Chapter 220 The Richest Man Started When He Dropped Out of School

Chapter 220 The Richest Man Started When He Dropped Out of School

Although the Galaxy Technology Company can develop the Galaxy T1 chip should not be underestimated. But you have to bypass the radio communication method to develop a brand new communication method, breaking the tradition, how easy is it?

First of all, in the eyes of many people, Galaxy Technology Company does not have huge financial resources to support it, and without huge financial resources to support it, it is bullshit to say anything!

At the same time, many people think that Galaxy Technology is a bit narrow-minded. Since it can't bypass Qualcomm's patent fortress, it can only pay the other party's patent fees, so that the Galaxy T1 chip will not be difficult to produce. Maybe we can continue to launch Galaxy T2 and Galaxy T3 chips in the future. Throwing the global chip industry in an all-round way! Rescue domestic chips from the fire and water!

But Xiao Jun is not the kind of person who only sees immediate benefits.

He knows that with the development of technology in this era, many patents are protected.

If he wants to develop in the long run and not be blood-washed by various patents in the Western world, he can only start from scratch and break the traditional monopoly!

I have to say that he has a big heart. If it were someone else, he would definitely not do this. The chances are too slim. But he is different, he has a life of cheating.

In the past few days, the employees of the entire Yinhe Technology Company have been a little depressed.

After all, in their eyes, this wave of operation of Galaxy Technology should be a loss-making business.

After finally developing a chip against the sky, this is the end.

"Okay, you all continue to work hard." Xiao Jun reassured the employees, in fact, he also knew the worries of these employees.

In fact, the development work of Galaxy Technology has nothing to do with them.

Both the super battery and the Galaxy T1 chip were developed by Xiao Jun himself. Besides, the chip sold to Huawei this time also earned 3 billion! He also earned a full 3 billion, after all, his chip does not require any research and development costs.

If it is another company, it needs to hire a lot of technical personnel to develop a chip, right? Need to hire a lot of employees? This salary is estimated to be an astronomical figure, plus a batch of advanced equipment and various materials.

Xiao Jun is different. His chip was designed by himself and Galaxy Butler, which refers to the chip in Halliday's virtual game console.

So it's just copying tofu according to the board, and many of them don't need to be experimented with.

"Now I can be regarded as a man with 5 billion! I have to plan how to spend this sum of money!" Xiao Jun thought to himself. In fact, he really wanted to build a building for his Galaxy technology. This building will serve as the headquarters of his group in the future.

"Forget it, let's wait a little longer."

After coming out of Yinhe Technology Company, he came to Yinhe Film and Television Special Effects Co., Ltd.

"Yang Jianzhuang, how are the orders going?" Xiao Jun asked.

Although he has been busy with Yinhe Technology's affairs recently, he seldom comes to the special effects company.

"Boss, we have already overfulfilled the order for the big Hollywood film "Shuttle into Other Worlds". Now it has been sent to the film studio over there. It is estimated that the follow-up payment will reach our company account in a short time." Yang Jianzhuang reported.

"That's right. I thought it would take a year, but I didn't expect you to finish it in eight months. Not bad!" Xiao Jun praised.

"It's all thanks to the boss's special effects software, it's really great!" Yang Jianzhuang said modestly.

"Other orders are currently progressing well, and they can basically be delivered on schedule! By the way, boss, we have received three more orders this month, all of which are at the level of tens of millions." Yang Jianzhuang added.

"That's right, I'll leave it to you to take care of the company's order progress and receiving orders. Remember, if you can't complete so many orders, don't take so many orders." Xiao Jun said solemnly.

"Yes!" Yang Jianzhuang also knew that even a world-class company like Weta only received seven or eight film orders a year. Of course, the other party's orders are basically orders for large movies.

He gave some instructions again, and then inspected the work situation of the company's employees. Xiao Jun left here.

Just as I was about to leave, my dad called.

"Son, is there any problem with your company? According to the news, it seems that you are forced to sell the Galaxy chip to Huawei this time, and it feels like you will lose money. How much did you spend on developing this chip?" Xiao Rui's rare caring voice came from the phone.

"It's okay, it didn't cost much. I'll make some money if I sell it!" Xiao Jun said with a smile. Now the outside world is generally reporting some negative news about Galaxy Technology, which will inevitably make the elders in the family worry.

"Hey, you must have told a lie, right? Don't you lie to me that I have read too much? I know that developing a chip requires an investment of billions or more. When you developed this chip, an investor must have invested money for you, right? Can the 3 billion sold to Huawei fill this hole? If not, our family still has 6 houses..." The always heartless old man suddenly started chattering today.

"I said that I really made a small fortune, why don't you believe it, Dad?" Xiao Jun was speechless.

"Really?" Xiao Rui asked worriedly. After all, he also knows that there are great risks in doing business.


In the end, Xiao Jun's father let him go after some reassurance.

At night, my girlfriend called again.

"Xiao Jun, have you eaten yet?" The two were in a video call, and Lin Xiaotong was putting on a mask at this time, and his face was a bit horrible.

"Eat, how about you? Don't you need to work overtime tonight?" Xiao Jun asked.

"The filming is over in the afternoon. But starting tomorrow, there will be a lot of rehearsals. I have a concert in Yangcheng next month!" Lin Xiaotong said.


"By the way, is your company okay recently? Has your chip investment recovered the cost?" Lin Xiaotong asked with concern.

"Of course the cost has been recovered. Why are you asking this? When did you care so much about my company?" Xiao Jun smiled wickedly. You must know that Lin Xiaotong usually doesn't care much about his company.

"Hey, aren't you afraid that you'll go bankrupt? Let me tell you, don't be so stubborn, tell me if you're losing money? But it doesn't matter if you're losing money, starting a business is quite difficult. If you really don't want to run a company, then I'll work hard to support you by singing in the future!" Lin Xiaotong continued with a serious face: "By the way, Xiao Jun, the three new songs you gave me last time landed on major music charts a week ago. Now it's been a while... So don't worry, I'm your last port, Tired, I will support you..."

Xiao Jun: ...

mmp, what is it? Why does everyone feel like they are losing money?

As for eating soft rice? Impossible in this life!

"Xiao Jun, why don't you talk? Are you very touched? It's okay, you can cry. I know that you are also under a lot of pressure to start a business, but it's a pity that I can't be by your side to comfort you now..." Lin Xiaotong continued to babble.

Xiao Jun: ...

"It's just that I raised you. Don't be so moved. I will give birth to monkeys for you in the future. Aren't you going to be so moved, hehehe..." Lin Xiaotong said with a smile.

"Ahem... Let me tell you, I really didn't lose money!" Xiao Jun said speechlessly.

"Okay, okay, I know. Can I trust you?"

Xiao Jun: ...

Very hurt!

The two chatted for a while before hanging up the phone. Xiao Jun said that he planned to visit Lin Xiaotong's concert next month.

That night, Xiao Jun went to bed very late.

Because he was thinking about a life problem!

He wants to drop out of Capital University!

He had considered this question for a long time, and now, he felt it was time to make a decision.

First of all, at present, Jingcheng University can't give Xiao Jun anything in terms of computer science. It's a waste of time for him to stay there.

Not to mention that Xiao Jun has learned countless computer knowledge by himself, all of which he learned from reading books or from Halliday. You must know that he has read most of the books in the library of Capital University! So scary.

Second, in addition to the knowledge he learned through self-study, Xiao Jun also got a hacker master skill card from the monthly rewards. His hacking skills are definitely the best in the world. Second, he also got a software program proficiency card, for which he has already belonged to the proficiency level in various fields.

Therefore, if he continues to read now, not only will the school fail to teach him anything, but it will waste time.

He felt that he might as well drop out of school obediently and devote enough time to his own business!

After all, he is very busy.

Besides, what, the richest man started when he dropped out of school!

Early the next morning, Xiao Jun drove a Ferrari 488 to Capital University!

It's been a month since school started after the summer vacation.

Xiao Jun did not go to the classroom, but went directly to the counselor.

Soon, Xiao Jun came to counselor Luo Huafeng's office.

"Hey, Xiao Jun, why don't you go to class and come to my place?" the counselor Luo Huafeng asked slightly surprised. Because their class is about to attend the first class today.

"Counselor, I want to quit school starting today!" Xiao Jun said lightly.

"What, dropping out of school?!" Luo Huafeng couldn't close his mouth in surprise, his eyes were wide open!

At Capital University, he only saw those who were dismissed by the school, but he had never seen the school drop out voluntarily!

What is this operation?

"Seriously?" Luo Huafeng still couldn't believe it.

"Yes." Xiao Jun nodded.

"Why? You should know that once you drop out, you won't be able to get a graduation certificate from Capital University. In the future, you will be graduating from high school!" Luo Huafeng asked with a puzzled expression. Although he knew that Xiao Jun was busy with starting a business, he didn't need to drop out of school, right?

"Because my current focus is on my company, I can only give up my studies." Xiao Jun didn't intend to pretend to be forceful, saying that the school had nothing to teach.