Chapter 226 Shocking and Rewards

Chapter 226 Shocking and Rewards

"Wait a minute, now that Dr. Doom has joined my group, there will be group rewards to be collected by then. So he will become stronger and stronger! Doesn't it mean that he will be stronger than the historical version? Doesn't that mean that his opponents are under more pressure?" Xiao Jun suddenly wanted to mourn for Spider-Man, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Avengers, X-Men, Punisher, Blade Runner and others for three minutes.

Originally, Doctor Doom was strong enough, but now that he got this fake golden finger, wouldn't he want to go to heaven even more?

"Forget it, it's none of my business! Hello everyone is really nice. Regardless of the flood, I'm not in their world." Xiao Jun wondered if he cared too much. Besides, every world is subject to natural selection, and the strong are respected.

"Doctor Doom is a talent you must take good care of! If you can, you must learn from him." Xiao Jun knows that Doctor Doom is not only a genius in physics, but also proficient in various high-tech technologies such as robotics, cybernetics, genetics, weapon technology, biochemistry, and time travel. He is also a self-taught magician who has read various ancient magic books in Europe.

"Well, magic must take the opportunity to blackmail. I wonder if the world I live in can learn magic?" Xiao Jun is still a little skeptical. After all, the world of the Marvel universe is different. The Marvel universe even has gods, so it is not surprising to have magic. But Xiao Jun's world doesn't seem to have those things.

"Well, weapon technology, time travel and other high-tech technologies can be learned a lot." Xiao Jun thought YY. But it's not easy to get these things from this cunning guy.

If you threaten him with kicking him out of the group, he might not accept it! Even give yourself something fake. At that time, it will be difficult to solve the problem by yourself.

Now Xiao Jun intends to shock the other party first, and then slowly map it later. When he understands the seductive benefits of group rewards, if he is unwilling to hand over magic and technology, he will directly threaten him with kicking. If he is still indifferent, Xiao Jun doesn't want this kind of person to stay in the group either.

When Dr. Victor von Doom destroyed in the group, he kept getting information from Sheldon and others, and at the same time inquired about information about the world where Sheldon and others lived, Xiao Jun saw it all.

As expected of a cunning guy, he asked all the information he could understand when he came in! He didn't like this guy from the bottom of his heart.

"Victor von Doom! Let me tell you about the group rules. First, you can't let outsiders know about it. Second, this is a place for chatting and exchanging knowledge. If there is any behavior such as defrauding technology, I will directly kick you out of the group! Third, everyone is a group friend, and we should unite and love each other!" Xiao Jun said calmly. Except for the second one, the other two are bullshit.

He wants to let the other party know that he, the leader of the group, is still very capable and can kick people!

"Mr. Master, yes, I know!" Victor von Doom said neither humble nor overbearing when he saw the master coming. No flattery, no arrogance. This is the basic development of villains.

At this moment, Victor von Doom was also secretly startled, it turns out that the group leader can kick people! Once you kick it, you can't get in by yourself? He was still thinking, could this group leader be a protoss? Or the assistant of Chuangshi God? Manage this group?

He is crazy about exploring the mysteries of the universe, so he thinks a lot.

Because he felt that something could be implanted in his brain, and he could also chat in his mind, and at the same time, group rewards could be distributed across the universe. In this case, even taboo magic can't be done. Who can do it but the Creator God?

Xiao Jun just said a word and continued diving.

Then what, the group owner should be a little colder!

"Haha...Victor von Doom, student god, you are very lucky to join the group today. Because today is the day when the monthly rewards are distributed! You can witness how the group rewards are distributed to yourself!" Sheldon said with a smile.

"Really?" Victor von Doom was a little surprised. He was looking forward to this, but he didn't expect such a coincidence.

"Yeah, it's time to refresh!"

"Hurry up and get the reward red envelope!"

A monthly reward red envelope appeared in the group, and everyone received it one after another.

In the Marvel Universe, in a certain house on Earth.

Victor von Doom was in his head.

Victor von Doom's award

Looking at the red envelope, Victor von Doom chose to receive it.

"Ding... Congratulations to Victor von Doom, a member of the group of academic gods, for getting a spaceship design blueprint!"

In the next second, a blueprint appeared in Victor von Doom's hand.

Appear out of thin air!

"This... is really amazing!"

"There is no surge of magic elements at all, not even a surge of air flow, and it just appears in my hand out of thin air. How did it do it?" Victor von Doom felt a little scalp numb about this ability!

Feel like dreaming!

He took a look at the design drawings again, and with his high-tech genius, after roughly reading it, he felt that this spaceship was indeed beyond the technology of the earth where he was now. At least in terms of the power and weapons of the spacecraft, it does exceed it!

"Hey, with this spaceship, maybe I can explore the universe!" Victor von Doom's eyes revealed a trace of fanaticism!

Regardless of Victor von Doom, Xiao Jun is also receiving monthly rewards now.

"Ding dong... Congratulations to the group leader for getting a book on advanced knowledge of electrochemistry!"

"Did you get a book?" Xiao Jun was speechless.

Electrochemistry is the science that studies the relationship between electrical and chemical reactions. The interaction between electricity and chemical reactions can be completed by batteries or by high-voltage electrostatic discharge. The two are collectively referred to as electrochemistry, and the latter is a branch of electrochemistry called discharge chemistry. Due to the special name of discharge chemistry, electrochemistry is often referred to as "battery science".

Although Xiao Jun is not familiar with the knowledge in this field, he still knows the subjects in this field. After all, he is a man who has read most of the books in the library of Capital University!

Electrochemistry: The electrochemical technology and data knowledge recorded in it is 20 years ahead of the world!

"I'm sorry, so this book is still useful! If I have time, I can read it!" Xiao Jun finally heaved a sigh of relief, this book is still useful. At least the technology and knowledge recorded in it are 20 years more advanced than his current world, enough!