Chapter 221 Making Super Soldier Serum

Chapter 221 Making Super Soldier Serum

"Okay, I respect your decision!" Although Luo Huafeng felt it was a pity in his heart, he still respected Xiao Jun's choice. The main reason is that he saw that the company founded by Xiao Jun is now famous. Also invented the awesome Galaxy T1 chip. Although it was later sold to Huawei, it is enough to prove Xiao Jun's strength and courage. The other party is only 19 years old.

In the past, he felt that a student dropping out of school was a very hopeless thing.

After all, you have a graduation certificate from Capital University, and you can find a correspondingly good job wherever you look for a job. After climbing for a few more years, you may become an executive or start a business in the future.

But Xiao Jun's situation is different. He has started his own business, so should he work for others?

If you work for others, you will never be able to get ahead in your life. The only way to be your own boss is king!

The next thing is to go through the formalities and so on, Xiao Jun successfully dropped out of school!

His dropout brought a big impact to their class and the computer professionals next door.

"Hey, have you heard? Xiao Jun dropped out of school!"

"I heard that, I heard what Mo Kong said. It is said that people are now going to devote themselves to entrepreneurship."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Everyone is a top student, why is there such a big gap?"

"Yeah, everyone has a nine-year obligation, because the Mao family is so beautiful!"

"It is said that Xiao Jun started his business during the summer vacation after graduating from high school, and developed a lot of scientific research software by himself. I think that after I graduate, I will just enter a large Internet company to work. I will still be a part-time job! Now that I have knowledge and brains, I will develop some software programs while I still have time in college. I can't just wait for graduation to find a job. If I develop an amazing software or program and sell it for several million at once, won't I have money to start a business?"

"Hey, do you think that a good software or program system is so easy to develop?"

"Even if it's difficult, you have to face it. If you don't do it, you won't even have a chance of success."

At this moment, many students in Xiao Jun's class and those in the class next door are envious of Xiao Jun. Of course, there are also a small number of people who want to follow Xiao Jun's example and want to start their own businesses, starting with developing software programs and systems and selling them for money.

At home, after eating, Xiao Jun lay on the sofa thinking about life.

"I announced before that I would develop a new type of communication technology, and this plan must be done. But I have no idea now! This plan has to be done slowly, not too hastily." Xiao Jun thought in his heart.

Regarding communication, Xiao Jun still has some knowledge gaps. If he reads the current knowledge of the earth, it may not be of much help to him. After all, the current knowledge of earth communication still belongs to the traditional radio communication technology.

Since he wants to research a new communication technology, he has to start from other aspects!

For example, discuss with the top scholars in the group to see if they have new communication technologies and insights.

Xiao Jun: All members of the group, what new views do you have on communication technology? Are you all wireless communication technology over there?

Comet Takishima: Yes! Our side still belongs to wireless communication technology. Boss, do you want to learn about new communication technologies?

As soon as Takishima Hui heard this, he guessed that Xiao Jun must want to know about this aspect.

Sheldon: Boss, I am also in the stage of wireless communication technology here. You can ask Halliday, the world he lives in is a bit more advanced than ours, maybe it has different communication technology?

Tony: Group owner, what do you want to know about this technical knowledge? Do you want to invent this technology?

"Yes, the radio communication technology in the world I live in is protected by patents. If I develop a chip now, I will be sucked! mmp, so I want to develop a new type of communication technology in order to break the other party's monopoly!" Xiao Jun said.

"I see!" The group members all expressed their understanding.

Tony: Halliday.

Halliday: I'm really sorry for the group leader. Although the world I live in is more technologically advanced than yours, the current communication technology is also radio communication technology. No new communication technologies emerged. It's just that the radio communication technology has been developed to the peak, and now no matter where you are on the earth, you can communicate. Because many large companies have put a lot of effort into the technology of signal penetration.

"Okay, it seems that I should study it myself. By the way, you can also speak up." Xiao Jun said.

"I also think that the future communication technology will definitely break through the radio communication technology, but we haven't discovered a new communication medium yet." Tony spoke.

"Yes, I think the future communication may be able to reach the communication between galaxies, that is to say, the radio will definitely not be able to meet the requirements in this regard. Therefore, there will definitely be new communication technologies at that time. Just like in ancient times, if the ancient people saw the current mobile phone, they would definitely think it impossible to exist. But the mobile phone exists forcibly. Now we have not discovered this new communication method, which does not mean that there is no such thing. It is just that we have not discovered it yet!" Halliday also nodded in agreement.

"I think that if we want to invent a new type of communication technology, we must first change the communication medium. Radio communication uses electromagnetic waves, so we should find a medium that can replace electromagnetic waves or even be N times stronger than electromagnetic waves!" Sheldon said seriously.

"I think we should test first..."

The entire group of academic masters is immersed in discussing the topic of new communication.

But after discussing and researching for a long time, they didn't have any clue. Because a lot of it needs to be experimented with, not just talking about it.

"If the previous god of learning, Saiboda, is not dead, maybe we can ask him for advice. He can even develop a machine that travels through time and space. Maybe the time he is in is already using new communication methods." Tony patted his thigh.

"But this god of learning seems to have been cold for a long time." Sheldon sighed. The other party has not shown up for so long, it is estimated that he was killed by Skynet long ago.

Withdrew from the inside, Xiao Jun devoted himself to the research and development of the super soldier serum the next day!

At present, he can only focus on this work!

Because the new communication technology has to be developed slowly, we can only do this first.

The main reason is that some time ago he started to purchase materials for the development of super soldier serum, and now that all the materials have arrived, the development can also be carried out.

The super-soldier serum he developed was the perfect version, which was modified by Dr. Erskine. Xiao Jun didn't know how many times he needed to fail to make it.