Chapter 219 High-profile announcement

Chapter 219 High-profile announcement

Soon, Xiao Jun met the media reporters who came to interview this time in his chairman's office.

This time he was interviewed by a reporter from Beijing TV Station.

A total of three people came, one woman and two men. The woman is a reporter named Deng Rujie, and the two men are cameraman Xiaowang and assistant Xiaoliu.

Deng Rujie is 27 years old this year, and she is also very curious about this interviewee today. After all, the other party has too much aura of academic mastery and mystery.

First of all, Xiao Jun is young, only 19 years old this year. But the company I founded is already showing its first signs. Second, Xiao Jun won various awards in school, and he was also the number one in the college entrance examination. She felt that Xiao Jun might have been the main force in the research and development of super batteries and chips back then.

After all, Xiao Jun is studying computer science at Capital University.

It can also be regarded as a professional counterpart!

Back then, Jobs dropped out of school to start a business, and made an awesome Apple.

So, anything is possible!

"Hello Mr. Xiao, I'm Deng Rujie, a reporter from Beijing TV Station." As soon as Deng Rujie came in, she walked towards Xiao Jun with a faint smile and held out her hand.

"Hello, Reporter Deng." Xiao Jun stood up and shook hands with him.

"Mr. Xiao, you are really too young!" Deng Rujie couldn't help but praise. He founded such a powerful company at the age of 19. It is not because of his father. He is really a genius and capable.

"Thank you for the compliment. Is there anything I need to pay attention to during the interview later?" Xiao Jun couldn't help asking.

"No, when the time comes, I will conduct the interview according to the questions from my side. When the time comes, we will review the draft of the interview for you after we have revised it. I will send it out when I think it is suitable." Deng Rujie said sweetly.


"Then the interview will begin!" Deng Rujie smiled.


Meanwhile, cameras and everything are ready.

Xiao Jun also sat upright.

"Mr. Xiao, please introduce yourself first. You can start with your family background. By the way, you can introduce more about your school days. After all, we all know that you are a top student." Deng Rujie said with a smile.


Next, Xiao Jun gave a brief introduction in this regard.

First of all, my parents are ordinary employees, but there is a bright spot that there are 6 suites in their house!

With the addition of the 6 suites in these second-tier cities, Xiao Jun's family can't be considered ordinary, why is it also a Dakang family?

Then Xiao Jun briefly introduced his high school and university awards, and the fact that he was the top scorer in the college entrance examination.

"Wow Mr. Xiao, you were a legendary schoolmaster in your student days!" Deng Rujie was shocked after hearing this.


"Mr. Xiao, shall we start the interview now?"


"Excuse me, the outside world has been buzzing about your company and the Galaxy T1 chip recently. In particular, many people don't understand why you sold most of the technology and patents of the Galaxy T1 chip to Huawei. Is it really because Qualcomm charges your company a high communication patent fee as rumored?" Deng Rujie asked curiously.

"That's right, it's true. At the beginning, Qualcomm approached me and said that it would charge me 10% of the communication patent fee. I just couldn't bear it. In the past two years, others have charged 5% of the patent fee. Why do I need 10? That's why I sold the chip technology to Huawei." Xiao Jun explained.

"I can understand that I would rather not make money than see Qualcomm shear the wool of Galaxy Technology in vain?" Deng Rujie said.

"That's right! I just can't understand Qualcomm's monopoly style!" Xiao Jun said indignantly.

"Won't this make your company lose money?"

"It's inconvenient for me to reveal this!"

"As far as I know, as long as mobile phones or chips are produced, most of them need to pay communication patent fees to Qualcomm. Will your company still develop chips in the future? Will the patents developed by Galaxy Technology in the future be mainly sold to other companies?" Deng Rujie asked with concern.

"No, this time the sale to Huawei is just a special case. Also, my Galaxy Technology will definitely research chips in the future. However, I will never pay communication patent fees to Qualcomm in the future. Because I have already planned that my Galaxy Technology will research a new type of communication technology in the future! Break Qualcomm's communication technology monopoly!" Xiao Jun said arrogantly.

"What?" Hearing this, Deng Huiru's mouth grew wide open. The other party wants to develop a new type of communication technology? Break Qualcomm's monopoly?


It's not that no one has done this, but it all ended in failure!

At present, wireless communication is still the way of human communication.

Do you think it is so easy to develop a new type of communication technology?

Does she think Xiao Jun is a bit bragging now?

No, it sounds like bragging!


"Mr. Xiao, are you not joking?" Deng Huiru asked after recovering.

"Do you think I'm joking? Isn't this an interview? I'm sure I know how to joke." Xiao Jun said seriously.

Deng Huiru: ...

"Okay." Deng Huiru felt that she should not say anything more.

Continue to the follow-up interview...

The next day, a news report about Xiao Jun and concerned about Yinhe Technology Company came out.

Beijing Evening News: It turns out that Galaxy Technology sold the Galaxy T1 chip to Huawei because Qualcomm charged high patent fees!

According to the reporter's interview, Mr. Xiao Jun claimed that Qualcomm offered a high communication patent fee of 10, so Galaxy Technology decided to sell the Galaxy T1 chip to Huawei...

Mr. Xiao Jun said that he could not understand Qualcomm's monopolistic behavior very much.

Mr. Xiao Jun said that in the future, Galaxy Technology will devote all efforts to develop a new communication technology in order to break Qualcomm's communication monopoly!

As soon as the news came out, it exploded instantly on the Internet.

Many netizens looked like this after reading it. The Galaxy T1 dystocia is because the cannibalistic Qualcomm charges a huge amount of communication fees, and it is 10, so black!

Many people feel sorry for Galaxy Technology Company.

At the same time, the latter news is really explosive, because Xiao Jun actually said that their company will develop a new communication technology in the future. After reading it, many netizens said that this is bragging or talking about it, right?

Because the current communication technology can't bypass Qualcomm's fortress, besides, do you think it is so easy to develop a new communication technology?

Anyway, many people think this is nonsense, or just talking.

Even Huawei and other companies dare not say such a thing, how dare a small company such as him make such an awesome claim?