy Technology Corporation. It stubbornly said no to Qualcomm! I would rather not make money myself than let Qualcomm take a cut in vain!

XX blogger: I feel sorry for Galaxy Technology Company. It is really not easy to develop such a powerful Galaxy chip. It should be the pride of our China, but it was forced to this end by the vampire Qualcomm. But, I have to say, don't get stuck with money. This blogger thinks Mr. Xiao Jun's behavior is still a bit unwise.

On the Internet, various comments and reports are emerging.

Some people feel sorry for Xiao Jun and Yinhe Technology Company, some people think it is my business, and some people think Xiao Jun is an unwise choice. At present, people in 99 need to endure, why do you jump out?

Unless you are a company such as Huawei and Apple, you can challenge Qualcomm.

Neither Xiao Jun nor his company responded to the above media reports and comments.

The outside world does not know whether it is true or not, but it is just gossip.

In fact, it's all true!

On this day, Xiao Jun was at the company, and Su Ci walked in: "Boss, the reporters and media for the afternoon interview have arrived, you can prepare for the interview!"

"Well, I know, I'm going to go there." That's right, so many days have passed, it's time to accept a wave of interviews, and it's also time to explain, and at the same time announce the company's future development direction.